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Choose the form of the destructor — Report
at 17:44:08

Oh wow, I didn't realise that posting a link to my forum post would make the whole lengthy post appear in the comments and mean that people would have to scroll down forever to read any further comments.
Sorry everyone!
Choose the form of the destructor — Report
at 17:41:40

I just posted some stuff about the post-match scenes in the forum.
A few reflections on Rotherham... by PeterHucker 5 Mar 2023 17:14
Just thought I'd stick a few things about yesterday's match up here.....

The defending was just as bad as it has been in other recent games, possibly worse in fact.
I have no idea how GA is going to sort that out.
Every time the opposition get forward in open play we seem to be either outnumbered at the back, sluggish in comparison to the other teams, poorly positioned or all of the above.

But in attack I thought there were signs that things were improved from recent matches v Hull, Fleetwood, Blackburn, Sunderland, Huddersfield, Blackburn.
(I live up north so I mainly go to away matches)

Yes I know that's a pretty low bar but hear me out.

The change in style was very apparent. There was no passing it around between Dieng, Dickie, Dunne etc which as has been discussed before makes our play so very ponderous and easy to play against.
I still think Dieng had a few opportunities for a quick throw out to the full back. He did that once in the first half where he threw it out quickly down Kakay / Iroekbunam's side and it ended up with an actual attempt on goal.
That's not to say it was just total hoofball either, Johansen still making a few attempts to play through balls to the forwards.
Anyway I'm past caring how we play now, we just need to do whatever we can to stay up.

I was with my 13 year old at the match yesterday. He gets frustrated with people standing up in front of him so we always sit on the very front row at away matches. At some away grounds that means we are so lowdown we have a really crap view of the match but yesterday our view was decent and we were fairly central so got an upclose view of a lot of what was going on.

There's been talk of a lack of leadership on the pitch at QPR for years now. I thought there was a big improvement in this area yesterday. It seemed like GA has told the more experienced players to speak up a bit and they had responded well.
Adomah, Johansen, Field, Dunne, Martin all taking responsibility & talking to the other players. Adomah was particularly good with Drewe.

Being right behind the goal it was interesting to see the players reactions when the first Rotherham goal went in. Dieng & other defenders stayed on the floor for quite a while, Dieng lying down with his head in his hands.
Field in particular but also Johansen, Martin, Adomah seemed keen not to dwell on what had gone wrong but to get heads up again, give words of encouragement, get the ball back to the centre quickly to, as football cliches would put it "go again"

Drewe made a few mistakes and gave the ball away a bit, but I wouldn't say he did that any more than Laird / Pall have been doing recently.
The lad has some pace, and he was committed throughout the game. Plus the long throw is something nobody else in the squad can offer. It caused Rotherham a few difficulties, particularly in the first half so I'm hoping to see that a bit more over the rest of the season.
It might not be pretty but we are in a relegation battle so we can't afford to be precious about styles of play.

When the 2 subs came on, my son said to me that we needed both of them to improve the team and they actually did.
Richards got the ball down and Rotherham looked really shaky when he ran at them.
In the absence of Chair he may well be the only midfielder we've got who can do that so I hope that whatever's been making him unavailable for selection can be resolved, whether that's been physical injury or his head not being right or some combination of both.
The shoelace thing was still very annoying and baffling though and I'll come on to what happened with Richards at the end further down.
I loved Armstrong's aggression when he came on, he gave their defenders something more to worry about in comparision to Martin who worked hard and was very physical, but looked his age really.
How the fvck was the tackle on Armstrong for the penalty not a red card?

Also a word on the disallowed goal that Armstrong scored. When the ball came through, Armstrong and Johansen were both in contention for it and I liked the determination Armstrong showed in getting to it. He kind of shoulder barged Johansen off the ball to get to it!

As I said before I'm not going to make any attempt to put any kind of positive spin on the chaotic defending. There seems to be very little in the way of organisation in that and unless that changes quickly we are going down. I actually think we are going to go down anyway. Over the last 20 or so games, we have dropped 19 places in the table. So dropping a further 2 places in the next 10 seems quite probable to me.

But I just wanted to say that going forward I thought we showed more intent & belief than we have for quite a while. (to repeat it's a very low bar)

We always stay until all the players have left the pitch, not because we particularly want to but just because my son isn't good with crowds so we like to wait until most of the spectators have gone.

I've seen a claim on Twitter saying that Richards was the only QPR player that came over to applaud the away fans, that's total garbage.
I'm not sure all of them did. But most did. I definitely remember seeing Dieng, Dunne, Martin, Lowe, Drewe, Field, Kakay, Armstrong, Johansen and Adomah who walked all the way over from the bench.

But Richards was over by the away fans a little while before the rest of the players got there.
Over on my left there were a group of youngish lads, probably in their 20s, couldn't hear what they were saying but I could see they were giving it the criss-cross arms "no" gesture and a few other gestures too.
Not blaming those lads, they were p1ssed off and they had every right to be.
Not my style to have a go at the players in that way, I don't think giving grief to your own players achieves anything but all the same I want to be clear that I'm not criticising those lads.

Where I was behind the goal it was mostly old people and other people like me with kids.
All the QPR fans where I was standing were either applauding the players off (like my son) or neither applauding or having a go (like me)

As Taylor Richards came over he seemed to clock the lads giving grief and then deliberately look over towards our area and return the applause to the fans where I was.
Good lad I thought, don't get involved with giving anything back to those annoyed fans, nothing good can come of that. The professional thing to do is to just applaud the fans in general and don't interact with individuals.

But then something changed, all of a sudden he certainly wasn't ignoring those lads, he was walking towards them and gesturing to himself as if to say "are you saying that to me?"

