| Forum Thread | I will tell you why I feel cheated. at 20:06 2 Jan 2022
I have supported this club for 56 years,half of them as a season ticket holder.No big deal, just fact. The history of my club has been littered with great people trying their best,facing great obstacles just to enable us to survive.Throughout we have maintained league status through dire circumstances.People throughout time have dipped into their own pockets to ensure our own survival. Thanks to the realection process of the past our league tenure survived another year. Yet I digress.To be compared with bottomley is a tad sad just because I see issues differently.I have the upmost respect for all who helped potentially defeat this hostile takeover,but my point was going in to the second half of the season with an inexperienced squad and potentially losing some of our better players to me is a cause for concern.Bringing new players in will be a bonus, hopefully they gel and transform us into a more consistent team,but I fear for us and I won't hide from that There is no re-election process and bottomley and his cohorts will have achieved their goal As for the EFL,I hope you in the know are confident that severe sanctions will be implemented on these criminals because nothing has been done over previous years this has been happening.How many clubs have to die or be critically injured before they act.l am waiting to be pleasantly surprised Yes I am cinical.Against all the odds we had 7+ years of relative success and we had our legs cut from underus right under our noses,within the club with not a hint of questioning. I love my club and the soul within it.I am glad supporters now have a voice.I speak these thoughts only on the second half of the season as you are all right,if we survive unscathed the short to medium term looks promising. Up the Dale |
 | Forum Thread | Why do I feel cheated ?. at 19:42 1 Jan 2022
Throughout the whole of this sorry sagaover the last few months although thanks to plenty of dedicated people have contributed to potentially saving our club,I fear we are far from safe regarding the future of our club. While these so called investors seem to have been stalled or even beaten with regards our club,I fear these sort of reprobates will always be circling around clubs and really while collectively they have been beaten off this time doesn't mean they wont be back.They are professional in what they do and as been see before just start again in another guise. For us it's different.In succeeding getting us relegated (of which I'm sure was managed),we now find ourselves mid table league 2,falling attendances,willing to sell our better players,and really not going anywhere. Good people are in charge,but in the long run what's in it for us. Ths.In one sense the hitmen have won in destabilising the club creating long term problems which could end up in a relegation scrap which was their ultimate aim. I hope I'm proved wrong but I feel this season is far from over both on the field and off. |
 | Forum Thread | What the heck is going on? at 20:26 9 Jul 2021
Does anyone at the football club really know what is going on. After all the somewhat positive vibes from the board and trust we now find that people on this message board know more about what's going on with these possible investors than the club do.At the moment I have no confidence in anybody at the club and although they are well meaning and sticking there head above the parapet, this really does mean nothing when there is no control of the sinking ship Nice people will never defeat the sharks of this world so please give us confidence in yourselves and fight the cause. |
 | Forum Thread | Oh how at 13:15 4 Jul 2021
Can someone please explain to me how such a series of events that are occurring be implemented so quickly and decisively in such a short space of time.Surely these people must be vetted in some way and prove to be fit for purpose before such a big step can be completed.This may already have been asked but there are far more intelligent people than me who knows more. Do they have to prove they have the financial clout to sustain the well being of the club in the long run or is it they can just buy shares and see how it goes. I still maintain the club was managed to fail so sharks like these people could buy on the cheap. Thanks to all those who had the best interests of the club at heart,and thanks to you all for at least trying to give us a fighting chance. Just emailed Tony Lloyd for what it's worth |
 | Forum Thread | am i missing something. at 11:24 3 Jul 2021
I dont normally post on here but after reading and listening to what has been going on over the last few days i am beginning to feel this as been a long term objective of the previous directors in not only destablising the club but for what ever reason its ultimate collapse. I now believe relegation last season was the ultimate aim,and i believe the previous manager may have been complicit in this.Having no fans in the ground voicing their opinions made it easy to implement these ongoing situations How. such underhanded practices were allowed to go on throughout the club with nobody seeing the red flags amazes me The playing aspect also comes into question when a team can win games convincingly one minute,playing great football,then become dire for weeks on end playing rubbish.This doesnt sit well with me and brings in to question a managers role in the whole situation. Maybe i am wrong and thats the football gods for you ,but please dont tell me last seasons goings on was normal because quite obviously it wasnt. |
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