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The awful stink of Digital ID
at 13:48 3 Jun 2024

No, you are just showing that you don't understand how radio waves work. Microwaves, like Wifi, don't typically "bounce" depending on the surface and travel in straight lines. And if they do hit other things, they are weakened. They do penetrate though. Which if you bothered to read the study that I shared, you might understand that. Rather than persevering with smart a*se derogatory comments. Still, I guess if thats what you think you are good at.
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 13:40 3 Jun 2024

Here are some more imbeciles who can't have listened in school like wot you did. Why don't you tell these scientists that they are wasting their time and that you are laughing at their stupidity too?
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 13:33 3 Jun 2024

Someone has been reading too much mainstream ness and watching their TV. There is no manmade climate change and if you think businesses wanting us to do everything with our mobile phones is to save the planet, its not us that believes in unevidenced conspiracy theories, its you
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 13:28 3 Jun 2024

All at different frequencies and wave types. Some harmful, some not so. And if you think that flimsy plastic door on a microwave oven protects you, just try testing it with a Geiger counter.
It is also the staccato nature of the way that transmitters work which is particularly damaging.
Its about reducing your exposure. If someone said a nuclear plant had gone into meltdown, would you not be worried about the health effects because you are already bathed in other types of radiation?
There is plenty of info out there about the dangers of thee things. Choose to understand or ignore it, its up to you
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 13:20 3 Jun 2024

I got rid of mine when I looked into how many people with microwave ovens develop tumours
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 13:19 3 Jun 2024

You know that hats go over the top of your head? And the Wifi transmitters at St Mary's are above your head. No need for an experiment, which you are welcome to try if so inclined.
Just because you don't understand how or believe something works, doesn't mean that it doesn't work. The science would show that it does. though I am sure they have ranges of EMF resistant balaclavas too, if that your preference and yes, that would give your head better protection.
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 15:22 31 May 2024

Brilliant example of what a xenophobic racist you are, fella. You seriously think that the global study procedure is corrupted based on the countries where the studies are from? And the Western block is a paragon of trust and honesty.
You clearly:
1)dont understand how the journal based science and studies work
2)your racism overrides your knowledge
3) if stuff doesn't agree with your preconceptions then you don't believe it.
Gosh, if only your mate was here to put us all right 😂
at 12:45 31 May 2024

Lazy journalism or realistic? Seeing as he's lost 2 season of development and had an ACL, I think, I'd think we have other targets in mind
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 11:43 31 May 2024

You should tell these scientists about your best mate so that they save their effort
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 11:37 31 May 2024

Since when has the state cared so much about making our lives easier or the environment? NetZero is not about the environment but about control. Taxing the hell out of us on the other hand, the State is big on that.
Prices of everything have been rocketing in their pursuit of this agenda. Not so convenient and good for the planet when we can't afford to feed our families or pay our bills. Convenience is the marketing angle they are using. But look up the group NoFarmersNoFood to see how their agenda will screw us all up.
A bit like how they are about to kill loads of chickens and cows to "protect us" from bird flu
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 11:09 31 May 2024

Sorry about your total naivety and ignorance on this matter.
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 11:03 31 May 2024

Say what you like. There are many that have had headaches and fugue on match days since they introduced the WiFi in the Huddersfield match. And no wonder with the banks of transmitters every 10 feet aimed at the fans from the gantry.
And since I bought some silver lined hats, the tinfoil type had run out :D, then we have been OK on match days. Just bother to look up studies relating to silver and EMF radiation. It's all fact, even if you are unaware of it
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 10:59 31 May 2024

Outside of the staff not having to give change, there is zero evidence that using phones makes it quicker to do anything. Look at the mobile phone queue paying for programmes. It's always quicker to pay cash. The club can say what it likes, the evidence is to the contrary.
Watch the enormous delays and queues getting into the ground this coming season.
By the way, not sure what you mag about 5G infection. 5G is highly damaging to human tissue in its nature. It is microwave radiation, like having a load of microwave ovens with the doors open aimed at you. Plenty of evidence about how harmful that is if people look into it
EFL Cup to become even more of a joke!
at 10:51 31 May 2024

Totally agree in principle. It's a joke. Though not like they haven't been fixing the draw 8n this way for a while, just like the FA Cup, where they clearly kept the big sides apart for the QFs
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 10:47 31 May 2024

To all intents and purposes, the State. Read their 4th Industrial Revolution statement and goals.
The UN Agenda 2030 is to control everything that we do, and there is a goal to force through Digital ID by then to control what we spend, where we go and to give us all social credit scores linked to Co2 outputs. This is all part of that, so that you can't interact with society without a mobile phone. That's why the push to cashless and 5G everywhere. However so many are unaware or do not see the risk of this
The awful stink of Digital ID
at 18:44 30 May 2024

Was really disappointed to see the club forcing through Digital tickets.

