| Blog Comment | Whose money is it anyway? at 13:14:58
LaudrupFan - It's a good point and I'm surprised it's not really been discussed much despite being filed at Companies House since December. Saying that Companies House isn't only everyone's Favourites list and I only became aware through word of mouth. Like I said though, my focus was on the renumeration piece and the ownership structure is a whole other topic in itself. |
 | Blog Comment | Whose money is it anyway? at 11:42:02
Dafydd - Good post. Agree on the lack of transparency. We know some things because the club are required by law to publish details about how much is paid to directors in total and the highest single amount ... and we can infer more from that. However agree it's seemingly provided reluctantly and there's little transparency. Like I said in my intro I could have written several times as many words and ultimately decided to stick to a relatively narrow subject. Could easily have written just as many words on topics such as the ownership structure or the fan experience issues you raised! |
 | Blog Comment | Whose money is it anyway? at 11:27:31
Thanks Matt. Think we pretty much agree actually. Share your hopes on the final point ... but that's probably another piece entirely, and twice as long! |
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