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Beatles..your favourite track..
at 23:13 28 Feb 2025

Back in the wilderness years , (before i re-trained for  6 years to become a  probation officer), as a non marine reinsurance broker/alcoholic/coke addict , i was at my 48th consecutive day of NA meetings ..

so there i was in the bermuda triangle of booze, gear, and bullshit city 1989--2008 sitting there mute. in a crumbling church at a na meeting..stupefied into silence by the demonic delusions of grandeur and ego of those in the semi circle with me earning £250,000+ in chalk stripe and gold card lunch expenses in leadenhall market.

at the end of the meeting feeling lower than Karen carpenter doing the limbo, the sponser pulled me aside and told me the story of' Dear prudence' by the beatles.

Humans are capable of great things. it changed my life. It will be played at my wedding. And i will remember where i was in 2008. people change, give them a second chance to prove it.

the Beatles cross the great divide of every generation.

[Post edited 28 Feb 23:21]
Love songs!
at 11:19 8 Feb 2025

Following on from my drunken and deranged Marriage thread, l've been feeling the love.

waltzing around my leigh on sea gaff this saturday morning like Dirk Bogarde in pre war paris at the Cabaret le Shéhérazade in his night porter dinner jacket with 2 wraps of pharmaceutical Pervitin up his areshole dancing to the strings of duke ellington as jo fills out the decree nisi.

let us tarry awhile in the gardenia of love and open up to share your favourite love songs..

shed that testosterone brother and bare your soul to you fellow man and woman.

Mrs And Mrs derek batey me up.

alexander oneal still taking me apart at the seams 30 years after it's release.

[Post edited 8 Feb 11:26]
Marriage. Tunes to waltz down the isle to..
at 22:17 7 Feb 2025

3rd time lucky for me lads, 7th of june. The richard burton and liz taylor of leigh on sea.

Had to go to the registrar in southend today in this concrete sobibor 1970's abomination flat pack council bunker straight out of some strontium dog wasteland to be interviewed by some stasi functionary in a demis roussos kaftan who water boarded me with questions about jo to make sure it wasn't a sham marriage.

I got a bit nervous at one point and launched into my mick jagger stella street impersonation . It felt like a Special branch interrogtion at some south armagh bog to release names of the local IRA nutting squad. I only want to make an honest woman of jo after 14 years, not expose her craft hobby of making pipe bombs out of baby bio and doctor white jam wrags at leigh on sea constitutional club of a sunday morning.

what a palarver, i dont recall all this agg for my for my first two marriages. admittedly for the first two nuptials i was out of my skate on happy pills, booze and bugle so i dont remember in bone white clarity the minutiae of those cermonies in 1990 and 1999.

My second wife joined a christian commune in the forest of dean after being married to me for 7 years so i hold my hands up to that one.

the sawtooth waves of life and the knuckle duster of getting through the next 24 hours every time we get up off the edierdown and go to work to provide as best we can got the best of me in that case, sorry about that michelle.

after given the east german high gauleiter every scrap of information i had stored in my snaypse including jo's blood group, i was asked what music we would like for our ceremony..

i was stumped .. so thought of the first track that meant something to us when our eyes locked over the juke box in the essex arms in brentwood.. luckily jo agreed.

what was your tune down the isle?

call me the king of fools..

[Post edited 7 Feb 22:39]
Working Mens Clubs/ Constitutional Clubs.
at 22:07 15 Jan 2025

Those of a certain age on here will remember these places dotted in their legion all over the UK.

Working class peoples living in their concrete esso parrafin asphalt jungle council gaffs and prefabs could get together to escape the 24/7 knuckle duster of life and the slow motion riot of the 238 bus to the local injection moulding factory for their 8-4 shift , and have a few pints of Long life and a double diamond in the local labour/conservative/lib dem club .

I remember the East ham working mens club, ( now a block of flats) , Blokes in pringles and wexmans at the bar, Their women at the tables knocking back skol white top while the club secretary in his knock off Eton Rifle regimental blazer badge sculpted in bullion wire with hand-finished embroidery , was flogging raffle tickets for a beano to Thorpe bay to a pissed up joyus crowd. An organic collective of people who share a bond.