Well I for one won't be accepting one. I don't spend money at the ground since they went cashless. And there is nothing more grating than getting stuck behind fans fannying about with their phones causing queues, trying to pay for stuff and get into the ground.
I also have no interest in downloading the Saints App or frying my brain with the clubs new invasive WiFi service. I even had to get EMF resistant hats to block out the WiFi induced headaches during match days.
And now this to suck up to the EPL digital ID agenda. Wake up everybody. They want you controlled by your phone and for me it's time to say no more.

If they don't find a way to let fans in without a smart phone, then there will be two empty seats in the Norham next season up for grabs.
Braverman - deliberately provocative or a genuine lunatic?
at 14:26 10 Nov 2023

You are just parroting the misguided propoganda. And where has the Anarchy that you envisage ever happened, anywhere?
Thats exactly the point. People are fooled into thinking that everyone else is stupid and we should only trust the Government and its institutions for the truth. Look where that has got us.
Meanwhile, it is the Govt involving our country in wars and taxing the hell out of everything that we earn and buy. And I have no control over what my tax is spent on
Braverman - deliberately provocative or a genuine lunatic?
at 13:21 10 Nov 2023

That would be great if we could trust elections and the politicians to deliver on any promises that they make. Sadly we can't with a Party political system. And then, the current system is broken. Who voted for our current Prime Minister?
Who decides who the candidate is? What relevance does our vote have when it gets lost in the way the boundaries for a constituency are decided? How can a decent candidate, an Independent for example, compete with the hugely funded juggernauts of Labour and Conservative? Who the TV and papers slavishly focus all their coverage on.
And then there is election fraud. Does everyone know that since 1997, Postal voting has jumped from just 3% to over 20% now. Really? If so many people are supposedly no longer voting in person, that opens the door to huge levels of corruption, which has been evidenced to happen in the US. How do we know that isn't happening here?
The whole political system is screwed and the institutions are part of that. Which is why the Govt just introduced a bill to label as extremist anyone who criticises the Govt and institutions, who they can lock away for 2 years. They don't want to fix the system. And are changing the law to stop the people from being able to influence changing it.
Braverman - deliberately provocative or a genuine lunatic?
at 12:06 10 Nov 2023

Sadly Bazz, you're never going to get an honest view from the TV. The TV is controlled by regulators, which means they will only show what is state approved, or they lose their licence. Look what happened to RT news the moment the Ukraine war started. They didn't want us to see the other perspective to give balance.
Especially in the place we are at now. Even we don't have a democracy, or the appearance of one, and neither does Europe - who voted for Sunak and who wants Starmer as an alternative?
So TV is always going to be heavily weighted to support what the State wants the public to get behind and go along with. Even, in this case, empathising with a fascist state killing women and kids indiscriminately, including their own - who we provide weapons to and hope to get the drilling contracts off of the coast of Gaza for.
That's why we're allowed to see the TV news, because the ruling powers want us to.
Even worse to trust official announcements - our Governments are corrupt and no longer represent the people.
I guess if everyone saw that, pressure may grow for media independence. At least we should all watch TV with the view that we should question everything we are told and question if that gives us the full picture. As you said, strangely you have seen very little anecdotal evidence of the other side in this new war - with Palestinians or those questioning the "war"/genocide -just emotional stuff to manipulate us in relation to Israeli, uncorroborated, experiences.
As things are now, the only chance you have to get an actual view is to look at multiple sources on the web - who provide actual sources - over stuff artificially created for a TV audience. Which much of it is. is one of the few efforts I see to provide an honest daily news bulletin
Though very few of us have the time or inclination to do actual research on events. And why should we? We'd all like to think that we aren't constantly being lied to and manipulated
[Post edited 10 Nov 2023 12:33]
Braverman - deliberately provocative or a genuine lunatic?
at 02:14 10 Nov 2023

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