| Forum Thread | 1975 ish We score 7 or so and our players console keeper on his debut at 21:58 16 Feb 2025
I hope someone can help me with this query as I need the answer for (of all things) a funeral service on this Friday for my mum (lifelong R's supporter from Askew Road). There was a home game, mid 70s, where we scored 7 goals (I recall but may be wrong) and the goal keeper for the other side (Perhaps a Sheffield side but probably wrong) was playing his first senior game. At the end of the game, the Rangers players, Bowles, Venables, Francis went over to the keeper and walked off with him, putting their arms around him! It was shown on the Big Match the next day and Brian Moore pointed out the empathy and consideration of the players for having done so. Can someone please help me - correcting me if I am wrong re the score! [Post edited 16 Feb 22:14]
 | Forum Thread | New Year's Resolution- Do something different at a free kick and, yea, we score at 00:03 2 Jan 2025
At long long last we have tried something different at a free kick and yet again it has worked. As some will know, I have bemoaned our tendwency to waste free kicks and have wanted us to try the short pass alongside the wall and get behind the wall, taking them out of the game. We did it once last year...and scored and I have been pushing for something different at a free kick and, what do you know...we don't just pump it in there for a 50 50 header and we don't just blast it over the bar, we playy a measured pass and score. Brilliant! Do it more often guys and keep the other teams guessing! |
 | Forum Thread | Sorry Paal at 13:34 27 Dec 2024
Don't get me wrong, I DO actually like Ken Paal - but only in his attacking format. I have griped and moaned (as many will know and probably will comment) for the last two seasons and despair at his defending! How many times are we going to see Paal beaten and a cross come in from close quarters or the goal line to the centre of the box leading to a simple tap in. Time and time again the ball goes to our right and 15 seconds later they score a goal. (This is how sensitised to this weakness I am, I couldn't watch the match yesterday but was keeping track and asked someone who was at the ground whether any of the first two were balls played past Paal and crossed in to the centre and sure enough one was! I'm not psychic, so how did I know that this WOULD be the case? - and if I know this, other teams know this, but clearly Ken doesn't get it! Surely they analyse and break down who should have done what for each goal and learn from things don't they? In any job, you WILL make mistakes but the key is to learn from them and not keeping doing more of the same? Teams playing us probably rub their hands with goal inspired glee when they see Paal on the play sheet as a defender.🤔🤬. We were unlucky with the third but their second, which put us under pressure was, in my opinion, due to Paal's continued lack of awareness and reaction. But hey, I am probably once again talking rubbish and someone will advise me as such and cite that he does an outstanding job in defence, and clears balls off the line etc. [Post edited 27 Dec 2024 13:39]
 | Forum Thread | Not a rant but a serious question re the mindset of shooting and passing at 14:15 12 Dec 2024
I never played football at any level and recalling lunchtime playground 'kickarounds' if the ball ever came to me in an attacking and shooting position I just hit it and probably had a success rate of under 10%. I did however play rugby and when passing the ball had 'instant' thought before the ball left my hands, a focus as to where the the ball 'needed' to go - I didn't just throw it 'wildly' as my football shooting prowess. So firstly, considering the passing we see from our hooped professionals, I have to ask (because I really do not understand why so many balls are being passed tot he opponents or into areas where there is absolutely no hooped shirt) 'Do they actually have the same 'instant' thought before passing that clearly rugby players, basket ball players, netball players have- to ENSURE it goes to their intended recipient or do they just kick the ball thoughtlessly? It happens so often and I (together with those I stand with) are bemused and I regularly hear "Why would you DO that?" so often ! Now considering shooting and there is obviously a difference in a shot coming from an immediate opportunity and one where the player is in control. Koki, last night, clearly had control, thought and intent and curled the ball just past the post. Whereas for the last couple of games, i have seen Paul Smyth in the same situation and position on the field cut in and then raise the ball high and wide. Each time he does this, he smacks himself (not to learn but because we are not allowed on the pitch and he knows if we were someone would do it for him!). Then we see Varanne fire over the bar and so often Chair cutting in from the left and last night, Kholi just kicking the ball high over the bar and not hitting the target. So do strikers actually think "I must hit the target!" before they shoot or, like me , in the school playground, do they just kick and hope without any thought of hitting the target?" As I say, my successful playground shooting percentage was under 10%, my rugby passing was way above that but what of the percentages our professionals have re hitting the target and forcing a save? Once again, I expect some ridicule and critical posts for asking but it IS a serious question...Do they think before they 'Do' or is it 'kick without thought?' |