The word 'community' to me has been rendered down over the years i distilled into a saline nothingness.. imo Working mens clubs are at the heart of the 'community'. To me 'Community' means shared values and a shared background where we were spawned from, those shared hardships , those shared parameters of living in a gilded cage of the working class area you grew up in. Like our Grandads, nans, mothers and fathers that put the slog in during the week and then came together for a piss up at the weekend at the local working mans club.

Most of them are gone now. Flats, chicken shops and fu cking paddy powers with electronic roulette wheels have taken their place. Evil.

Well, today i joined one. These Dojo's of working class culture for good or bad are dying out.

I'd love to know who is a member of one on here. We should support them. I come from the East end so i don't know if they were as popular in west london as they were in the east..

I hope they are/were.

[Post edited 15 Jan 22:24]
at 01:05 11 Jan 2025

I Hated this as a fashion victim 2o something year old know it all...

..East ham dave loved it..and now at 57, so do i. I understand. Magic.

Everythings gonna work out fine.

your instrumentals lfw..

[Post edited 11 Jan 1:10]
Rod Stewart 80 Today.
at 23:14 10 Jan 2025

The ace Face. The High Number. Happy Birthday Rod the Mod.

faces.. Rod solo.. Your best Tunes ..
[Post edited 10 Jan 23:18]
Adam Ant.
at 20:10 18 Oct 2024

Adam Ant tomorrow night lads. Many of you are probably too young to remember but they were a half decent punk band before all that ‘Prince Charming’' ‘stand and deliver’ ‘goody two shoes’ carcinogenic shit.

Always thought Adam was more than just a pop act.. Jordan. 'Sniffin Glue', Mclaren, vivienne westwood 'sex'. Blitz club, Rusty Egan... a Petri dish mutation of punk and new wave..

First guitar riff i learned at 13 was ‘Dog eat dog’ on East ham Daves battered 60’s six string , Epiphone acoustic.

Not a huge fan Of Adams music after ’81. but there you go . probably be a load of old nostalgic tom tit but ’er indoors Jo deserves a night out..

Fantastical to me ,but according to wiki Adam is 69 and Marco Pirroni is 65!.. i always thought adam was in his early 60's and Marco was 80!

Who knows, probably percolate a tear or two while he knocks out 'Car Trouble' as i think of how young , beautiful , innocent and wonderfully Niave we all were back then before the weight of the world crushed our generation into molecular decimation, with its poison arrows of Mortgages, work, Kids, health, relationships, Divorce, money, Addictions and keeping your head above the plasma pool of basic need as a homo sapien in 2024 .

All that shit that is the knuckle duster of life 24/7 in the one square yard in front of your face.

Before that there was punk. And there was Adam.

Hello , my name is Glenn, I'm 56 and i'm An Adam Ant Addict.

[Post edited 18 Oct 2024 20:13]
UK Beer. Shift to Lower ABV% .
at 10:26 29 Jul 2024

Up until recently I was able to buy 5 star red Mahou beer  at the original ABV 5.1% . I've noticed that i can now only purchase a lower strength 4.5% version brewed for the UK . The bottles have these cheap labels stuck on them,  not the embossed logo on the original brew. It tastes completely different.

Also i've  noticed Cruzcampo, which is sunk to the nuts everywhere in every bar and club across the land,  is a knock off UK brewed lower ABV of the original.  It's nothing like the original In Spain.  Same with Japanese Kirin Ichiban,  can't get the original brew anymore, just a lower ABV UK fugazi. Rosa Blanca that ambrosial Lager from Mallorca, we get a 3.4% version of the 5% original. 3. 4% ! that's top deck shandy levels. 

Moretti,  Leffe , Stella and Brewdog lost and IPA punk have also dropped the ABV% of their brews in the last 6 or so months. 

I understand that Madri is a uk brewed product but I can no longer buy Portuguese Superbock or Sagres , Spanish Moritz, or German Warsteiner and Paulaner from any main supermarket that  were  freely available just 3 months ago.  Even Those  harry monk  brews carlsberg , Carling and fosters are dropping their ABV to risible 3.4% and 3.6% respectively.

Why?, Can't the regular sociable drinking public be responsible for ourselves?? Can't we be trusted to consume beers as they were created in their original format??. Is it to do with tax laws/import duty on beers over a certain ABV percentage making it economically unviable for brewers to export beer to the UK?. Even stuff thats brewed in the UK is being reduced to baxter soup thin gruel.

