| Forum Thread | Dale 1 -Northampton 1 - can I have £5 back please Mr Haines at 21:17 24 Nov 2020
I know you should not give interviews /comment straight after the game and all that - but I cant believe what Northampton got away with - timewasting was UNBELIEVEABLE - we only got to watch half a game - so can I have half my money back please Mr Haines ? Every free kick they gave way they kicked the ball away, the subs kicked the ball away, the keeper ignored the ball and chatted to his defence Hope the assessors were watching this performance as it was very poor game management from the ref who let them away with murder |
 | Forum Thread | Richard Blackburn - All Credit To You at 12:25 28 Oct 2020
Watch the Sunderland game last night on iFollow - pitch looked and played BRILLIANTLY The weather has been very wet and the pitch looked magnificent. Dale were able to pop the ball around with confidence on a near perfect surface and went toe to toe with "one of the big boys" of the division - well worth a least the draw Only downside - nobody got to see a great game live Credit to Richard and his team - Im sure its been a long few months, but it all seems to be paying off - THANK YOU |
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