| Forum Thread | Religion: a social construct for subjugation of the population? at 11:41 14 Nov 2022
Islam, Christianity and Judaism have largely the same roots and basis-religions that dictate your choices in life.These religions have caused much conflict and bloodshed, usually between each other or sects of the same religion. Should all religion be banned and we move forward with humanist and general moral principles? Or should we allow religion if fully tolerant and supportive of others-as some forms of Buddishm and elements of Sikh doctrine. Or should we ban the notion of all 'sky faries'. Interested to know thoughts. |
 | Forum Thread | Trump finished? at 20:47 9 Nov 2022
No ‘red wave’ and poor performance from Trump-endorsed candidates in the mid-terms. Will the GOP ditch him in favour of the younger and popular conservative Ron De Santis? |
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