We are  left with the world knowing the UK has the weakest mainstream beer in the world, at the highest prices.

The last government through total incompetence will end up destroying the great British beer heritage.

Rant over, i'm off to stick me finger in my ear playing the Bodhrán to steeleyespan.

[Post edited 29 Jul 2024 10:31]
Chris Charles..
at 23:21 4 Jul 2024

Whatever happened to this wonderful bloke who graced our podcasts , BT sports screens and this forum. And he knew his punk rock like some 5th dan shaolin monk of the 3 chord genre.

A bit like Ed moses and Harald Schmid , I'd rate him a close second behind Bri Mcarthy as the nicest bloke on LFW.

Not only did he have a quality Paul Jones manfred mann haircut , he also took time to contact me over a personal issue which we both share with our families.

You are missed Chris. Come back to us brother.

[Post edited 4 Jul 2024 23:24]
at 19:48 13 Jun 2024

Clive knows that i don't blow smoke up his arse, i don't join the congo line for the Davidian / jim jones cult love for his write up's on QPR match reports.. Not because i don't enjoy them , i just don't feel the need to offer up my first born son in praise of his work and tithe my left bollock to the altar of his epistle.

I've made friend for life on this forum, they know who they are, i don't need to mention them. Thats down to clive and the work he puts into running the polarity drive of this facking gaff. It must be bastard gruelling.

Perhaps it needs highlighting. Perhaps we need to appreciate it. I appreciate it old son.

You soppy northern git.

[Post edited 13 Jun 2024 19:59]
Single file Queuing.. in pubs!
at 14:09 8 Jun 2024

We have at last surmounted the peak sawtooth waves of insanity in this country. I've never encountered this recent fashion in our pubs and clubs, and would piss all over it if i did. Luckily it hasn't reached Leigh on Sea and i can't imagine the natives round here putting up with it.

Just take a butchers at The pictures in the X account below which is dedicated to it. it's a new phenomenon. Pubs/ bars are not post office counters to pick up form lcx49kj or the medical center for your blood test results to see if you have a dose of crabs.

It blows my mind. The bar staff implore people not to queue and to address the bar in the normal fashion yet they continue to queue up in single file at the bar looking like cattle waiting for the firing pin of the bolt gun in a slum east end abbatoir. Docile , iron curtain queueing for-Baby-milk formulae colostomy bags ,that cant work out how to use a bar.

Takes ages to get served with single file queues going back out of the door while the unused bar staff wait idly behind the jump yelling at people not to queue. Yet still they Queue. FFS.

All Waiting in single file to be served their Madri like some tuberculosis drenched brat at the window of a Mr Whippy ice cream van for his 3 halfpence raspberry Jubbly.

Is it in your Local,? have seen this carcinogenic shit in your pub?. Just say no, and walk to the bar with your head held high. Name and shame!

[Post edited 8 Jun 2024 15:13]
State Of Origin 2024.
at 10:00 5 Jun 2024

Kick off 11am Lads. NSW have picked a side for the grind, not much flair in the team but Plenty of minerals in extremis in the starting 13.

Queensland look good for the win against the blues who are shorn of the two best players on the planet in Nathan Cleary and Tom Trbojevic .

I'm Hoping for a narrow win for the blues but can see The maroons wining by 8-12.

Cracking open the Spaten lager at 11am. Good times.
'I love this game moonpie'.

NRL it.

[Post edited 5 Jun 2024 10:14]
LFW Look a likes.
at 22:58 2 Feb 2024

I know Paul parker on here said modestly , he looked like Brad Pitt when he was younger when he had all his hair, but having met him , i think he looked more like Archie from 'Only when i laugh'. only without the crushed velvet pyjamas

Fred man Rave looks like Bodie from 'the professionals' , Essex taxi reminds me of Tom Bell and L block , Ed Harris. I've never met bazza but from his profile pic he reminds me of Stephen bunting the dart player.

For myself , when i was in my 20's and 30's , it was Gary webster from 'Minder' many , many times... unfortunatley as i've got older it's now Grouty from 'Porridge' .

