| Forum Thread | Opinions please re TUI at 09:37 8 Jul 2020
Just after peoples views an particularly if they are from those of you with legal experience Mrs L and I booked a package holiday back in January with TUI to Zante. Depature was 30/8 for 14 nights. Last week TUI cancelled our holiday and offered their refund voucher, which also allows a cash refund option. We decided to look for alternative holidays, and were surprised to see the same holiday we had just lost albeit departing 2 days earlier and £30 more expensive. We had been sent an email at the end of June along with many other TUI customers that outlined their Holiday Promise which includes the following statement "QUARANTINE-FREE HOLIDAYS We promise we'll only take you on quarantine-free holidays. This means we won't travel to places that will ask you to self-isolate on arrival." On the back of this promise, and knowing that if TUI cancel this rebook we would be refunded, we opted to rebook for the new date and paid the extra £30. At the time we were not aware that Greece had implemented a random test on arrival passengers whereby travellers have to complete an online form and then on arrival individuals may be randomly selected for a Covid test. Once tested, the traveller is allowed to proceed to their hotel but must isolate until the result of the test which should be within 24 hours. If the test is negative, carry on but otherwise the passenger has to isolate for 14 days. This may also happen if the test is negative but someone else on the same flight tests positive. Accepting that we perhaps should have checked prior to rebooking, what do people think of this situation set against the Promise? Whilst Greece is not quarantining arrivals wholesale, my argument is as I board my TUI flight I can be pretty sure one or more of my fellow passengers will be selected for testing. I believe therefore this does not follow the terms of TUIs promise. I would be reluctant to travel to Greece on this basis. Views appreciated! |
 | Forum Thread | Recording Swans TV at 09:27 26 Jun 2020
Mrs L is working until the early pm tomorrow and is gutted to be missing the Luton game. Does anyone know if there is any free software out there I could use to record the game then watch "as live" when she gets home? Alternatively, when does the official site usually put the replay up? |
 | Forum Thread | Topping up National Insurance at 17:14 17 Jun 2020
When I reach State Pension Age in about 5 years time, I will be a little short of the maximum. I've got my estimate from the Gov.uk website and I've checked my yearly records. It seems I can top up my pension by paying something like £680. I can see I can pay this shortfall by monthly Direct Debit or by quarterly payments, but I can't see how much these debits will be. Is it a case of dividing my shortfall of £680 by the number of months left in this tax year (9) so about £75 per month for 9 months? Anyone got any knowledge of this? |
 | Forum Thread | Travel to Wales at 09:25 6 Jun 2020
I posted recently about visiting elderly parents in Swansea. Mrs L and I are wondering whether we could make a day visit from here in Bromley. We thought about driving down early, staying with parents for a few hours but in their garden, then driving back home. It would be a long day but we're not sure when things are going to change. We know the Welsh government rules ask people to stay local, but what do you folks think? |
 | Forum Thread | Pandemic rules in Wales at 08:36 29 May 2020
After folks views. Mrs L and I live in Bromley. Her parents who are both in their 80s live in Killay. My mum, also mid 80s, is resident in a care home in Sketty. We note Wales' rules differ from England and we realise we can't travel to Swansea at the moment. Assuming Welsh rules relax soon along the same lines as England, we will soon be allowed to travel and visit our parents by going into gardens and social distancing. Now, my sister-in-law has a flat in the marina but lives in Chester with her husband. They are Jacks and visit every weekend there is a home game. They stay in the flat. My question is, would Mrs L and I be allowed to travel to Swansea for a few days and stay in the flat (not when it's occupied)? I guess it's a situation akin to hiring an Airbnb and I believe they are not renting at the moment. Views? |
 | Forum Thread | Purchased ticket query at 17:01 23 May 2020
I bought 3 tickets for the Millwall away game due 21st March. I know there has been stuff about refunds on season tickets, but does anyone know whether I can get a refund on these match tickets and if so how do I go about it? |
 | Forum Thread | Question for the musos at 11:20 22 May 2020
Thanks to Jinxy21's post re Wishbone Ash which prompted me to revisit Argus again while I'm gardening. And I started to think back to the early/mid 70's stuff I listened to in those days. I was a massive fan of Alan Freeman's Radio 1 programme on a Saturday afternoon. I also recall a Radio 3 show called "Sounds Interesting" which played a lot of prog stuff. Now here's the help I'm seeking. Around this time, I remember hearing a live gig on Radio 1 by King Crimson which I recorded on a TDK AD90 tape by microphone praying no-one would barge in the room and ruin the recording. The gig was excellent in my memory and I particularly remember the version of "Easy Money". I'm sure this was 1974/5/6 just before I went to Uni. The tape is long since lost and I have tried to Google it to chase down a copy with no luck. I can find other live stuff from that era, just not the one I want. I have a feeling this was a special gig arranged by the BBC and Radio 1. Does this ring any bells with anyone, and more importantly anyone know if it's out there in cyberspace? Signing off now as "The King will Come" has just started! |
 | Forum Thread | A thought for NHS staff at 23:28 16 Mar 2020
My personal experience of the NHS is very positive, albeit I have been fortunate not to have had serious health issues. I believe the NHS staff on the ground do a fantastic job and we should already have much to thank them for. However, the next few months will undoubtedly create even tougher times for these folks and I am confident the doctors, nurses and support staff will go above and beyond to provide the best treatment they can. I hope Joe Public will remember what these people did when we get through this frightening period. I would like to propose that for the next few months the National Lottery jackpot is limited to say £500,000 with any surplus prize money going to a fund to help NHS staff. I admit I haven't thought through exactly how this would work - its just a starter for 10. Anyone agree? |
 | Forum Thread | Millwall away at 08:42 17 Feb 2020
Anyone know when tickets go on sale? Official website calendar says dates TBC |
 | Forum Thread | Hull away this Friday at 15:41 11 Feb 2020
I will be in Budapest on Friday and I've never been before. Anyone know of any bars there likely to be showing the game as its on Sky? |
 | Forum Thread | Leeds at home 13th April at 14:02 30 Jan 2020
Any good PS folks know if this 3pm Easter Monday KO is likely to change? Will be in Swansea that day but have to be in work Tuesday so a change to a late KO would be unwelcome! |
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