| Forum Thread | Who is going to refuse to be vaccinated? at 07:25 30 Jan 2021
And why, exactly? Controversial Jack, but who else? From CJ : "Appears that it could only be 70% effective and not 90% , and none of those in the trial given the low dosage were over 55. Given that many won't have the vaccine and it's effectiveness is just 70% it's going to be a crock of shit." [Post edited 30 Jan 2021 7:28]
 | Forum Thread | Is 'shtum' a Welsh word? And do you know what it means? at 03:56 21 Jun 2020
I always thought that 'keeping shtum' was a Welsh word but I've just read it in a US crime novel and it jarred with me a little. Is this a US phrase or is the writer a Brit? Where did it come from? |
 | Forum Thread | What words would under 30s not understand? at 03:10 16 Jun 2020
I'm starting off with: Vetch and Whelk (thanks Ebo) Shame there aren't any under 30s on this site. I've always wanted to know if that guy Taylor Sheeran is any good. Someone told me that he was the new Des O'Connor. Or alternatively, what words do under 30s use that over 30s wouldn't understand? [Post edited 16 Jun 2020 3:42]
 | Forum Thread | Why did you pick your photograph at 03:13 5 Jun 2020
I've always been curious about why people choose their particular photograph to go with their posts. And why some people don't put any photo up. Even if you're choosing one of your own photos, you're making a decision about whether to post one from when you were younger or as you are today, and that's interesting. Lord Bony's was of Peter Cushing, and I've no idea why, Darran for example posted a photo of him that would have been a great icon. Mine is simple enough, I grew up in Gowerton and that's an Irish Water Spaniel (the largest of the spaniels) that reminds me of long, hot summers and splashing around in rivers. So Karnataka, Lohengrin and everyone else, what's the story behind the photo? And I've always wondered why Lohengrin's pic is Godfrey from Dad's Army. https://spartacus-educational.com/FWWridleyA.htm [Post edited 5 Jun 2020 3:19]
 | Forum Thread | What newspapers / news sites do you subscribe to at 20:31 3 Jun 2020
Recently I've been getting a lot of trial offers from the Times, Telegraph, Independent and so on, and wonder which ones do people pay for and consider value for money. |
 | Forum Thread | Is Trump correct? at 04:42 5 May 2020
"The US has recorded 1,015 new deaths linked to Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, the lowest daily number in a month. Overall, 68,920 people have died with the virus." They are about 5 times bigger than we are. So are they doing things better than us? |
 | Forum Thread | Will you download the new tracing app to your phone? at 04:09 5 May 2020
Maybe someone should start a poll. For myself, absolutely I will. But I completely understand the concerns of people who don't like Big Brother watching them and doubt if they will reach their percentage target, whatever that is. [Post edited 5 May 2020 4:10]
 | Forum Thread | Why don't people do polls any more? at 03:22 5 May 2020
When was the last one? I'd start one myself but I just can't be arsed. Caution: anyone who can be bothered to reply to this pitiful, nonsensical excuse for a post better not have an out of date poll attached to their message. Nod. |
 | Forum Thread | ZOOM? at 01:29 4 Apr 2020
Are the Club or the Trust setting up a Zoom site for Swans fans to join? Or are there any general Swans websites that people can recommend? Getting a little bit stir crazy here in London. |
 | Forum Thread | Positive news in the Corona virus pandemic at 16:29 3 Apr 2020
It may be outnumbered by the bad, but it deserves its own thread. Put any positive pieces of news here. Especially welcome are anything you have witnessed personally. And on this occasion you are allowed to big yourself up, even if it is something tiny. No false modesty! |
 | Forum Thread | Fact-checking Websites, e.g. Snopes at 19:12 13 Mar 2020
https://www.snopes.com Misinformation can kill so it's vital to have websites that can quash unfounded scare stories. Snopes is one of the oldest (and positively mentioned by Tummer). Any others that people here go to every day? [Post edited 13 Mar 2020 19:14]
 | Forum Thread | Brexit means More Red Tape at 20:16 7 Mar 2020
Well of course it does. Strange that Brexit politicians said the opposite with a straight face. Here's one of many, many examples. Feel free to add your own. Or alternatively, provide examples where there's less bureacracy because of Brexit (are there any?). https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51783580 [Post edited 7 Mar 2020 20:17]
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