| Forum Thread | Just woken up from a coma... at 20:09 19 May 2015
What a great day, just woken up from a coma suffered about 8 years ago when someone called 'Briatore' was about to takeover QPR. Anything happened of note since ? |
 | Forum Thread | The most embarrassing hand ball ever ! at 22:29 10 May 2015
Demachaelis's handball on the halfway line with no QPR player within 20.4 meters of him. He's actually apologising and the Ref waves play on. Karl Henry falling over his own feet, Barton kicking his own foot trying to make a pass. Yung Suk yung's apparently a football player. Richard Dunne heading Hoillets head. I don't think I've seen a worse display since we lost 7-1 at Sheffield Wed in the 80's and they played (& scored 2 goals) with ten men. |
 | Forum Thread | Monster Niko Kranjcar at 20:46 12 Oct 2014
Who's that on the left of the field ? It's Niko Kranjcar It's Niko Kranjcaaaar ! |
 | Forum Thread | M'Bia scores ... at 22:22 1 May 2014
the winning goal to get into the Europa League Final. Didn't he play for us ?! |
 | Forum Thread | Team names at 19:00 5 Feb 2014
Somebody just rang me and said check out todays Egyptian League match between El Geish/Ismaily. It stinks of a draw. |
 | Forum Thread | Tim the Skittle at 20:39 17 Jan 2014
RIP. Just heard that Tim off of the Skittles advert has come to an untimely demise. He picked his nose and turned into a giant M&M |
 | Forum Thread | Hughes.. & so it begins at 21:03 6 Jun 2013
Mark Hughes releasing seven players and six back room staff. Not bad for a days work ! |
 | Forum Thread | Take the 1st Team squad to a Combined Counties Game at 23:10 20 Nov 2012
Reality check time. OK most of the squad are vastly overpaid prima donnas knowing only the better life of a pampered footballer with everything done for them by the club, their agent or lackey. Get them down to a lower league game on a windswept night somewhere like South Park, Colliers Wood or Hanworth Villa and there they'll see players showing 100% commitment and playing as if their lives depended on getting through to the next round of the Lemon Recordings Challenge Cup. And all this in front about 30 people ! We saw something similar in the late 90's/early 00's when we had non committed players, but at a much lower scale than today. Unfortunately a lot of them ended up playing in lower pro and non league football and if we get relegated I can't see a lot of our squad leaving QPR and going to a bigger club. |
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