Heres' me 8/9 years old 1976 . East ham council estate esso blue scum on a Canvey Island Holiday modelling the latest leif garret haircut and Vitas Gerulaitis trackie top. (East ham dave not in picture , as he busy was shagging stephanie de sykes in the club house wearing his long john baldry Tie pin). it was the 70's baby. fu ck me those flares.... i dont know why my hair looks ginger in the photo..must be Polaroid discolouration.

who do you look a like?

[Post edited 2 Feb 2024 23:10]
Terrible/Fantastic Christmas presents.
at 18:41 8 Dec 2023

Christmas eve 1977 ,Ten Years Old.

i was a typical scrap of east end fluff with a basin haircut in a lee majors tracksuit playing football all day round the back of the prefabs and plashet park. Scuffed knees. Snotty Nose. Bed Bugs. Esso Blue parrafin heaters.

I was headbanging to the 'weekend world' theme tune When my posh aunty marjorie from her penthouse in gidea park comes round to our crumbling, mouldering newham council slum midden in east ham, with her husband, (a Hugh lovegrove jenkins ffs ), bearing gifts for the Co Op stamp mob.

I set my eyes on this huge present , and tear into it like a dead eyed smackhead full of want into a liberated pensioners purse, ravenous for a Muhammad Ali blow up boxing punchbag , a 'Superstriker,' a David Nixon magic hat , a 'Superflight deck' ..even a tommy cooper fuc king golf set.

but no, the chiffon and brushed denim habitat Guardian reading w ankers gave me a fuc king wicker chair. a wicker chair to a football mad 10year old from the east end.

the bastard thing wouldn't have looked out of place Suspended from agent derek flints ceiling. I burst into tears , which was probably the wicked fuc kers intentions.

At least It hasn't marked me in anyway at all.

As for the best Xmas present, it would have to be 'Merlin' , 'rebound', 'Simon' and best of all 'Crossfire' , which you cound detach from the game board and shoot ball bearings at your sister while she watched 'Little house on the prairie'
[Post edited 8 Dec 2023 18:48]
Office Xmas parties
at 09:57 7 Dec 2023

office xmas party last night

I can honestly say i'd rather be paralysed with GHB mainlined into my gooch laying on an offcut of MFI underlay in the basement of john wayne gacey's Ranch, while he's on the mooch for hairless puckered arseholes to violate, than go to another .

I'd rather be Hugh Grants walnut turned fleurs-de-lys strap-on plunging helplessley into some sundry Bronx prostitutes dirtbox like a f ucked chernobyl graphite rod , than ever go to another office xmas party. I've had more fun whacking me meatus between two B&Q sanding blocks.

Problem is , i only meet the people i work with a couple of times a year and then we are thrust into a room every december and told to socialise to a soundtrack of Greg lake and Jona louie while being plied with booze. It's like some crazed GDR social experiment at the Trabant works factory.

My hangover is so evil I threw up this morning for the first time since Terry mcCann had furry dice in his Mk2 capri. I've actually got the shakes like Nicholas cage in 'leaving las Vagas'. I'm shuffling about the house like a short eye nonce on E wing with the tea urn.

I just hurled back up two milk thistle tablets and My berroca drink. i'll probably still be processing the toxins for 3 months. My only task today is to take in the 11am shop from ocado. The thought of dealing with this seems gargantuan. Caught a reflection of myself in the mirror. look like Gene hackman on angel dust.

'er indoors is most impressed. Called me a 'peg toothed c unt ' before she left for work.

True Romance.

Think i'll give it a miss next year.


edit; any tips for a hangover?
[Post edited 7 Dec 2023 10:11]
Krups Sub V Phillips Perfect Draft V Blade. Pub Pints at Home.
at 15:41 17 Nov 2023

I've been following Simon on his 'Real Ale Craft Beer'  you tube channel  for a few years,  and purchased a Phillips perfect Draft machine  in 2022 on the back of his reviews in the below video...

A couple of years later and he has  now decided to sell all his pub pint beer machines  as he doesn't use them enough... The price point , Availability , Delivery logistics, and variety of the torps/kegs is becoming problematic.  He reckons that there was a surge in public demand for these machines during covid , while the pubs were shut, and now they're about as popular as Yootha Joyce Toby Jugs.