 | Forum Thread | Why?? at 16:51 25 Nov 2024
Why........ are we not able to shoot without it flying over the bar? doesn't the shooting coach address this? can't the players think (for a split second) 'keep it down!'? do we keep kicking balls to (i) the other team or (ii) to no one? do teams cut us apart through the middle? cannot we retain the ball from a throw in? do we keep playing high balls in the centre to Celar to flick on to nobody? do we keep kicking the ball to the touchline and expecting Jimmy to head it to one of our players? do we think crossing the ball at free kicks will bring thumping headers and bulging nets? do we keep thinking that doing the same thing will bring results? does Paal and others allow players to cut through to the goal line on our left but we seldom make the same incisive passes when we attack? do other keepers keep having a blinder of a game with save upon save? do we keep turning attack into defense and their scoring? is Celar (and Frey for that matter) late to the dance wherever the ball is? does it bother me so much that the players cannot address this? I don't expect any answers but I thought I'd ask the questions ( I often ask) so the players can have a little think about it! Yep, I expect lots of derisory comments (as per usual...go ahead) but at least I've asked the questions some of you are thinking need asking! [Post edited 25 Nov 2024 16:53]
 | Forum Thread | Celar and Freys' watches at 16:53 8 Nov 2024
When my brother and I were small my dad, used tosecretely put our watches back an hour when we were asl;eep and having said we could get up and open presents at 7.00am on Christmas morning, we did but it was actually 8.00am. Later he would advance them back to normal time. Please could someone at the club do something similar to Frey and Celar's watches but not to set them back - but to advance them (only by 5 seconds or so) before each game (and then reset them after the game). That is all I think is required to get them to be where the ball is going to be so they can do their job that they are highly paid to do and not be consistently 5 seconds late! (Just a suggestion) [Post edited 8 Nov 2024 16:54]
 | Forum Thread | Parental Control at 16:43 8 Nov 2024
Parents please please can you teach your children that when we are losing and need to try and score, the act of NOT giving the ball back to the keeper or other team works against us, is not clever and demonstrates either some idiotic upbringing by the parent (you!!) whereby the kids think its what their parents (you) want them to do OR the kid just doesn't get it and should not be at the game. I openly admit that each time I pay money to see the team and we are losing and I see your child do this I will call him (less frequently her and hopefully never 'they') AN IDIOT ! and I believe it will catch on! Be an educating parent and don't let your child grow up to be an imbecile! Or at least give them a placard so we know in advance and can take the ball off them, something like this will do |
 | Forum Thread | A Definition of Madness (or, at least, How to make the supporters mad!) at 16:35 8 Nov 2024
Do the same thing, again and again and again and again and then again knowing that it did not work the first, second, third, fourth or fifth thinking it is going to work and never, not once, not ever, no way, no cookies trying something different! Free kicks: Time and again we cross the ball and expecting a powerful header to hit the back of the net (or miss the goalkeeper) ......this is NOT going to happen! Option: Try something different, an overlap and short pass to get behind the wall or a pass to the side and a shot (on target)?? Do somewthing different! Supplying our £2m centre forward (I can't bring myself to use the word Stri..r !): Time and again we pump high balls to him and he jumps (that's worth £500k of anyone's money) and he flicks it on (again another £500K worth) but to no one! Option: Play the ball to his feet, cut through the midfield and let him turn and shoot..it is what others have been doing to us. Our Corners: Cross the ball and hit the first defender, or let the keeper catch it or over kick it and have no one backing up. Option: Watch videos of what teams do to us! Their corners: Have small and fast players on the goal line or in the 6 yard box (i'm old) and tall, lanky and slow players further out such that, IF we get the ball (and it is not in the net) we have no one in the outfield to clear to and break away. Option: Have small fast players in the outfield of on the edge of the box ready to run to wings Goal Kicks (long): Have everyone muster to the righthand side, leaving all of the left side of the pitch un-manned, keeper kicks long and 'hopes' that Jimmy Dunne heads it -the chances being 25% it goes into touch, 25% he heads it and they get it, 49% they get it and break and 1% we retain possession. Option: Do the foregoing four times but on the fifth (coaches please note this is not ALWAYS the fifth every game) but then