| Forum Thread | Help Needed at 07:17 14 Jul 2020
Hi all. I recently made a gofundme page to raise money for mental illness. I contacted Ed Barber at qpr to see if he could help with promoting it. I still have his email. He advised me as they were receiving alot of similar request that unfortunately the QPR website could not promote this. He advised me to check out all the message boards. I thought I would try raise as much as I could without reaching out to my fellow r's but I just am not reaching anywhere near what I thought I would. It's quite upsetting as this cause means so much to me. I will post the link here. If its unacebtable,feel free to remove. Any help at all I would be so grateful. If everyone even donated a pound I would reach my goal. I do hope everyone is safe and well. And i apologise, I am not good with words but it really means so much to me. Thank you https://www.gofundme.com/f/pfys6w-raising-money-for-mental-health-awareness?utm_ By the way I already shaved my hair! Stay safe and thank you for reading. |
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