| Forum Thread | Anti-Northern songs at 14:34 22 Aug 2021
Being a Scouse-R with a season ticket in Ellerslie Road (thanks to my 15 year-old son, who has been taking me to LR for the last 9 seasons), I have always felt a tad uncomfortable when the anti-Northerm songs come out against teams like Barnsley. I already feel like a bit of an alien at Rangers (my son has a 'southern' accent, so he's ok) so the anti-Northern songs can really make me wince. I usually shuffle around awkwardly when they come out. Anyway, I got so carried away in the second half yesterday that I actually joined in and became an honorary Londoner! |
 | Forum Thread | Travel woes at 22:01 30 Jun 2021
Wanting to get a season ticket for me and my QPR mad 15-year old. I live in Liverpool and he lives in Oxford. Before lockdown, we had progressed to me meeting him in London - thus saving me the diversion to Oxford to pick him up on the way! It's ok saying stadiums are open but there are hardly any train seats from Liverpool to London so I can't see how I can get down there for the games! WHat to do?! |
 | Forum Thread | 1975-76 at 20:13 27 Apr 2020
Hi. I am from and based in Liverpool. My son supports QPR so I have being taking him since 2013. Although I support LFC/AFC Liverpool, regular attendance at QPR games has drawn me in and I have become a bit of a QPR fan over the last 7 years. I am also a writer for football magazines - WSC, STAND, Football Pink. My thread is for this reason: There's plenty been written about the 75-6 season from a playing point of view but I would like to write a long-form magazine article from a fans culture perspective; what the season was like, how it felt, what else was going on at the time. I interviewed a QPR mate in Liverpool (in exile from Brixton) recently and he was talking about what was happening on the Kings Road, teddy boys, emergence of punk etc. The whole excitement of the time. He also talked about West London housing estates as hot beds of QPR fandom as well as how proud he was when he went into school the day after Liverpool beat Wolves to consign the Rs to 2nd place. Devastated but proud. It was great stuff. I am posting because I wanted to see if there was anyone on here that remembers the time well (either as a child, schoolboy, young adult or whatever) and that would like to tell their story. If that interests anyone, you can contact me via twitter @NowhereFan1 and we can work out a way to do it - e.g. over email, skype or something that works for you. I could even meet up after the lockdown is lifted! I have spoken to LFC fans about it and they talk about a big party on the M6 (which was at a standstill) after they won it. I was born LFC but the more I get dragged into the QPR drama, and the more I learn about that season, something inside me feels a tinge of regret that it turned out the way it did .... thanks for reading |
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