| Forum Thread | If we lose today how big will the fallout be? at 08:05 30 Sep 2023
To be fair I think we'll lose as no one understands him not even himself but will SR stick with him as he's cheap and fulfilling their objective of attempting to do it with crap loans and gambles? When he gets the sack (this bit is obvious as they all get sacked or leave and he ain't living on merit) will we adopt the same method as before on gambles or buy an old nag knowing what we'll get? |
 | Forum Thread | Trying to gauge how shit low aspiration of a club we are? at 21:33 9 Nov 2022
In terms of shit appointments this is above Gray and Branfoot, how much shit can be thrown at a footballs clubs fans for so long, I mean to say we've been shite for nearly all our history and I shouldn't be surprised with this crap but really, can anyone explain any logic to this appointment other than a cheap shit yes man? |
 | Forum Thread | 36 games won in the last 120. at 15:29 2 Oct 2021
That tells you all you need to know about why we're getting low attendances, if you don't invest why should the fans, at the very core of this game its deeply cynical, why shouldn't the fans also be like that? Why should they go when the club only wants to scrape the tv money and survive? Genuinely hope we go down as were be in a league were we have some chance to compete, not this turkey shoot. |
 | Forum Thread | Name a club as big as Southampton at 15:32 26 Sep 2021
That has had as little success or trophies. I seriously can’t think of a bigger team in the country with such little silverware. |
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