| Forum Reply | Cummings at 19:23 26 May 2020
Well played |
 | Forum Reply | Government votes to reduce food standards at 17:21 26 May 2020
It’s inevitable. If we were going to raise standards why would we leave EU? So many people are going to regret what they did but it’ll be in years to come not now |
 | Forum Reply | Cummings at 10:17 26 May 2020
The problem I have with this story is that for the last few years I’ve been going on and on about Boris Cummings et al and what a bunch of shysters they are. They’ve been conning people from min one, I’ve lost the interest with it all now. Cummings has stayed put, Boris has backed him because in the end people will move on. If you allow lies and populism to take root this is the end result. I’ve nothing more to say |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 12:24 19 May 2020
WAG adopted UK wide testing, which they should have done all along Now this is in place mark my words they will loosen the restrictions soon That’s what it’s all about. Notice Northern Ireland have loosened further than England now. This virus is going to be with us for a long time. If people think we can hide away forever then frankly you need to get with the program Spoke to someone I know who knows this subject inside out and wanted lockdown earlier. In reality he said it should have been done in January to have any effect. I think a lot of people think a week here or there would make a difference. It simply wouldn’t, we are going to be living with this even a successful vaccine won’t work in every case and it could be years WHO guy on sky this morning explained this. It’s lethal in less than 1% of the population as bad as that is does that mean it makes sense to keep everyone locked up and cause untold collateral damage that can never be measured? I simply ask people to think and not be the conformist sheep swallowing whatever media narrative you’re getting. This is with us potentially for decades. Accept it |
 | Forum Reply | Goodbye my friends at 22:39 17 May 2020
God bless Only just read this. It’s put it all in perspective. I’m signing off. |
 | Forum Thread | Remote working at 22:34 17 May 2020
Many of us are doing this. Can someone explain why there’s a need to have a load of books behind you? What is it with these nob heads in the media? |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 22:32 17 May 2020
Slightly different level of derision wouldn’t you agree? |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 21:59 17 May 2020
EXACTLY But people don’t want to hear it |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 21:58 17 May 2020
Maybe they should do what the WAG does and just scrap targets when they can’t hit them and when it all goes wrong just let England deal with it Why bother putting themselves out there |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 21:55 17 May 2020
Have I said at anytime people who are vulnerable should not be shielded? This illness in the vast majority of cases is mild Sometimes the media really do need to face some questions for the scaremongering they constantly put out there |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 21:53 17 May 2020
Calm down you silly sausage |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 11:13 17 May 2020
Find it insightful how happily people are to throw away their liberties without question No wonder communism and fascism has flourished in the past There’s nothing wrong with questioning the lockdown, nothing wrong with being concerned by the State encroaching on our lives The problem with the left is they think they have a monopoly on being nice and moral. They can never see it from the other persons perspective. The assumption is always you don’t care about other people and it’s all about money and that’s why the Far right continue to grow. The obvious political example of immigration, the left for years shouted racist at people like myself who were questioning mass immigration 15/20 years ago. Me a pro European FOM fan, what happened? Need I say anymore Please stop calling people c**ts for having a different point of view |
 | Forum Reply | Beards at 09:10 16 May 2020
Just shave you lazy bastards |
 | Forum Reply | Who'd have thunk this would happen? at 09:07 16 May 2020
This 24/7 news media has a lot to answer for As Lisa has stated this is based on figures before changes It’s amazing how little critical thinking there is in the UK. Just swallow whatever narrative is thrown at you |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 08:47 16 May 2020
As ever the best poster If you’re on similar wavelength to Lisa then I’m confident I’m on right track here I’ve been getting a lot of criticism in real life for my views but in the end I think the Swedish approach will be proven to be correct |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 23:13 14 May 2020
It’s bloody long mate - any chance of a summary? I got the idea she was against lockdown and that the vast majority of people this is a mild illness There’s a lot of truth in that - we are throwing away liberties, trashing the lives of future generations, creating debt levels we might not be able to recover from, goodness knows how much collateral damage there is in terms of mental health, other illnesses etc Lockdown was needed to get ducks in a row but my word people are not opening their eyes to this, they’re following a media narrative Protect the vulnerable. Protect the elderly Kids need schooling, young people need a life, adults need jobs |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 22:32 13 May 2020
Kier Starmer is infinitely better than Corbyn Soul destroying still to think we had that bladder in charge of the opposition in such crucial times It’s a crying shame |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 22:19 13 May 2020
I keep going back to my point When will we “all” go back to work? This virus could be with us for years People can’t sit on their arse on furlough forever, we will have 5m unemployed When guys when? |
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