| Forum Thread | Well what a year that was... at 12:10 31 Dec 2021
Who could have forecasted the ups and downs that 2021 would hold 12 months ago, relegation,the Trust being a big shareholder in Dale and growing in strength more than they could have ever imagined,a new board put in place and supporters being share holders,fans stopped petty bickering and came together as one when it was needed to fight a common enemy and the incredible investigative work done by posters on here to see off the spivs and charlatans who tried to ruin the club,all in all a year to remember for sure So here's wishing all you Daley's a nice quiet,boring peaceful 2022 with special wishes to the Trust and Col and those who worked relentlessly on here behind the scenes to keep the club safe Happy New Year Daley's,all the best to you and your families,see you in League Two soon Chalky UTD |
 | Forum Thread | FA Cup draw at 13:51 13 Oct 2021
Things start to get interesting this week as League 1 and 2 clubs are in the bag for the draw this Sunday (ITV 13.05) so who do you want to be drawn against,home tie or a nice away day to a non league ground maybe? |
 | Forum Thread | Cloughy statue.. at 19:40 9 Sep 2021
Is Cloughy in his rightful place in the ground yet,I haven't read much about it lately and I'm coming up on Saturday |
 | Forum Thread | Well it's finally here... at 08:54 7 Aug 2021
Football has come home (or away at Harrogate if you are a Daley) so I would just like to wish a successful season for RAFC both on and off the pitch but most of all an enjoyable season UTD |
 | Forum Thread | Cloughy statue.. at 11:36 6 Aug 2021
I'm will be making a couple of visits to Spotland this season so I wondered if there's been any news if Cloughy is sitting in his rightful place yet and where in the ground he will be seated |
 | Forum Thread | Dale Trust link... at 15:03 12 Jul 2021
If anybody on here has links with the Dale Trust and can provide me with how to donate bdb's winnings can you please PM me Cheers |
 | Forum Thread | Haw Kel... at 13:24 25 Jun 2021
You certainly know how to announce your arrival.. #cliquebusiness |
 | Forum Thread | Haw kel.. at 16:26 1 Apr 2021
Youse got mail #plateclique |
 | Forum Thread | I've got to finally admit that Dale are better than Notts..... at 11:31 18 Mar 2021
When it comes to the lotto! I got a surprise cheque come through the post this morning for a tenner won on the lotto which was won on the 15th and the results haven't even been put up yet,I've been in Notts lotto for ages and won nowt but Dale Lotto seems very generous The money will be put back into the club and spent on 50/50 tickets,cheers Daleys |
 | Forum Thread | Real ale clique.... at 17:22 9 Mar 2021
Tonight I will be mostly supping Brewdog ales.... Layer Cake marshmallow and chocolate stout (7%) Double Punk (8%) Lazer Quest marshmallow and pineapple IPA (6%) Not to everybody's taste I know but anybody tried them? |
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