| Forum Thread | He's got no idea,he has to go. at 13:19 25 Sep 2023
Im sorry to say it but RM has to go before we are playing reading and maybe the mob in blue down the road...the team selection of this man is all wrong, we cant defend, we cant play the possession game ,we must play a back 4 as a flat back 4.. we are not playing our best midfielders together ,will smallbone has been very poor, the subs made on saturday confounded me with the players being replaced and who was left on for most of the game.. we cant go on hearing excuses, and being told how wonderful our training sessions have gone .....some of our players are going through the motions in games and getting money for old rope.. TIME FOR A CHANGE NOW, BEFORE ITS TO LATE. SORRY TO SAY THIS. |
 | Forum Thread | It wont happen again........ at 11:41 17 Sep 2023
Well it did russell.....we've got a manager ( an ex defender ) who doesn't know how to defend...... What chance do we have in getting instant promotion back to prem. Playing like this, not a hope in hell...... Downs knew what he was doing,when he wanted to get off the pitch asap. Waste of a wage if you ask me.... Russell, you've bit off more than you can chew..quit now before you make a bigger arse of yourself you are way out of your depth ,although you do seem to have wonderful training sessions...if we keep playing your way we will be the leagues whipping boys and we'll be plying our trade with the likes of our friends in blue ( god help us).. russell, you are making our young players look really bad, shame on you. Either change your style of play or GO.. |
 | Forum Thread | no spine at 11:33 8 Aug 2022
ive been following saints for more years than i care to remember......and support the club looking to buy talented youth players to polish into world class players and sell on for a decent fee. but we need to stay in this division to attract them........we need a solid spine in our team, a goalscoring c/f, a general in midfield and a captain in centre of defence... forget the three at the back, lets get back to route 1 football and play a solid 4,4,2 formation...at the moment { and last season } weve got no one to take defences on like most teams,we seem afraid in the last third, that could be the lack of a target man in the area, {bring back the good old days when we we're scared of no one..and played a lot of the so called big sides off the park..........happy memories..... |
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