| Forum Thread | Champions League Final at 17:51 28 May 2021
I know a lot of you aren't interested in it, but for those that are, who do you want to win it tomorrow, and why? Also, anyone know anywhere decent to watch it, in town? Otherwise might have to be the Keys in Totton |
 | Forum Thread | R.I.P. Colin Bell at 21:05 5 Jan 2021
One of, if not the best player to pull on a City shirt, in many peoples opinions. A rare talent that could probably still cut it in the modern game. Rest easy, Nijinsky, The King. Oh and Martin Buchan, you're still a c_unt. |
 | Forum Thread | Messi at 20:05 24 Aug 2020
Apparently extremely p1ssed off with the Barca board and could be on his way out. His 'people' have made contact with City officials very recently (before Bayern humiliated them), the first time it has been this way around. Would you like to see him in the Premier League? He's 33 now, but is still an amazing player, and the way City tend to play, he'd definitely fit in to our playing style. I'd say there's very little chance of it actually happening, but it would be great if it did. |
 | Forum Thread | Millenium Stadium, Cardiff at 22:46 9 Apr 2020
I'm working in the stadium, doing pipework for the medical gases to treat the patients that will arrive here soon. It's fkn huge, and costing £80m. Don't be one of the people needing to use it's services, stay inside, PLEASE. |
 | Forum Thread | Fk This Sh1te at 23:45 21 Mar 2020
It's worse than when Wycombe Wanderers did the league double over us in 98/99 ffs I understand weekends without football from late May to early August, but this is painful. Stay safe everybody, hope you and your loved ones will be ok |
 | Forum Thread | Safe Standing at 17:49 11 Feb 2020
Are you for, or against it? Looks like united will be the first to open areas with it in, very soon, using the quadrant areas, they are juat awaiting a response from the usually compliant trafford council. I'd love it, but I'm 50 now, not sure it's in time for me, but hopefully will enhance the atmospheres at grounds, which have become relatively sterile of late. |
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