| Forum Thread | Say no to PPV at 11:16 23 Oct 2020
Newcastle fans donated a magnificent £20,000 to food banks at the weekend rather than pay out extra money to watch their team on TV. Saints’ next PPV game is the Villa match on 1st November. The Not606 Forum have set up a Just Giving page for anyone that wants to donate to City Catering in Southampton. If anyone on here would like to join in, please do Thanks https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/saynotoppv https://www.citycateringsouthampton.co.uk/ The Premier League and the TV companies are awash with cash. There is a big question mark over how much, if any, of the £14.95 goes to the clubs, but even they are far less in need of help than those who rely on City Catering to help their families get enough to eat |
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