| Forum Thread | What happened to Drizzy? at 22:36 28 Aug 2020
Was he banned? Or did he just get bored of continually handing back the hideous, hairy posteriors of the right whingers - you know who you are - who predominate on here? |
 | Forum Thread | Mass Brawl at Ogmore-by-Sea at 16:27 26 Jun 2020
According to a Sky News headline. I'm unable to view their footage, so it may well be a click-baiting exaggeration. Wouldn't surprise me if it's true though, and if it is maybe the police would be better off leaving them to it. |
 | Forum Thread | Despised Romanians Return to English Fields at 10:55 17 Apr 2020
https://images.app.goo.gl/eCp3HJtg87a2axx8A https://images.app.goo.gl/wibEqZcAqACMqaUZ9 Huge respect and admiration for these people. Coming to Brexit Britain to do the dirty, back-breaking work we're too useless to do ourselves. Pikeypaul, I'm looking at you. Come June when all those strawberry farms close by you in Herefordshire are screaming out for labour to get the harvest in, I'll be expecting you to be first in the queue. Think of it like this: you'll be a hero (in your own head) for doing your bit for the country, and all with the added bonus of stopping the possibility of plane loads of Bulgarians (the ones who normally do this sh*t job) from being flown into Bristol airport to help your local farmers out. I won't hold my breath. Anyone on here actually had experience of farm labouring? |
 | Forum Thread | Brexit delayed by Coronavirus? at 15:45 16 Mar 2020
I'm surprised that there has been no mention, officially or otherwise, of the possibility of extending the Transition period of Brexit talks. We were due to leave on Jan 1st 2021 after spending this year sorting out trading arrangements etc. with many people as it is saying this was too short a time period to satisfactorily achieve that. Surely, with all these border shut-downs, and, I presume, all the various advisors/diplomats sat around at home kicking their heels, a decision to extend the deadline should be made? Or am I missing something? If nothing else, it will at least have the effect of pi**ing off Pikey and his pals 😂 |
 | Forum Thread | Swansea officially the most divided place in Wales at 22:01 5 Mar 2020
Bit of a surprise. Also turns out that it's the 6th most divided area in England and Wales - in terms of the discrepancy between the disposable income of its richest and poorest citizens. And zooming out from the interactive map in the article below gives you a graphic idea of how poor Wales is. Pikeyprick, I've no doubt, must live in one of the few dark purple zones. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51742156 |
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