| Forum Thread | No subject at 09:07 12 Feb 2023
Has he gone yet? |
 | Forum Thread | Dragan Solak at 20:41 4 Feb 2023
Must be worried about his money. The other Sport Republc fellas have not put the money in, but are responsible for our recruitment are likely about to lose him a lot of money. Surely he needs to act and clear the Danish chuckle brothers out of the club. |
 | Forum Thread | In the Refs face at 08:54 22 Jan 2023
After JWP 'scored' there were 11 Villa players in the refs face arguing their point. Now I'm not saying they influenced the VAR guys or the referee but it didn't hurt. I don't like to see that sort of pressure put on a ref, but seeing as it can influence the weaker refs why the fùck don't we do it ever??? |
 | Forum Thread | Shirt Shocker. at 09:46 28 Jul 2022
Over the years we've had a few sh*t shirts when some f**kwit in a design studio Clerkenwell starts buggering about with the stripes. But the latest takes the sh*t Biscuit. It was bad when I first saw it, but I didn't realise it was all white on the back. We looked like Derby County going forward. Don't encourage these fashion vandals by buying this turkey ffs. |
 | Forum Thread | Benefits for Billionaires at 08:58 2 Apr 2020
The billionaire owners of Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur have thrown their employees off their pay roll so that the tax payer, you and I, will instead pay their wages. When all this is over their billion pound enterprises will carry on making them their fortunes thanks to you and I. These individuals could cover their staffs wages in full for years out of their personal fortunes but instead would prefer you and I did. Dont get me wrong the, the government scheme to cover 80% of wages is a life line to many small business, and I don't mind my taxes going towards this. What I fùcking hate is our money going to these billionaire crooks. |
 | Forum Thread | Brexit before Breathing at 19:36 26 Mar 2020
The ideological freaks that pass for a government have passed up on the offer to join with the EU to purchase ventilators faster and cheaper with the economics of scale. Apparently we want to make our own arrangements, which amounts to buying them from Dyson who've never made a single ventilator before now. That will show Jonny Foreigner. |
 | Forum Thread | Reading (not the town) at 08:06 26 Mar 2020
Anyone getting more opportunity to get amongst some literature now we're in lockdown? I've just read 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists' by Robert Tressell , I highly recommend it. What's everyone reading? [Post edited 26 Mar 2020 8:52]
 | Forum Thread | If this season is cancelled at 08:18 25 Mar 2020
Does it mean all results will be expunged from the record books, and that a certain record breaking defeat never happened? |
 | Forum Thread | Tim Martin multi-millionaire owner of Weatherspoons. at 12:47 24 Mar 2020
Hot on the heels of Richard Branson abandoning his staff, Mr Martin is refusing to pay any staff until he is reimbursed by the government. Not withstanding the government have said they are unlikely to be able to organise the payment until the end of April, multi-millionaire Mr Martin would rather his staff go unpaid than dip into his own pocket if only for a few weeks. This man is a kunt. |
 | Forum Thread | Virgin at 13:28 16 Mar 2020
Workers at Virgin Atlantic are being told to take 8 weeks UNPAID leave. So Britains second wealthiest man Richatd Branson is happy to take all the profits in the good times but in the bad times the workers pay. The mans a cůnt. |
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