| Forum Thread | Non-QPR Sonos speakers Clusterduck! at 14:53 22 Sep 2024
Anyone else out there got a sonos setup at home? I'm losing my mind... Downloaded the updated app. Completely useless. Managed to go back to the old app but then that option seemed to stop working. So forced back to the new app and was trying to muddle along while the promised improvements were released, but now my system has given up completely: none of the speakers are showing, can't play a thing anywhere in house. Nothing. Long shot but has anyone found a fix or work around? Found some forums and tech blogs talking about what a disaster it all is but not any answers anywhere. First world problems and all that but it's wrecking me, so any help much appreciated! |
 | Forum Thread | Brain Haemorrhages (non-QPR) at 11:45 11 Apr 2022
To lift the mood a bit (actually, genuine apologies if this thread brings up painful memories for anyone), my Mum's fella had a brain haemorrhage last week. Apparently he had an 'acute on chronic' bleed which so far they can't identify a cause for. He was treated by burr hole drilling (when the NHS is good, it is truly humbling to see), he came round really well (seemed to have movement and understanding etc) but has since dipped a bit (last night thought he was in prison). Dr's are understandably reluctant/unable to say much at the minute and was just wondering if anyone had any knowledge, advice or experiences out there? I'm mainly supporting my mum rather than personally effected so no need to sugar coat things. |
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