| Forum Thread | Pearl street stand at 11:26 15 Apr 2024
Just discussing whether or not to renew our season tickets for next year and couldn’t remember how long we have been sitting in the pearl street stand. Does anyone know when this stand was opened? |
 | Forum Thread | Final home game in the EFL at 13:37 24 Apr 2023
As I am now approaching my 70th birthday, I think Saturday will be the last time I get to see my football club play in the EFL. Several people have said why don’t you do something else on a Saturday afternoon, but being retired I say that I can do something exciting on any day of the week, but you can’t have fun all the time, so I’m still going to turn up at the crown oil arena on Saturday afternoon. |
 | Forum Thread | Bradford stewarding at 08:45 3 Oct 2021
I thought I would just put a copy of the email I sent to Bradford this morning Hello I hope you can pass this on to someone who might look into this matter I attended yesterday’s game and arrived in Bradford on the train, although the ground is a decent distance from the station I decided to walk,as it was raining and I had brought a telescopic umbrella with me it wasn’t a problem. That is until I arrived at the stadium were I was searched (which I didn’t mind) but was then told that I couldn’t take the umbrella inside the ground because I might throw it I am 68 years old and there’s no way I would have even thought of throwing something, after several minutes conversation I was refused entry until I disposed of the offensive weapon,luckily the Rochdale supporters coach was parked nearby and the driver allowed me to leave it on the coach. I was then searched again before being allowed in. I thought that might be the end of the matter but from my seat in the away stand I could see many home supporters coming towards the ground with umbrellas, many of them rather large golf umbrellas. Now I do not believe that all those supporters were turned away from the ground because they had umbrellas with them. Also once inside I noticed that in the top tier of the home supporters there was a group with flags that had poles attached, now if they are not deemed things that can be thrown I don’t know what is I feel as an away supporter I have been discriminated against and would like to know what you would be doing about this unfair and unjust way of stewarding Also just one final point there were a few supporters in the away section who had brought their own flasks, which in actual fact were a lot bigger and heavier than my umbrella, but they were allowed in. All we need is some consistency I look forward to your response but don’t think I’ll get one Kind regards |
 | Forum Thread | Serious footballin, no g at 08:12 15 Feb 2020
For those of a certain age that listen to radio 2 just a bit of fun on the Steve Wright puns How about serious no footballin. I lane. No g,s. |
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