have two small fast players hold back (more to the middle of the pitch butr still 'inside' the defending perimeter. Then have the keeper kick left and the two fast players run to the ball, one overlaps the other, whilst the tall heading players run into the box! Chances are 75%-25% we retain possession and have a scoring chance! Shooting: Time and again, prior to the game, we see the players line up and shoot at the practice goal and are on target then, during the game (aside from the other night and Dieng's heroics) we don't shoot or when we do, it is blocked or misses the target. Option: Duriommng the pre-game shooiting practice, have some dummies dressed in the visitors colours, in front of the practice goal, so that they get used to shooting at a target with people in the way! How difficult are any of the foregoing 'Options' and I am sure that there are many others. So why OH Why (or as you may often hear coming from the lower loft "WHHHHYYYY?????' ) do we keep doing the same old things, game after game? |
 | Forum Thread | Fundamentals at 11:37 20 Oct 2024
1. Shooting- aim at the gap inside that white posty thing as opposed to hitting the ball with all your might. We had three decent chances before they equalised and each was blasted over the bar (by some distance!). What is the point of practicing shooting before the game if during it you don't know what to do and panic? 2. Throw ins- Both hands hold the ball, pass it back over your head, then forward and let go- ensure it goes to one of your players and we keep the ball. 3. Ball control- Your feet are better at controlling the ball than your head. Stop the random head tennis. Anticpate the ball coming to your feet as opposed to hitting your legs and going into touch or to their side! 4. Defending - tackle and don't let them get behind you, if anything put the ball out of play. (Paal and Fox are attrocious at this!) 5. One on one - if you are through shoot even if it is on your weaker foot and hit the target. Practice shooting with your weaker foot. 6. Free Kicks- Do something different than always lofting the ball into a packed area. Short passes behind/ alongside the wall to get behind them. 7. Stop pointless 'flick ons' by Frey- Sinclair Armstrong is not there anymore and it rarely worked/works. Who is Frey actually meant to be flicking the ball to?? 8 Centre Forward- learn to anticipate. Sit the strikers and wingers down (as if they were taking a driving safety test) and show them scenarios. For example...Mr Frey, your winger has the ball and has got round the back, if he crosses the ball are you really going to be in a position to head it? If not then we shall ALWAYS ask him to fire the ball in hard and low and you have to anticipate that! Yesterday was terrible and it is basic fundamentals that we just do not seem to be able to grasp. I don't see this as Marti as much as the players BUT I do wonder what they had been focussing on in training during the two week break [Post edited 20 Oct 2024 12:29]
 | Forum Thread | Are we weak at left back?? at 13:52 28 Jul 2024
Not a criticism, not a moan but an observation which I hope the team have seen. Time and again for the last two seasons goals have come from teams getting round the back and Paal not being able (or willing) to commit to tackling and it is noticeable that the goal came from that same area yesterday. Does Paal need support on our left? |
 | Forum Thread | Crawley Town F.C. at 17:15 20 May 2024
Have to say I was very impressed at Crawley's style of play and passing ability. I'm sure some will come back and say that this is solely because they are in lower league and it is easier and more open but, nonetheless, I wouldn't mind seeing that sort of play week in week out and promotion too! Any thoughts as to our poaching any of them because they seemed to be making an effort as opposed to 'others' we have secured from League 1 (now gone from our books- phew!) [Post edited 20 May 2024 17:15]
 | Forum Thread | Refereeing and Assistant Refereeing at 16:47 16 May 2024
I'll try to set the background (as brief as poss) and then ask the question. Two separate games (of many) watched this season Game 1: Two assistant referees and one referee. Scenario 1 Game 1: Ball goes out of play on side line, assistant looks at referee, referee points, THEN assistant raises flag to indicate throw in . Scenario 2 Game 1: There is an obvious foul directly in front of assitant but no flag, referee blows whistle for a foul and points indicating the direction of play arising from the foul (or of course arm aloft for indirect) THEN assistant raises flag to indicate foul. Game 2 Two different assistant referees and one different referee. Scenario 1 Game 2: Ball goes out of play on side line, assistant immediately raises flag to indicate throw in, referee points to indicate throw in . Scenario 2 Game 2: There is an obvious foul directly in front of assitant, assitant raises and waves flag to indicate foul play, referee blows whistle for a foul and points indicating the direction of play arising from the foul (or of course arm aloft for indirect). Clearly there is a difference in what the assistant referees do in Game 1 from Game 2 If we see the refereeing as described in Game 2 and then, the next game the refereeing is as