| Forum Thread | Lucy's Law and puppy farming at 09:39 17 May 2020
A law aimed at tackling so-called puppy farms in Wales is taking too long to be introduced by Professor Drakeford. Lucy's Law, named after a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that was rescued from a breeding farm in Wales, has already been introduced by UK Govt in England. Even though the campaign to introduce Lucy's Law started in Wales by the Many Tears Rescue Centre in Ammanford, the Senedd has dragged its paws and no date has yet been set to bring in the law in Wales. Just to be clear this delay is not a result of COVID 19 as UK Government passed the Regulations in May 2019 and they became law in April 2020. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy%27s_Law Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government's Rural Affairs Minister, addressed the Senedd last week with the following errrr ummmm excuse: “In relation to Lucy’s law, I’m meeting with the chief veterinary officer and other officials tomorrow to discuss that; as I said in committee last week, it is still a priority for me and for the Welsh Government. Clearly, the legislative programme has had an impact as well, so these are all things that we need to work through.” |
 | Forum Thread | Disunited Britain at 09:07 8 May 2020
At a time when we are commemorating VE Day as one nation, why on earth can't Johnson, Sturgeon and Drakeford coordinate their respective announcements on COVID 19 lockdown arrangements? I understand the political imperatives for devolution but surely they should all be sufficiently mature to synchronise both the content and timing of the message? Churchill oversaw the greatest victory by working with our allies and this bunch of morons today can't even synchronise their watches. |
 | Forum Thread | Lee Trundle phone calls to senior ST holders at 18:06 30 Apr 2020
My dad, who is 84 and has followed the Swans for 75 years, took a call earlier from Lee Trundle who was phoning senior Season Ticket holders for a chit chat during these difficult times. Fair play, my dad (and mum) were really impressed and fair play to Lee and the Club because this is what makes me proud to be JB. Anyone else on PS had or heard of someone else taking a call? |
 | Forum Thread | More undereporting of deaths in our NHS Boards (can't add up) at 20:36 28 Apr 2020
This time Hywel Dda can't add up: A second Welsh health board has been found to have under-reported deaths from coronavirus. A total of 31 deaths within the Hywel Dda health board area in west Wales were not included in Public Health Wales statistics. Taking into account Betsi Cadwallader under reporting, it means a total of 115 deaths across north and west Wales were not initially included in official PHW statistics. |
 | Forum Thread | Clamp down on people visiting second homes at 18:48 22 Apr 2020
While I think this is right, I think that our politicians are spending too much time on this when they should be sorting out PPE for NHS staff and increasing testing for people. Second home ownership has always been a divisive subject but I think politicians are exploiting the current situation to unearth old prejudices. If they are serious about the effect outside visitors have on Wales the WG should be battering down UK Govts door about 15,000+ people a day arriving in UK from abroad and walking straighten through immigration control untested. I am concerned that second home ownership interests the WG more than sorting out our NHS staff's safety. |
 | Forum Thread | B&Q online virtual queue at 23:44 13 Apr 2020
I don't know if this is sane or insane, but I just browsed B&Q's website and was put in a "virtual queue" to "limit the number of customers using the website at any one time and to improve customer experience". What on earth is that about?? |
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