
Tickle Tackle: Derby County FC - Apathy rules

It's ironic that apathy has stung me into writing this column and it's apathy that I suggest we all take up for a time when dealing with Derby County FC.

Another transfer window has come and gone and yet again, Derby County has missed the opportunity to strengthen (even though we've repeatedly been told that's what the aim is). In fact, you wouldn't have to argue too hard that we're weaker today than we were at the beginning of the year.

Frankly, I don't believe anything anyone says any more. There's no sign of any leadership or direction and one of my no doubt many faults is I don't have much time for anyone who has the power to help themselves but doesn't. If the club doesn't get its act together and demonstrate even a modicum of ambition then I'm not sure I care any more.

The owners' investments are managed by GSE and one can only assume those owners want to see a return on those investments. That can happen in a couple of ways, either by growing the club or by letting it bumble along and produce a mediocre but consistent revenue stream from its loyal supporters.

There certainly seems to be no sign of the former and if it's the latter, I think it's high time we as supporters gave GSE and the owners a bit of a wake-up call.

I always chuckle when a trade union calls for a "day of action" and goes on strike. I always think it should be called a "day of inaction". Well maybe it's time for something similar regarding Derby County FC.

Demonstrations outside the stadium aren't going to do any good. The owners are all thousands of miles away on foreign shores and any such demonstrations aren't going to embarrass them any. They're not physically going to be running the gauntlet of a bunch of angry fans. Ultimately, as I've already said, they're in it for a return on their investment and it's only that which will make them sit up and take notice.

I'm suggesting that we all become completely apathetic about DCFC for a time. Don't give them your money either by spending in the superstore or online , don't go  to games, don't even visit the official website. By any indicator they have, let them see people are losing interest in the club

Let them realize just how bad it could get if those loyal fans were lost to the club. Let them see rows of empty seats. Let them see an empty superstore. Let them see that revenue stream shrink.

Even if you're a season ticket holder I suggest you consider not going to the next few home games. You might argue that you've paid out good money so you're entitled to your money's worth but consider this. Football is all about entertainment. Do you come away from Pride Park feeling you've been entertained and have enjoyed your "matchday experience"?

Well my logic is that your season ticket money is written off - you're not going to get that back whatever happens. If that couple of hours at PPS isn't enjoyable you might as well find something to do for a couple of hours that you will enjoy.

Oh and don't just do this for one game, do it for several, especially for the televised game against Leicester. Let Sky focus on rows of empty seats and let them discuss the whys and wherefores.

Maybe a bit of apathy will cause the owners to kick GSE's backside and get them to manage their investment properly for a better return or maybe even they'll decide to get out altogether and sell the club. However, whether the ideal football club owner even exists any more is debatable.

Unfortunately, I think if you want to have a successful club in the traditional sense, then you probably have to take the various warts that come with that. At the moment though, Derby County fans are having to suffer the warts without the success. Where's the point in that?

What to read next:

Jimmy Keohane Goes Home
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Rodney Signs New Deal
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Dale centre half George Nevett is now being linked with a big move to Peterborough United.
Three Scholars Offered New Deals
The club have now released their retained list for the Academy Scholars with three players offered new deals.
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Into The Unknown by Chris Fitzgerald
Our very own messageboard regular Chris Fitzgerald has penned another book called Into The Unknown and it's out 1st July
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Dale have signed Finlay Armstrong on a free transfer following a loan spell last season.
Ebanks-Landell Signs New Deal
Dale skipper Ethan Ebanks-Landell has signed a new contract to stay at Spotland.