Game 1, we get annoyed and abuse the assistant refs for not flagging and or abuse the ref. I have tried to understand this disparity in the officiating that an assistant has and when he raises hs flag (aside from offsides and corners) and have been advised, by both referees and assitants, as follows: PRIOR to commencement of game, in the dressing room, the refereee advises his assistants what he wants them to flag for with respect to foul play and ball in touch. Some refs say that they want the assitants help (and we get the game 2 indication and the assitant involved in the game) However.... and this is the point and the background In other games the referee advises the assistants that he SOLELY wants them to look for and flag for offside and corner/goal kicks and NOTHING ELSE as he will decide! If this IS the case (and from the refereeing and assistants in the Championship and other divisions can someone please explain straight (as opposed to humour or sarcasm please) 1: Why it changes from game to game- a nonsense surely?! 2: Why the crowd cannot be told which form of officiating we shall be watching over the PA prior to the start of the game? There is a trend to try and prevent side line abuse and referee abuse but IF, from one game to the next you don't know if the game is being run by one pair of eyes or three pairs of eyes, THEN the crowd IS going to get infuriated when the assistant refuses to raise his flag- solely because the referee has told him before the game NOT TO! It seems a madness but, now that it has been explained to me that it is the referee who decides (and we know what some of them are like) I would like to know where to correctly direct my frustration and not start singing " Lino Lino you're a (whatever)!" when, in reality it is to the referee! Yes, there are a lot of sarcastic and humorous replies possible here but, trying to be serious, could someone please answer and explain this disparity in officiating matches. [Post edited 16 May 2024 16:50]
 | Forum Thread | JCS - We know what we need to do !! at 14:54 15 Apr 2024
Great that at least one of the players knows and but not sure if, in saying ‘we’ he means ‘more than one’ or if it is a royal we and he just means ‘he knows’!! Just in case any of the team, their agents, friends or close relatives are looking in, and as an easy to remember catch net on what to do or not do Please score more goals than the other team Please do what you are paid very well to do Lyndon, Chris, etc - the ball has go into that area between the white posts that Asmir is not flapping in!! Lyndon, please try to gain a few yards and try to anticipate where the ball is going instead of standing and watching it! Sinclair - please note that you don't have to get so close to the defender you are chasing such that he can fall ove and draw a foul. If you touch them- they will fall!! It's not difficult! Ilias- you dont have to try and mimic Hull's first goal - a great cut in from the left and curling shot into the top corner- EVERY time you cut in from the left! Try something different at free kicks - you did it once and we scored! Use the overlap more Asmir, please stick a rocket where it needs to go and realise we HAVE to win games so don't take all the time in the world! Act like a captain and take responsibility for your howlers! - just for the next three games! Go out / retire knowing you gave your best ! All you have to do is perform as you would like the students at your goal keeping school to perform - and that is not to swat flies at the same time a ball is being crossed at a corner !! We shall be the ones shouting and supporting as we have done all season - please respond!! Waste of time posting here I know but they can’t hear me from the stands and I’m only trying to help!!🤔🙄🙂 And yes I do know that some of them are trying but are just not good enough! (Ridicule posts to now follow in threads below!!) - enjoy!🤔🙂 [Post edited 15 Apr 2024 15:09]
 | Forum Thread | Is Chair locked up or not? - Please clarify as conflicting reports! at 19:29 23 Feb 2024
I know there is another thread but the simple question and answer is all we really need to know and there appear to be conflicting reports. Is he actually IN Belgium and IN prison or is he in the UK pending extradition to Europe? Anyone know? Thanks |
 | Forum Thread | Yes I'm back- Shots on target ! at 21:43 14 Feb 2024
If you cannot defend you need to score. If you need to score you need to get shots on target 1 shot on target the whole game is not only a problem it is a travesty! You see them warming up and hitting the practice target but they cannot in the game. They have shots blocked but other teams shots get through Then we have Chair (perhaps our best player - well once upon a time) thinking he is going to score a wonder goal every time he cuts in and having shots from 35 yards out! We they useless at the back, so so in the middle AND cannot do what they are paid to do up front! I despair! [Post edited 14 Feb 2024 21:47]
 | Forum Thread | Corners and half time at 20:36 14 Feb 2024
Please please please can someone teach them how to defendcorners!!🤬 and can someone please teach them to concentrate - this is getting annoying!!! [Post edited 14 Feb 2024 20:49]
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