| Forum Thread | Swansea parkrun at 10:47 4 Feb 2023
Just come back from Swansea parkrun. Being an ex Pat I forget how beautiful you are blessed with. Hundreds of people taking part, beautiful scenery, lovely friendly people,thriving cafe on the sea front selling local produce. Just need to learn how to market this area better. It’s stunning Z |
 | Forum Thread | Slammed 70s at 18:52 3 Feb 2023
Watching this at the moment, what comes across (other than the state of the pitches ) is how well spoken the players are. Started watching the modern one but turned it off as Gareth Thomas was effing and jeffing all the time. Ruined it. (Watching it with mum and dad so didn’t want them to hear that). |
 | Forum Thread | Please post respectfully at 09:15 31 Jan 2023
Post to everyone. Please stop accusing each other of being racist, being stupid, accusing the manager of being corrupt. It causes so much problems for the site. Thank you |
 | Forum Thread | Dr Who at 16:46 29 Jan 2023
Just watching the last episode of the Tennant series. It was so good, what a brilliant doctor and companions. My opinion, has to be between him and Matt Smith as the best Dr. Never saw the original ones. Jodie was let down by really poor writing, but I’ve high hopes for the new Dr, great actor. |
 | Forum Thread | Monty Python’s Argument Clinic at 22:55 17 Jan 2023
Anyone who wants to have their little gripes and back and forth, never ending, ‘look how clever I am, I’m in the know’ please post here. I’ll start Lee Trundle was overrated… |
 | Forum Thread | Anti jab posts at 21:59 14 Jan 2023
Just deleted a ridiculous post about the vaccine causes mass deaths and being government control. We’ve warned about this before, anymore posts about the vaccine causing mass deaths and the poster will be banned. If you care about the site you’ll not do it |
 | Forum Thread | The Dog House at 21:20 13 Jan 2023
Love this program, my favourite thing on telly. Just shows how wonderful dogs are and how they can help repair people who are going through the most awful situations. Makes a great difference from watching horrible things on telly. |
 | Forum Thread | Yet again at 13:24 12 Jan 2023
I’ve just removed a post accusing another poster of being racist. I’ve seen the post and I did not read it as such. This is not a debate, this will not happen again. If it does , the person will be banned. If the person argues back and says they will, they’ll be banned. I’m very busy today and haven’t got time to engage in nonsense. These are the site rules. Don’t like them, post elsewhere |
 | Forum Thread | How is this not getting through ? at 23:31 2 Jan 2023
Just about to fall asleep and I’m in work tomorrow and have spent today, than a walk, prepping for court. I’ve had over 50 now messages and reports complaining about each other, I simply haven’t got time to trawl through it all. It’s clear that some posters don’t like other posters. Fine, ignore them. If you saw someone in the street you thought was a prat, you wouldn’t engage, why do it on here ? I’ll have lock some more threads now and it keeps happening. Please, for the last time, stop the pointless arguments. I assume you’re all grown men. Please treat each other with respect even if you think it’s not earned. Before I was a mod I had 4 people on ignore who wound me up. Made the place much better, I’m sure some people think I’m a plonker, that’s fine, ignore me. If there’s anymore, I’ll ban whoever does it, in the first instance for a week. Don’t know how many more times I have to say it. It’s a New Year. Please make a fresh start |
 | Forum Thread | Banning at 10:45 2 Jan 2023
Just had to give someone a ban for abusing another poster. Again, please to echo Keith, stop it, whether you instigate or abuse back, it’ll be a ban. Again, haven’t got time to trawl through to see who started it. Report and block, and the nonsense ends. It’s boring for anyone trying to read a post when it’s hi jacked by constant back and forth. If you think someone is being a prat either ignore or respond in a way that’s not abusive. |
 | Forum Thread | Traitors - No spoilers at 23:46 30 Dec 2022
Just finished watching this. Absolutely superb telly. Highly recommended. Please don’t spoil it for those who haven’t watched it |
 | Forum Thread | Boxing - Fury at 21:44 3 Dec 2022
Blimey. It’s no wonder boxers get brain damage. This is brutal |
 | Forum Thread | Extraordinary man at 21:01 19 Nov 2022
We can all try & be a bit better friend from time to time, and I think we’d have a better place to live in” - the Legend that is Kevin Sinfield. We all need to be a little bit more like Kevin!
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