| Forum Thread | A Very Big incandescent light shone on the MANAGER at 22:59 21 Aug 2022
. It's surely time now to stop deflecting and focus all eyes wide open on Martin, our failing, failed manager. Threads today deflecting blame on the Owners is such the red herring right now. A pathetic sideshow which ofc drew in the gullible, as per. The light is now shone incandescently on the MANAGER, the failing, flailing on the ropes without style nor grace, Russell Martin. Martin's most recent PR nonsense shows why he has to go tomorrow. This, together with all the reasons already addressed ad infinitum by some of the top posters on this site over the past months. The deflectionism by Martin and the Meek Martinistas here is now beyond embarrassing. Neither of whom have yet to proffer any cogent rationale for sticking with brand Martin. Martin waffles and deflects - just like the Martinistas here. Utterly cringe, in so many ways. Winter is now a mute CEO who has thrown all his eggs in Martin's basket case of a 'process', playing strategy, and pyss poor man-management mumbo jumbo nonsense. Winter is also turning a blind eye, just like the meek Martinistas here. All this gumpf about: he needs 10 games. FFS he's had several 10 games too many to show and shmooze. Surely the hardest of thinking can now See, eyes wide shut ? Martin out, tomorrow........ |
 | Forum Thread | Joe Allen: Player Manager at 03:29 17 Aug 2022
. Get rid of Martin and his entire crew debacle. Apparently, by all accounts. Let's get back to playing the way WE know best. I know for a fact that Allen was brought back for that purpose - a proper meeting of minds with Allen and Jake. There's no wonder martin is as agitated and nervous as he appears nowadays. Almost beyond inexplicably fraught, oftentimes. . . |
 | Forum Thread | Mediocre Mid-table Martin : Martin Out, Now at 23:37 16 Aug 2022
. Many of us are fed up with enduring Martin's shite show of mediocrity, PR spin and no substance. We deserve far better. No substance : results, performances and PR spin. PR spin from Martin and his cohorts in the media, looking to please. It's so cringe. We need and deserve far more balanced reporting on the shite show that Martin is giving us right now. And we need a manager who can optimise our limited resources to give us Winning, Effective & Efficient Football again. Martin Out, along with his hangers on who always offer nothing other than blind, irrational faith. Even tonight, ffs. Enough . . |
 | Forum Thread | Rules of Engagement: Johnalot at 21:36 11 Aug 2022
It would be good to get some clarity from you on the current Rules of what's acceptable to post and what isn't. I absolutely get the Charity thread sentiment posted by Keith. However when it gets to the stage that far more intelligent folk than you are confused by your modus operandi on here nowadays, you need to act, and provide some clarity. Many threads have been deleted by you. Many posts have been deleted - all without rationale nor explanation. Confusion abounds. I have recently had a fair few posts deleted by you - with no explanation, whatsoever. Yet similar posts by less intelligent happy clapper sheeple are not deleted. What the heck ? For the avoidance of doubt, John - Please set out, in your own words, the current Rules of Engagement, John. TIA...... .. |
 | Forum Thread | Ogbeta and our latent talents.... at 20:58 11 Aug 2022
....going to waste. I understand that although Nat is loving life down in Swansea Bay he is highly disillusioned with Russell Martin and his stuck-in-his-ways outlook. He keeps the faith (in himself), but not the manager. Ogbeta is a player who loves to roam, to drive wide, drive inside and get high up the pitch. To penetrate and not dawdle. Martin's now infamous brand of dawdling football is not suited to his go-get, go-fwd mindset. The mindset inculcated at Man City under Pep. Martin has stifled his game, massively. The dawdling, check-back, check-inside, stop-go nature of Martin's dawdling game is stifling Ogbeta's and many others' development. And is ultimately our downfall. Martin Out - and allow some of our exciting go-get young players to flourish. . |
 | Forum Thread | Farke Off at 23:56 10 Mar 2022
Out of Krasnodar. Russia. Precisely the type of manager we deserve. Proper sleeves up, no nonsense pragmatic winning football, at this level.  No ego, no PR-machine spin. No puerile toys out the pram. No histrionics. No wrong pegs and wrong holes. Knows how to get promoted playing a high tempo go-fwd winning brand. We have the players. Go get him Jake ;-) |
 | Forum Thread | Obafemi scores for Swansea at 21:21 5 Feb 2022
. Let's all hope Obafemi continues now to score more goals for Swansea, a la his idol Bony. The joy of hearing the Bony song is massive. We need him. We need that cutting edge up top. . |
 | Forum Thread | Cyrus, sign for Us at 16:43 22 Jan 2022
. Is Everything we need and want on the right. Solid going back, dynamic going forward, bags of intelligence and clever know how. The right fit, in so many ways. And a top bloke, loves it here, by all accounts. . . |
 | Forum Thread | Darling, the missing link at 22:01 16 Jan 2022
