| Forum Reply | Rip Stan Bowles at 21:28 24 Feb 2024
Is anyone else getting worried? I'm thinking about writing a will, no rush. |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City v Leeds United : Match day thread at 15:16 13 Feb 2024
It's the same as being in the FA Cup and playing a lower Premier League club at home. Leeds are good but I've had a bet on 2 -1 to us, and I don't often part with my money. |
 | Forum Reply | Tucker Carlson/Vlad Putin Interview at 21:45 12 Feb 2024
"or so you are told"? Not "or so we are told"? I guess there's no telling you. [Post edited 12 Feb 2024 21:47]
 | Forum Reply | Biden buying votes at 18:23 26 Aug 2022
"is it right that people from poor backgrounds who went to work instead of University, are forced to pay off the debts of people ... who went to University?" That's a good question and deserves a separate post. If you left school at 16, should your taxes go to helping your younger brothers/sisters go to Uni, or should people not go to university unless they can fund themselves (i.e. the better-off and rich)? But that's a separate discussion. |
 | Forum Reply | Biden buying votes at 15:36 26 Aug 2022
President Biden made a promise during the election campaign and now he's carrying it out, and a politician keeping his promise is something that I thought you would normally approve of. The rebate has an upper limit so that the very wealthy won't benefit, and it helps the poor much better than the rich. If this Conservative government decides to send a one-off payment to every household to help with the fuel prices, including to yourself, will you condemn them as "buying votes" for the very same reason? |
 | Forum Reply | Biden buying votes at 15:29 26 Aug 2022
"Is Biden ... buying votes?" The answer is No, what's your next question? |
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 22:38 25 Mar 2021
Here's the full table. Yes, we all knew that it was going to be bad, but not this bad. |
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 09:47 3 Mar 2021
And now a millionaire Brexit supporter who owns a salmon exporting company is asking for millions in government compensation because his firm has been hurt by Brexit. And what was free of paperwork is now full of paperwork. https://tinyurl.com/yvfd964z To the people who pushed for Brexit, and who lied about what the results would be for Brexit, you own this. But in fairness, Brexiteers can put their successes below because we really need to hear about them, and the communist red rags of the Sun, the Daily Express, Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph have been keeping very quiet about them. |
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 08:40 30 Jan 2021
Apologies Gwyn. I responded to you by mistake. |
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 08:29 30 Jan 2021
Bookmarked to reply on Jan 30, 2022. [Post edited 30 Jan 2021 8:31]
 | Forum Reply | Cawl tonight at 07:41 30 Jan 2021
"bleak wintminter months"? Best Christmas carol ever. Because of this discussion I went to look on Youtube and there aren't as many as I thought |
 | Forum Thread | Who is going to refuse to be vaccinated? at 07:25 30 Jan 2021
And why, exactly? Controversial Jack, but who else? From CJ : "Appears that it could only be 70% effective and not 90% , and none of those in the trial given the low dosage were over 55. Given that many won't have the vaccine and it's effectiveness is just 70% it's going to be a crock of shit." [Post edited 30 Jan 2021 7:28]
 | Forum Reply | Cawl tonight at 07:21 30 Jan 2021
Drooling. Seriously. ... and by the way, where the hell does anyone need the word 'drool', why did someone invent it? [Post edited 30 Jan 2021 7:36]
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 07:14 30 Jan 2021
It's not about you. As a "Remainer" with a Northern Irish Mother, congratulations on uniting all of us. Catholics/Prods, Remainers/Brexiteers, Unionists/Nationalists. You are walking through a fxxiing minefield and I hope that this is just a mistake by some European idiots. Fair play, uniting the Taoiseach and Arlene Foster, and everyone in between, deserves a Nobel Prize, although personally I'm looking for people to be sacked, and I've never said that before. |
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 07:15 25 Jan 2021
"If you spend 5 years screaming "we won, you losers" into our faces, you don't get to tell us to "let it go" after 3 weeks when it starts ruining people's lives." Not my post, but I'm happy to pass it on because it's so true. Getting away from red tape and bureaucracy? Working out OK? |
 | Forum Reply | Remoaner,losers . at 05:07 12 Jan 2021
If only economic experts are allowed to comment about Brexit then this will turn into a very quiet forum. Oh, hang on, this suddenly is a very quiet forum. But the honest supporters of Brexit accepted that leaving the EU would hurt the economy but said that it was a price worth paying for greater independence. It was only the dishonest Brexiteers (including Johnson) who said that the country would gain £340 million a week from it, although I haven't heard him saying that for a very long time. |
 | Forum Reply | COVID vaccine ? at 05:09 31 Dec 2020
Just curious - are we talking about the Pfizer injection? |
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