I still love My Phillips, no complaints,  Pints work out around the £2.85 mark , although i do know a couple of blokes in my local battle cruiser with  the Krups compact  sub who reckon they are about as much use as leather lace up condoms to prevent Gonorrhea on a '70's Dirk Diggler porno shoot.

Has anyone got one of these at home?,  what are your thoughts?  I know there are several other machines on the market. I  was thinking of upgrading at christmas to the Blade  but at £400 i'll have to bite down hard on my gumshield to pay that sort of gelt and then ok it with the Reichsprotektor of Finance i.e 'er indoors.

[Post edited 18 Nov 2023 7:02]
at 09:07 18 Jun 2023

Happy fathers day to all dads on here and now.. and remember the dads we've lost on loft for words over the years who are settling in for a good old kip by the light of their new sun.

i'm Still learning on the job at 55 years old . Put your plates up today Dads and take it easy. Just for one day. You deserve it.
State Of Origin 2023
at 10:22 31 May 2023

Game One. 11am.

This is the only Sporting event remaining that evokes the same level of solar plexus Glow of excitement in me, as the FA Cup final once did as a kid back back in the late 70's and 80's when it was on both chanels from 12-5, with Freddie Starr parading the Wembley turf as Albert Speer in Pat Coombs winceyette bloomers.

Hoping for a NSW Win and looking to see how Canberra Raider Hudson Young goes today.

State of Origin... 'I love this Game Moonpie!'

[Post edited 31 May 2023 10:25]
The Birth of the 12"Single. Extentend 80's New Wave Electronica Synth Pop
at 20:43 27 Apr 2023

I'm Seeing Post John Foxx fronted Ultravox in a couple of days in Southed. 'er Indoors Will insist on dragging me out to socialize When im quite content to revel in my own farraday cage of self pity. God Bless Jo.

.. ..I'm Kind of looking forward to injection moulding My 38" waist , Fat Carcass into some Caharrt Jeans and lava lamp gut into a Red Or Dead polo top only to look like a big breasted petri dish bunk up offspring of Bernard Bresslaw and diana doors in a tank top, but f uck it i'm going out. I'm Going out. Wish Me Luck.

It matters not that i now look like Grouty From 'Porridge' and can wear denis rousseau Kaftans as a snug fit. Im Going out.

Outside of the Chicago House Dojo, 12" singles were unheard of... In the uK, In the Strontiumdog ashes of New Orders floppy disc Die Cut 'Blue Monday' 12" extended masterpiece, acting as the launchpad 39a Of a Electonic/New Wave 12" Vinyl tesseract, A new age was spawned . The 12" Single came to be. Ultravox played their part in the creation of the 12" single.

The golden Age of the 12" . We had it all.

I hope Midge dosent whip out those pointy sideburns. Oh well, driving mini moog baselines , Booze and the love of a good woman. Whats not to love.

Post yourConcrete slabs of 12" wonderment here... Right here Right Now.
[Post edited 27 Apr 2023 21:12]
Songs about Space.
at 18:35 9 Nov 2022

I was really pleased to see in the 'London' Music Thread that my Love , Awe and admiration of the band, Public Service Broadcasting, was shared with the same passion among several of my QPR brothers.

Their Petri dish hybrid splice of Techno, Krautrock, Berlin School, Chemical Beats, ArtRock and electronica sunk to the nuts up mutated strains of Modern English Culture and History , societal autobahns and Human endeavour, Breaks me up emotionally to the solar plexus.

I Saw them at the Troxy last month, and screamed like a 14 year old girl dressed in a Biba Brushed Polyester twin set in a 'Hard Days Night'. I was 55 years old last Friday..

I was First drawn to them with the Track 'Go', A story of the Apollo moon landing cut with samples from the Control Room at Kennedy space center that day with Gene Simmons on Comms.

The song and video brings me to tears everytime i hear it in that it showcases what Human Beings can achieve when working together rather than annihilating each other in bastard wars or worse, making 'Ant and Decs saturday night takeaway' type tv shows as dirty grain skag opium for the masses to consume, as they fret about the coming 7.38am Monday Morning Chingford commute to a work place full of cun ts they despise .

Anyway, Songs about Space....

'Go'... Public Service Broadcasting.

[Post edited 9 Nov 2022 20:56]
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