. The solid, physical, driving, confident, assured CB we need to Unleash Grimes and Downes of their overly defensive CDM/CB duties. And kick on, in so many ways. Fisher - Darling - Grimes-Downes - Ntcham-Pato - Piroe A winning spine. With Oba's pace, and Joseph's pace and endeavour; Christie's confidence; Kyle's confidence, maturity and know-how; Cabango's ambition; Manning's guile and utility; Bennett's back up. We don't need O'Reilly, unless Pato's off. . . |
 | Forum Thread | OHL at 19:07 27 Nov 2021
. Swimming against the tide is a graft, an art, a gift. Some of us grafters are also are gifted with the ability to SEE things differently form the masses. This ability sparks the delta for change, time immemorial. On this forum (or any) forum there is only ever a handful of posters that have this ability. To SEE. The masses will LOOK, but very rarely SEE. OHL is one of the few on here that SEE. And isn't ever afraid of expressing what he SEES. This forum is unrivalled and applauded for giving the headroom to allow many posters to express. And to express without the constant threat of being ousted, ridiculed or even banned for expressing an opinion or two against the masses. Bravo to this forum for creating this pretty unique environment for fair and open dialogue. Long live OHL, and the strong that are never, ever afraid or bullied to say what they think. . . [Post edited 27 Nov 2021 19:10]
 | Forum Thread | Downes, and out at 16:58 27 Nov 2021
A waste of a midfield slot behind Grimes We are so too defensive with Downes anchoring Grimes. In the 94rd minute today he was our last man defender, wtf. He had moments previously flunked his lines in a 'Back 4 ', gifting Reading a corner in the dying minutes. Yet some on here have wanted him to replace our very Best player, captain and leader. Grimesy. Twp as. . . [Post edited 27 Nov 2021 16:59]
 | Forum Thread | A breath of fresh air at 23:22 29 Oct 2021
. The Cleansing seems to have worked. Well done to the team for ridding this exemplar forum of the school playground antics of the bully boys n girls. The tongue tied absentees are conspicuous in their joyous absence. Now hamstrung from venting, abusing and lashing out. Their silence is golden. The abusive name calling and trolling was ruining this forum. This, the last bastion of Forum civility was creaking under the hefty weight of the usual trolls and gang members. So uplifting to log in and see proper grown up dialogue again. Like the old days, much like our football is becoming. In fact I see many more posters now contributing again. Let's hope this new normal new world on here, is here to stay. Thanks to the mods. . . |
 | Forum Thread | Concept vs Reality: brand Martin at 22:42 27 Oct 2021
. This is the question, right now. All Concept and no real substance ? One of the hottest topics in the corridors of power. The ayes have it, I say. All concept and no real, proper substance. Martin's brand shouts all Concept, and no Reality. He's like an interior Designer positioning partitions, shaping style, colour swatches and cushions. Whereas in reality the senior players, the Chief Architects for making things happen on the pitch, as we build and find a way of winning with Plan B, deliver as best as they can - despite, not because of the flamboyant Design Concepts (Plan A). So far in his managerial career Martin is clearly all Concept with mediocre results. The harsh Reality right now is all about winning. Flamboyant design concepts need to be consigned to the managerial filing cabinet, under M for....Martin, mediocre. 16th in the table, unheard of, in yonks. The investors are all about a winning Reality, not Conceptual design. There's much at stake, especially right now. It's time to deliver Reality with a proper Plan B, where Designer, Chief Architects and the entire team are fully aligned and delivering. . . |
 | Forum Thread | Jamie Paterson our very own Bergkamp at 14:23 17 Oct 2021
. Despite being nigh on 30, plays with the zip and zest of a very very clever 19 year old. Is totally everything that typifies a Russell Martin team player. And has become the focal point for our cutting edge in the final third. Fit as a butcher's dog. His clever, fast, deft footwork at the final whistle was so apt. . . |
 | Forum Thread | Effective and Efficient Football = Winning at 00:27 6 Oct 2021
. Effective and Efficient Football = Winning. It's our business, to Win. Effective = Doing the Right Things Efficient = Doing The Right Things Well Our US investors will be constantly monitoring our business model performance to gauge how we are doing against our competitors. This year - we don't do the Right Things, to Win. Our manager seems unable to focus on doing the Right Things to Win a football match. Last 2 years we were Highly Effective and Efficient, hence our massive relative achievements. Up there, nigh on Best In Class in this league. This year we have spent unprecedented amounts. And yet we continue to be languishing with not very clever, highly ineffective, bottom quartile efficient. Hence we are hovering perilously just above the drop zone, by a thread. It ain't no coincidence. This really ain't difficult. Any organisation that wants to succeed, be up there as the Best In Class, needs to be the most Effective and the most Efficient. Martine needs some help, he lacks focus. Lacks focus on winning. Lacks the ability to recognise Highly effective and Efficient football. Something the US Owners will be well versed in - Best In Class Investment. (PS - global Advisory firms make billions from the advice above - let's hope Martin (and some of our twper followers) pay heed from this free advice - (though I know how far it will wash over the heads of the many)). . . |
