| Forum Thread | Where are the Sams? at 11:21 18 Feb 2024
On Feb 1st the club announced the signings of Sam Murray and Sam Mather from Man Utd. It looked as though we had pulled off a bit of a coup and I for one was looking forward to seeing these 2 obviously talented players appearing for us. Fast forward almost 3 weeks and 3 fixtures and they are nowhere to be seen. In fact i cannot recall any mention of them on the official site. What is the point if they are not going to play? It completely baffles me and I would love to hear a valid reason. |
 | Forum Thread | New Signings Required Urgently at 14:09 13 Dec 2023
I can't help but feel sorry for Jim at the moment because he is having an awful run of bad luck. Maybe he has walked under a ladder, had a herd of black cats run across him and broken a few mirrors. Whatever has happened the squad is down to the bones and there is a run of 5 league games until the 6th Jan. We have lost Rodney again, Mitchell is out for a while, Hayes has returned to Fleetwood and Ferguson is still out. Potentially other loan players may return to their parent clubs. At the moment that leaves 15 senior players which includes a rookie goalkeeper and a couple who can be best described as fringe players. I don't know how he can be expected to compete with those resources and the fact he can remain positive is a credit to him. However unless some additions are made the footballing side that was a couple of weeks ago looking promising is in danger of collapsing completely. Is there any chance of funds being made available for signings? |
 | Forum Thread | The Rochdale Division at 13:04 29 Nov 2022
Just finished reading The Rochdale Division by Fitzochris. I have to say what a cracking book and would recommend it to any Rochdale fan. There are many insights into events at the club over a long period of time that give the reader a completely different perspective. I have a little more sympathy for the likes of Coleman, Eyre and Docherty. However what is not in doubt is that Hill, Flitcroft and Dunphy revolutionised the club and gave us a period of success that is unlikely to be equalled for a long time. Ex players have nothing but praise for Hill which was rightly deserved. I'm sure the author has many more tales that for whatever reason he is not allowed to publish. Perhaps in time these may be brought to light. I've also been given The Longest Winter by Mark Hodkinson as a present and will read it shortly. If it any where near as good as The Rochdale Division I have a treat in store. |
 | Forum Thread | Injury updates at 12:01 15 Nov 2022
Just seen the article from EBJ about the current injury situation. Fans are always keen to know what is happening but there seems to be quite a lot of detail missing. Firstly what is the situation with Ciaran Slicker. Is he injured or has he returned to City? Secondly is Max Taylor still injured? The update about Tahvon Campbell is very vague and gives no indication whatsoever when he may return. Can anyone provide any further news? |
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