| Forum Thread | Mark Jackson at 12:40 23 Dec 2022
Former Daley expected to be named as new MK Dons boss after impressing at Leeds |
 | Forum Thread | Crown Oil to Qatar at 10:43 26 Nov 2022
Just watching the Aussies this morning and saw Aaron Mooy playing, remembering him from his Huddersfield days, and got me thinking about players at the current World Cup who've played at Spotland. Kane and Trippier both played in the 2-2 but is there many others? |
 | Forum Thread | Non shareholder tries to cancel EGM at 11:53 3 Oct 2021
Matt Southall has written to the club to ask them to cancel Wednesday's EGM: Dear Sirs We are happy to enter positive discussions with the Board. We suggest a meeting next week. Unfortunately, the Board has initiated an EGM with the sole intention of seeking to dilute our shareholding. We have taken legal advice upon that process and the Board will receive correspondence from our Solicitors within the next 24 hours. The correspondence will insist that the Board sends notice to all shareholders of the cancellation of the EGM on Monday 4 October. If the Board try to proceed with the EGM, we are advised by the lawyers to start legal proceedings in The High Court to obtain an Injunction on Tuesday to ensure that the meeting does not proceed. We do not want to do that, but if the Board do not cancel the meeting, we will, and will also seek an order that the Directors who initiated the EGM pay the costs. I stress that this is not a route that we want to take, but if the Board refuse to act in a co-operative manner, we will be left with no choice. The decision to call an EGM was a poorly conceived and unhelpful tactic which individual Directors will be held to account for, if they chose to proceed. The best starting point for a constructive discussion is for the Board to immediately — this weekend — cancel the EGM. We will see this as a very positive and sensible move; and we can sit down and talk next week to explore all options with the Board. A pre-condition of commercial discussions with the Board, is confidentiality. You will understand that placing commercial discussions into the public domain is very unhelpful. We are keen to reach a solution as soon as possible. We are sure that positive discussions can take place in the next week or shortly thereafter, so long as we can undertake the discussions without the need to tell the lawyers to commence action on Tuesday and on the basis that we are not going to read what we have discussed in confidence with the Board, half an hour later on the internet. We look forward to your urgent response. Regards Matt Southall |
 | Forum Thread | An open letter to Andrew Kelly at 09:36 3 Jul 2021
With all the issues that have taken place this year, Dale fans have never associated yourself with any of that. You can see that with your re-election vote at the AGM where 95% of supporters voted in favour of you. You are not seen in the same light as Bottomley and Rawlinson. Dale supporters know you for what you are — a proper Rochdale bloke who loves both the Club and the town. Arguably, you’ve been the one constant at the Club in the past twenty years, the one constant through the most successful time in our 114 year history and from my dealings with you, I am well aware of all the work you have done that doesn’t reach the public domain — whether that be your work with the academy, or your work with both Hilly and Flicker throughout that time. This club would not be what it is had you not been involved. We’re Rochdale, we’ve always been different. We’ve never had an owner in modern history. The likes of Cannon have tried but there’s been a Rochdale way that has seen us shine since the dark days of the 80’s where we almost dropped into non league. That Rochdale way has led to a succession of hard working individuals acting in the best interests of the Club — you as much as any of them — and that has seen us survive and prosper. We’ve not had the debts of other clubs, we’ve not gone into admin unlike every other EFL club in the area. We’ve had the stadium rebuilt into what it is today, we’ve had the most successful time on the field in our entire history, and we’ve been a benchmark for every other club to follow. That’s come on your watch. This weekend is the most important weekend in the history of the Club. By the end of this weekend, we might be in a position where we have a single owner or pair of owners. That fantastic video that the club put out about “This is my club” that got me all emotional might need remaking. What do we know about them? Practically nothing — one comes from Essex seems to have no trail whatsoever which carries it own set of red flags and the other comes from Worksop with a history in housing developments. But we are at the stage where they are close to getting the keys to the club. What else do we know? Well I believe that they’d already shown an interest and you’d knocked it back. They weren’t good enough for the club a few months ago, so why now? We know we disagreed about MH and whether that was in the best interests of the club, but if MH wasn’t the answer, why are we going with people who were dismissed as tyre kickers previously? You can understand the others for selling to them. They’ve not got the history you have, despite their claims. They’ve never been here for most of their lives, they’ve never put their own money in year after year. They are not what we would call proper Rochdale people. You are. You’ve always been “What can I do for this club?” rather than “What’s in it for me” and that is why you are so respected within the town/ I implore you not to sell your shares in the Club, and if you do there are alternatives that protect the best interests of the Football Club and give you the legacy that you richly deserve. You’ve done your time and nobody can blame you for wanting to enjoy your retirement. You’ve done far more than any of the rest of us would do, but there’s one thing left to do that will protect the Club you love and have done so much for. |
 | Forum Thread | Peter Madden's funeral at 10:04 21 Apr 2020
Hi Been asked to post this: Due to the virus, the attendees at Pete’s funeral is very limited so the Madden family has decided to make it available as a webcast. The details are below. All Dale fans are invited to log-on. There will be a proper send-off for Pete the other side of the current crisis. Peter Maddens funeral webcast: Date: Friday 1 May, 2020 Website: www.obitus.com Username: rochdale2620 Password: 114829 Time 11.10 Service Chapel : Rochdale People can log on from 11.05 am |
 | Forum Thread | Easyfundraising at 09:54 9 Jun 2018
http://www.daletrust.co.uk/2018/06/easyfundraising-may-review/ We've got the breakdown on that page of where the funds have come from over the past month and it shows just how easy it is to raise funds.But it's incredibly easy to forget to use it too (I'm guilty of that plenty of times). I don't believe for one moment that within the fan base there were only 2 Just Eat orders, but we had just the two through the Easyfundraising link. Each Just Eat order sees 2% back to the Trust. If there was some enforced commitment to use it, there's no reason at all why we couldn't be talking hundreds of pounds per month rather than the £27.92 that we're very grateful for. Just a few examples: If you're looking at a holiday, they have deals with Eastjet, Lastminute.com, ThomasCook, Jet2, Onthebeach, plus hundreds of sites where you can book hotels (Laterooms etc). All household names. If you want to book airport extras or rent a car whilst on holiday, its all there. If you are ordering anything for Father's Day, they've got Moonpig for the card, and hundreds of retailers such as John Lewis, Debenhams, Selfridges etc If you are looking at changing insurance, they've got things like Compare the Market linked up which sees a pound donation back to the Trust. If you are looking at changing your home broadband, they've got BT and a whole host of other household names just queueing up to give money back to the Trust if you sign up with them. If you're single and fancy meeting someone, even things like match.com and eharmony are on there to make donations back to the Trust. So you can even meet that love of your life and benefit the Trust by doing so. We should really launch some Trust branded condoms in celebration of this. I know we bang on about this, but the reality is that we are averaging around £30 per a month through this, and that's mostly coming from 1 or 2 people. We could be raising hundreds per month if we could maximise this through the fanbase, and ultimately it's all for the good of the club. I know it might be easier if there was a specific cause, rather than simply "Trust funds", and that's something we're looking at. And if like me, you're the forgetful type, they have a browser plug in now that simply appears if you are about to complete a purchase and asks you if you want the transaction to make the donation back. They reckon this alone helps raise five times as much. Link to browser plug in: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/donation-reminder/ If you've not signed up and want to, or you just want to read a bit more about it, you can visit https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/daletrust/
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