 | Forum Thread | Overwhelming verdict on Cooper's future at 20:08 15 Jun 2021
https://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/swansea-city-fans-del Very surprised this article and Poll hasn't had a mention on here as yet. ' Out of 1,902 responses, 74 per cent said yes, they wanted the 41-year-old to continue in his role at the Liberty, testament to the job he has done in SA1.' No doubt Coops is off to one of his many suitors in the Premier league, however should he decide to stay (on improved terms) he knows he can count on at least 3 out of 4 fans at the Liberty, most especially when he reaches out for that rousing fist-pumping support. Worth clicking on the embedded article by Guto too - smart guy is Guto. |
 | Forum Thread | Grimes Unchained at 00:17 18 May 2021
A massive win and exceptionally clever performance tonight. Grimes was the epitome of everything that is good about us under Cooper. Clever, calm, assured, measured, confident, exuberant at times. A winner. Grimes is our heartbeat, the metronome that keeps us ticking, fighting, linking. Our extra man in defence. Our conscience. Yet I would love to see him in a more advanced role. Doing the same yet in the Red Action Zone, pressing their DCM and backline. We could raise the bar and totally smash all-comers. Our best player is now needed to orchestrate further up field in our quest for promo. He has all the leadership, respect and broad shoulders to make the difference. He's one of the best in the league in DCM/CM and is our heartbeat when we're looking to build patiently from the back through our fulcrum. Yet it's time to unchain him to leverage his tenacity, vision and drive to get some tempo and ZIP ZIP ZIP where it hurts. And propel us through the playoffs and beyond. If anyone witnessed his 2nd half against Yeovil under Potter (2018) - he lit up the game in that space and scored a cracker. Potter knew then he had a gem (but oddly didn't have the know how to best utilise that latent match-winning talent). He's the nearest we have to a Cantwell or MGW. Match winners (esp sitting behind out and out strikers). Switch Grimes and Fulton - I'm sure they will both flourish in their more naturally potent roles. Fulton has shown maturity to not hide as he once did - he can be trusted to anchor, to receive 1st phase and look ahead to Grimes, Ayew in 2nd phase. Time for Cooper to unleash the Tarantino in himself and Unchain Grimes to make those match-winning decisions for himself., in the final third. (ps - forget Shulz, Frank's a sideshow) |
 | Forum Thread | Cooperball, a winning formula at 20:43 13 Apr 2021
Without a shadow of doubt. 3rd in the league. Most likely another playoff at the least, yet again. Playing a fluid frontline with frontmen that can cut in and score with aplomb, a clever hard working, skilful midfield and one of the most solid of defences in this league. And a massive collective inner belief among the players, the management team and the ongoing strategies (rotation, subs, personnel selection) methods and matchday tactics. That's Cooperball. [Post edited 14 Apr 2021 0:46]
 | Forum Thread | Exceeding Expectations at 23:23 9 Mar 2021
Despite the doom and gloom of some of our weak, entitled passive supporters we are massively exceeding expectations. The weak willed sheeple need to take some time to think, clearly. - joint 2nd in the league with a game in hand - win the game in hand, 3 points clear of the chasing pack - 2nd in games lost - joint 2nd with leaders Norwich in # goals against - for the run-in : - recently beaten leaders Norwich 2-0 - beaten leading contenders Watford - drew with main rivals Brentford - smashed most in-form team Barnsley 2-0 twice - 10 pts ahead of Play-off chasers ex-prem league Bournemouth, with a game in hand - 12 pts ahead of arch rivals Crapdiff, with a game in hand - Outfoxed the wiliest Warnock and O'Neill, and Hughton All on a relative shoestring. For the twps that always say "Yeah, but No, We Should OF".
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 | Forum Thread | Winter of Discontent at 23:21 7 Dec 2020
Is our CEO a malcontent like some of our fans, unhappy with Cooper's progress and modus operandi ? Or has he seen enough in Cooper and his accomplishments to back him in the winter transfer window ? Early season murmurings were the former with rumours and bitter forum threads (elsewhere) urging 'Cooper Out'. In the absence of fans at matches, Winter's team will be trawling the various fans' forums to gauge fans' sentiment. Cooper got resounding support on this forum. We need an out-and-out striker to give us the chance of promotion. We need Ayew, Grimes and Connor to stay. Let's hope Winter is more than content to back Cooper. .
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