
The man behind Andrew Coleman at Swansea City ** Exclusive UPDATED

Another added feature to Andrew Coleman coming to Swansea City is the support he has from those close allies he has made since embarking upon a successful business career. One of those is close friend and personal confidant Ken Gude.

Like Coleman, Gude has moved to the Swansea area, in fact he did so around a week after Coleman and his family arrived. A forever golf partner of Coleman, in fact both are more than competent walking around with a stick, they featured regularly at golfing events stateside. Gude was in amongst the partners and decision makers at the New Paradigm Agency in the USA, who target every facet of PR. They help organisations plan, communicate, and succeed through the use of data, creativity, and experience. And that includes data insights which is fast becoming a well used ‘term’ in modern day football. Brett Cravatt who joined the Swansea board in the summer is deemed an expert in this field.

It seems though the draw of Wales for Gude and his family has determined a few big changes for him.

Help run ?

Gude was a ‘senior fellow’ at the centre for American progress for fifteen years and is an avid writer on American studies. Previously he has questioned Donald Trump’s invasive comments and anti muslim rhetoric referencing his policies as ‘knee jerk’ and factually wrong - threatening the well being of Muslims in the USA. Prior to joining the Center for American Progress, he worked at the Council on Foreign Relations, the Center for National Security Studies, and at the Institute for Public Policy Research in the U.K. He has also collaborated with numerous international policy and advocacy organizations, including the Foundation for European Progressive Studies and the Global Progress Network. He worked for the British Labour Party and has advised progressive political parties in Europe and elsewhere around the world. Ken is also a Partner at New Paradigm Agency, a public affairs and communications consulting firm.

His political involvement is extensive, in the USA he spoke regards the closure of Guantanamo Bay from his personal and political viewpoint. This is no run of the mill associate of Coleman, he is an exceptionally intelligent and focussed person. A taste of his political viewpoint was seen in the Guardian after the Brussels and Paris attacks in 2016.

The first question that Swans fans will ask is at what cost to Swansea City ? It is a viable question, and for Gude and his family to be in the Swansea area pretty much full time during Andy Coleman’s tenure surely won’t come cheap ? The Chairman alone hasn’t divulged his salary, however in any business you are paid your worth for a period of time, that’s for sure. Coleman won’t be sitting behind his desk making monumental decisions on behalf of Swansea City for nothing we presume ? However, he is looking after his investment as well as guiding the club in what he perceives as the right direction, and early signs are good. It has to be a cost effective appointment for Coleman and Gude.

And yes, Gude and his family will be as much involved as Coleman.

It may come as a surprise to Swans fans that another facet of the new regime is someone who they haven’t really heard of, but our inquiries to make matters smoother don’t always receive the best attention. That’s more of a matter for Swansea City FC than this website. As ever, we always reach our goals regardless of the assistance we get. We wish Ken Gude, his family and of course Andy Coleman and his family the very best as they settle in to what will be a challenging and it has to be said brave choice of environment.

Will it work ? Time will only tell.

Gude political Reference : The Guardian

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