| Forum Reply | Leeds away at 13:14 20 Sep 2023
Their football seems to be very expensive! It would be good if there was an agreement that meant all championship clubs did something to protect away fans from these sorts of ticket prices - including Leeds Champions of Europe! |
 | Forum Reply | Leeds away at 09:33 20 Sep 2023
You’re right. 👍 Rule 34.2.8! A price agreement still possible though following the Cardiff example |
 | Forum Reply | Leeds away at 07:51 20 Sep 2023
That clearly seems to be the case. That said, there is a difference in what we charge away fans (silver £31, gold £37 for Coventry) and what Leeds charge. The opportunity was therefore there to negotiate a lower price on the basis of what we will charge Leeds fans. You can, of course, argue that we can now charge Leeds fans £45 as a revenue opportunity. But, however important revenue is, it seems fair to have some price limit as in the Premier League. The current cap of £30 has recently been extended in the PL. On top of that, there is the issue of our away support. From what has been said on here, it will be affected. But, the team needs that support in what is going to be a difficult season. So I completely accept the logic of what you are saying about revenue, but there has to be agreed limits and Hoos doesn't seem to have made any attempt to find a reasonable limit here. Oh well, that’s modern football. |
 | Forum Reply | Leeds away at 06:46 20 Sep 2023
https://thefsa.org.uk/news/leeds-united-offer-reciprocal-away-ticket-deals/ Lee Hoos has chosen to screw his own fans over here. The prices could and should have been £21. It was in Hoos’ hands but he chooses to overlook the interests of the fans at a time when it is already a struggle to stump up the money for ‘normal’ prices - never mind these prices. This is a question for our club as well as Leeds |
 | Forum Reply | Peterborough home game switch at 20:15 3 Feb 2022
I'm based in Liverpool and have just looked at the trains which don't seem to get into Euston til 12.15 giving me 15 minutes to get to my seat. That is the first train from Liverpool to London that day and relies on the train being on time, on a Sunday. Absolute bollocks from Hoos: As if we haven't had enouugh disruption to our Saturday fixtures this season already |
 | Forum Reply | RIP Desmond Tutu at 12:06 26 Dec 2021
You are so right. Loss of another great man, impoverishing the world even more. Sad day. |
 | Forum Reply | Anti-Northern songs at 14:39 23 Aug 2021
Sorry to hear that. As people move around a lot these days, often living away from their place of birth, you are always going to get young kids following their parents and supporting the R's even though they are from elsewhere. I actually did it the other way around and followed my son, because I couldn't be arsed with Liverpool, but, even so, I'm 51 so a few anti-Northern songs bounce off me and, as I said, I even joined in on Saturday as I got carried away. Kids are far more sensitive though. Having followed the R's for 9 seasons with my son, I have found R's fans to be pretty sound and the best I have ever been amongst - so I would never take offence at these things. One thing though: there was a young lad behind me on Saturday, about 8 or 9 years old, and he was belting out the anti-Northern stuff with real feeling! His arm kept coming over my shoulder as he pointed out the dirty northern bastards in the School end, one by one :-) |
 | Forum Reply | Jimmy Dunne at 22:03 22 Aug 2021
Did he put a foot wrong yesterday? He was really good on Wednesday too. He will put a lot of opponents into his back pocket this season and they won't escape. Not a lot will fluster him. And he looks like he might score one or two along the way, as well. Welcome Jimmy |
 | Forum Reply | Anti-Northern songs at 21:54 22 Aug 2021
Like the Kropotkin handle. Good point too :-) |
 | Forum Reply | Anti-Northern songs at 21:50 22 Aug 2021
I've been going to football matches for 45 years and anti-northern / southern etc chants are par for the course and always have been. As far as I can see, it's done in good humour and I certainly don't have a problem with it. If anyone has a problem singing such songs, it might actually be some Northern clubs: If Liverpool or Man United fans sing them then they are clearly having a go at half of their fan base! Although there are many Northern based R's, I suppose there are not very many Northerner's that follow the R's, so anti-Northern songs at LR aren't really going to upset anyone. They certainly don't bother me - other than to confirm my alien status in the crowd! I lived in Wales for a few years, in Cardiff, and the poster earlier is correct that there is a lot of Anti-English feeling there and that it runs deep. That said, one of my favourite R's chants in recent years was Bristol City away when, referring to Luke Freeman, who was playing for us that day we sang 'he left cos you're Welsh' :-) |
 | Forum Thread | Anti-Northern songs at 14:34 22 Aug 2021
Being a Scouse-R with a season ticket in Ellerslie Road (thanks to my 15 year-old son, who has been taking me to LR for the last 9 seasons), I have always felt a tad uncomfortable when the anti-Northerm songs come out against teams like Barnsley. I already feel like a bit of an alien at Rangers (my son has a 'southern' accent, so he's ok) so the anti-Northern songs can really make me wince. I usually shuffle around awkwardly when they come out. Anyway, I got so carried away in the second half yesterday that I actually joined in and became an honorary Londoner! |
 | Forum Reply | Travel woes at 22:15 3 Jul 2021
Yeah, that was the 88/89 season (my first one in Newcastle) and the locals were not happy at all. From memory, the crowds were usually around 16 or 17,000 and not, as you say, the 52,000 of Geordie myth! They would be on the team's back from about the second minute. I think Willie McFaul was the manager at the time. It got even more toxic when they were in the second division the next season! |
 | Forum Reply | Travel woes at 10:29 3 Jul 2021
If that was in the late 80's I was probably there. I lived in Newcastle at the time and they used to sing 'sack the board' every week! |
 | Forum Reply | Travel woes at 22:51 1 Jul 2021
Yeah, even London North Western look attractive at the moment! Might even have to look at Megabus! Have you ever used it? I usually get the Avanti 2 hour service to Euston. |
 | Forum Reply | Travel woes at 10:21 1 Jul 2021
Thanks, mate. That's what I think: I've just got to make it happen. He's got GCSE's on his back this year so he needs his R's back. I'm hoping there will be more train seats after 19th July. COYRs! |
 | Forum Thread | Travel woes at 22:01 30 Jun 2021
Wanting to get a season ticket for me and my QPR mad 15-year old. I live in Liverpool and he lives in Oxford. Before lockdown, we had progressed to me meeting him in London - thus saving me the diversion to Oxford to pick him up on the way! It's ok saying stadiums are open but there are hardly any train seats from Liverpool to London so I can't see how I can get down there for the games! WHat to do?! |
 | Forum Reply | QPR Men Of The Cloth at 08:28 4 Nov 2020
There's a good book by Peter Lupton called 'Thank God for Football'. It has a chapter on QPR and talks about the Rev Sidney Bott's role in creating what became QPR. R's are men of the cloth through and through! |
 | Forum Reply | 1975-76 at 22:18 27 Apr 2020
Fortunately there's loads of footage now on youtube and i have seen lots of that season. I was 5 when the season started and 6 when it concluded so too young to remember it otherwise. McLintock was brilliant. My grandad was an Everton fan so he took me there and I saw Dave Thomas play at Goodison in the late 70s and was a massive fan of him too; loved watching him play. In his autobiog, Stan makes a lot of Sexton's innovative (at the time) use of the Dave Clement and Ian Gillard as full backs which I think is interesting because, if you read a recent book that came out about Paisley the author talks about the Liverpool manager as an innovator in the same way for doing same thing. But, Sexton was first so Paisley must have copied him! And, if he did copy him, he made maximum use of his innovaton in 75-6 season (whn he really began to introduce the changes in personnel in to those positions) which must have been gut wrenching for Sexton |
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