| Forum Thread | Norwich Away - Trains at 11:20 13 Dec 2024
Morning all - was thinking of popping up to Norwich for the game via trains from Stratford. I am a bit apprehensive given the time of year and how unreliable they are at the best of times. Anyone got any advice as to viability of using them; they seem to be running okay according to Trainline....for now. |
 | Forum Thread | Bristol Pub at 13:47 16 Feb 2024
Afternoon everyone - Know the official pub is the cricket club by the ground, but anyone else know of any good places friendly to away fans pre game, preferably one convenient from the station? Cheers |
 | Forum Thread | Norwegian R’s, please help! at 20:02 25 Apr 2023
Afternoon all- I am in Oslo this weekend and would love to watch the game with some R’s. I have tried looking at QPR Norway’s social media and cannot find any information of where/ if they do meet-ups for games. Can anyone help me? |
 | Forum Thread | Player Conduct at 00:09 10 Apr 2023
I have read multiple times in Clive’s fantastic match reports and seen some murmurings on twitter about player conduct after defeats: being out on the town, badmouthing other players/ managers, and generally displaying complete apathy to the disgrace which is unfolding in front of us, etc. But I have not actually seen any stories or much less names of individuals involved (even though I have my own suspicions). Anyone have any information (even of tenuous validity) to share? |
 | Forum Thread | Reading Travel at 13:29 5 Jan 2023
Afternoon all. I am heading to Reading next week and usually drive but can't on this occasion. I noticed the train station is a long way from the ground, does anyone know if there is a bus or something that runs between them, or is it just a bundle into a taxi job? TIA |
 | Forum Thread | Coventry Away at 10:11 21 Oct 2022
Morning all. I remember reading on a separate thread that Cov was one of the clubs which has the longest distance between the station and the ground. How do people get to the ground, then? Is there a bus that runs to the ground from the station? |
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