| Forum Thread | Music Southampton have run out to at 11:47 3 Apr 2020
Good morning everyone, I hope this okay to post here, moderators please move or delete if you need to. I’m part of a team at the University of Sheffield, who are currently investigating the music that football teams have run or walked out of the tunnel to over the years. We understand that over recent years Southampton have left the tunnel to versions of ‘The Saints Are Coming’ by either the Skids or US & Green Day. However, we wondered if any fans can remember what came before? We are after the title of the song, the artist who recorded it, and for which seasons Southampton ran out to this. Any help you can give us to piece together the different songs that your club has run out to would be hugely appreciated. If you have any personal anecdotes around the reasons for the songs being used, or the changes between them, that would also be fantastic. I should also add that we are not interested in goal music, or a song that is played at the final whistle, but just the song that is on the tannoy system as the players enter the field. If you think someone else may be able to help, or you have any questions, please let us know! We would be very happy to discuss the project. Cheers |
 | Forum Thread | Music QPR have run out to at 12:38 2 Apr 2020
Good evening everyone, I hope this okay to post here, moderators please move or delete if you need to. I’m part of a team at the University of Sheffield, led by Dr Chris Stride. We've published a number of academic papers and magazine articles relating to football history, on subjects such as statues and replica shirts (see, for example sportingstatues.com, and https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17460263.2019.1578255). Our current project is investigating the music that football teams have run or walked out of the tunnel to over the years. We are looking for the music that QPR have run out to, for as many seasons in the past as you can recall. We are simply interested in the title of the song, the artist who recorded it, and for which seasons QPR ran out to this. Any help you can give us to piece together the different songs that your club has run out to would be hugely appreciated. If you have any personal anecdotes around the reasons for the songs being used, or the changes between them, that would also be fantastic. I should also add that we are not interested in goal music, or a song that is played at the final whistle, but just the song that is on the tannoy system as the players enter the field. If you think someone else may be able to help, or you have any questions, please let us know! We would be very happy to discuss the project. Cheers Joe Headland |
 | Forum Thread | Music Rochdale have run out to at 09:13 27 Feb 2020
I hope this okay to post here — if not, moderators please move or delete as appropriate. I’m part of a team at the University of Sheffield, led by Dr Chris Stride. We’ve published a number of academic papers and magazine articles relating to football history, on subjects such as statues and replica shirts (see, for example sportingstatues.com, and https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17460263.2019.1578255). Our current project is investigating the music that football teams have run or walked out of the tunnel to over the years. We are trying to track down all the tunes that Rochdale have ever come out to, for as many seasons as fans can recall. We’ve been assisted by Dave Sweetmore, who confirmed This is the One by The Stone Roses has been the song of choice in recent memory. However, we are wondering if any fans can remember songs that were played previously, in the 90s, 80s, 70s and (if you have a great memory) prior. We’re after the song, the artist, and the season you can remember Rochdale coming out to it. I should also add that we are not interested in goal music, or a song that is played at the final whistle, but just the song that is on the tannoy system as the players enter the field. If you think someone else may be able to help, or you have any questions, please let us know! We would be very happy to discuss the project. Cheers, Joe Headland |
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