| Forum Thread | "Move On" at 07:38 29 May 2020
It's a BS expression, isn't it? It says "I'm still pleading not guilty, despite evidence to the contrary, that I am not prepared to discuss". And it's such a loaded phrase. Packed up inside those two short words is an eye roll, a sigh, as well as the suggestion "Are you STILL babbling on about that? Really? No one else on this planet even cares. Just shut up, you loser". "Take Back Control" "Let's Get Brexit Done" "Move On" I hear and read people repeating these mantras, parrot-fashion. They're brilliant slogans, aren't they? Because even though they're persuasive and catchy, when you pick the meat from them there's really very little substance. Yet people in their millions can relate to them (in a cap-doffing, we-don't-understand-the-details" kind of way). I can certainly appreciate why Boris wants to keep the author of these slogans on his team, no matter the cost. Picture the scene. Following a hellish day in the House of Commons Boris returns to number 10 to find Carrie fellating special visitor Donald Trump. I've already thought of a catchy two word retort Donald should employ in lieu of an excuse. [Post edited 29 May 2020 7:39]
 | Forum Thread | Alexandra Road / Kingsway junction traffic lights at 06:00 6 Feb 2020
On Saturday I was passenger in a car that drove onto kingsway into the path of another vehicle. We'd gone through a red light (but two occupants didn't see it, one occupant wasn't sure). On Tuesday I was driving along Kingsway when a car came from Alexandra Road having gone through that same red light and then last night three cars (the last a taxi, surely he'd know there were a set of lights?) all pulled in front of me causing me to brake. Has something happened recently to obscure the traffic lights as vehicles approach Kingsway from the direction of the railway station? |
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