| Forum Thread | Money Laundering and football clubs at 13:29 23 Sep 2021
Given our current environment would somebody far more financially educated than me explain what the attraction of football clubs is to money launderers. There’s a bloke in Aus just vanished overseas having embezzled about $400 million out of Australian banks. He has spent $15 million of this on buying a Greek second division football club. The owner of another second division club lodged a complaint with the Greek governing body attempting to block the takeover on the grounds that the purchase was obviously solely for the purposes of laundering money. What is the specific attraction of football clubs. |
 | Forum Thread | CEO relationship with the Board. at 09:24 4 Jun 2021
Would somebody with knowledge of how Football boards function in the UK advise whether it is normal to have the CEO on the board. I’ve been on the boards of sporting organisations in Oz of similar size and structure to The Dale and we would never even contemplate having the CEO on the board. Every board I’ve sat on has had an executive remuneration committee. This minimum requirement does not appear to have existed on the Dale board and is yet another shocking indictment of the boards’ performance in recent times. How anybody has had a pay rise, and a significant one at that, in the current climate, is an absolute disgrace. |
 | Forum Thread | Coronavirus Melbourne at 13:29 30 Sep 2020
Given the apparent worsening situation in the UK I thought you might be interested in our experience in Melbourne. We have now been in some kind of lockdown in Melbourne for 6 months. By lockdown I mean takeaway coffees only, pubs and restaurants closed, exercise outside for maximum 1 hour, curfew from 9pm to 5am, no travel more than 5kms from your home address, compulsory to wear masks outside your home, just to name a few restrictions. Massive fines for amy infringements. We're such an obedient, white bread society that all this passses with very little debate. The odd protest is soon put down by our all powerful police force who are absolutely out of control at the moment. All this in a city of some 3 million people which has recorded about 10 cases a day for the last week or so. Restrictions will still not be lifted for another 2/3 weeks. All this has come about because we relaxed some initial lockdown restrictions some 3 months ago and some quarantine arrangements in hotels went haywire. As a result case numbers exploded. From my reading of the situation in the UK restrictions such as shutting pubs at 10pm are simply absurd and will only make things worse. You either have to live with it or impose strict lockdown conditions. Nothing else will work. Good luck. |
 | Forum Thread | Live On Foxtel ch509 in Oz at 09:37 4 Jan 2020
For those Dale fans in Oz who aren't fighting bushfires game is live on Foxtel Channel 509 |
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