I'm guessing that those lads were saying something about not trying or whatever and Richards felt that didn't apply to him and took exception to it.
I'm sure we all have a range of opinions on whether that should apply to him.
Weird shoelace thing apart, I'd say he did a good job yesterday. Whether that has been the case generally this season I'm not so convinced.

There was potential there for things to get very ugly, but thankfully Jimmy Dunne appeared on the scene and ushered Richards away. Dunne's a sensible lad.
Regardless of what anyone thinks of how he's playing right now, he shows signs of that leadership that we miss a lot of the time.

Very shortly afterwards QPR legend Tommy Collins appeared right next to us, very angry about something, most likely Taylor Richards I think. He was remonstrating with stewards and trying to get past them towards the players. Stewards were of course having none of it and other QPR fans came down to the front to lead Tommy away.

Just to be clear I'm not having a go at good old Tommy either, just reporting what happened.

Anyway after 1 win in, what is it now, 20 games, I really can't see us getting the necessary 3 or 4 out of the next 10.
But I've left many other recent games genuinely feeling that we are getting worse and worse and I really don't know where the next win is coming from.
So I just wanted to come on here to say that yesterday I saw a few faint positives and some signs of the "buying in" that Gareth is demanding.

I hope I won't get dismissed as a happy clapper / rose-tinted / Les Ferdinand apologist for coming on and not being 100% negative.
I can assure you I'm as miserable and pessimistic as you'd expect someone to be after 4 and a half decades of supporting this fvcking frustrating and infuriating football team. And if I'd posted on here after, say, the Huddersfield or Blackburn matches I would've not been able to find a single positive.

Anyway see you at Blackpool.

Come on you Rs!

On the question of what and why are people applauding, well, as I say in that forum post I neither applauded or gave any players grief.
I have done both many times previously and I can completely understand both sides.
We all want QPR to stay up. Maybe those who are applauding feel that the players are more likely to achieve that with positive encouragement from the fans.
That doesn't necessarily mean that they think these players are any good, or giving their best effort for the cause.
I'm sure even amongst those who are applauding the players off, there is a range of opinions on who is or is not trying their best to keep us up.
The older I've got the more I've started to think that having a go at our own players doesn't achieve anything, other than making the person dishing out the grief feel very marginally less annoyed.
That's not to say I haven't coated our own players off many times because I have.
I'd like to think that Karl Ready's ears are still ringing from all the grief I gave him and I was right to do so because he was a fücking useless cünt with shıt hair.

Good omen - History
at 18:09:12

That 1990 Sunderland game & the Falco winner in particular always sticks out in my teenage memories as a particularly memorable one. I think it's partly because I was in the Paddock with a great view of that goal. Not sure why I was in the Paddock rather than my usual spot in the Lower Loft, but I do remember that it was absolutely peeing it down.
I was soaking wet and had no change of clothes but I was meeting some mates after the match to go to a Billy Bragg gig at Hackney Empire. Great end to the match and the gig was great too.

My other favourite game against Sunderland was when we beat them up there with Rowlands and Furlong scoring.
Oh for a player right now who can move forwards with the ball at his feet like Martin Rowlands!
Millwall deliver more pain, and a cautionary tale to woeful QPR - Report
at 12:09:25

You've done a good job of highlighting two of the most infuriating things about watching QPR these days.
The throw-ins, man alive, the throw-ins. Always, absolutely ALWAYS lead to losing possession. I'm not one for saying that the players aren't trying, but fcking hell most of the time this is just a basic lack of movement / initiative.
Whoever is taking the throw usually has a maximum of one option available to him. It's so predictable.
And If I can predict with 100% accuracy from the stands which of our players is going to receive the ball from the throw, then guess what geniuses so can the opposition players!

Even more infuriating is the endless bloody pointing to someone else when Dickie / Dunne etc have the ball and are looking in vain for a pass forwards.
This was particularly bad in the recent games at Fleetwood and Huddersfield.
Dozzell / Roberts / Adomah / Willock / Johansen / Iroekbunam always pointing to someone else. No, not me, I don't want it. Give it to someone else, anyone else in fact but definitely not me.
Iroekbunam & Roberts the worst for this but Willock not far behind at the moment.


Adomah was a bit better for this in the closing stages on Saturday but in most recent games Chair, Dykes & sometimes Armstrong are the only ones who EVER seem to want the ball passed to them!
Chair never hides, it must be so frustrating to be him playing in this team! Especially when he's seen first hand at the World Cup what can be achieved when everyone works their nuts off for each other.

The other thing that many of the same players do instead of pointing is just face the other way. They know very well that Dunne / Dickie / whoever isn't going to pass the ball to them if they're not even looking.

Too many players happy to turn up and not take any responsibility for getting the ball forward, not take responsibility for being part of a team, not take responsibility for doing the basics, pass and move which again is something you can train small children to do fairly quickly.
It's not like they don't know this. They just don't want to do it at the moment. (for some reason, and I'm more inclined to blame players than the manager)
QPR stun league leaders with early statement of intent - Report
at 21:48:51

🧡🧡🧡 it.
Fierce rivals to kindred spirits - Preview
at 17:41:16

Enjoyable preview to read.
Glad to hear someone else is also still pissed off about that Crewe game in 2003.
Blackburn/Sunderland/Charlton - Awaydays
at 08:44:18

A great read, thanks.

Mike Sharon / Sad Ken 😆😆😆
Glaring errors cost QPR third straight 2-1 loss - Report
at 14:11:47

That last sentence is spot on.
Despite the massive disappointment with the goal right at the end, 99% of us who were actually at the game applauded all the players off.
The keyboard reactionaries who throw their toys out of the pram with every defeat need a get a bit of perspective. On another night, this could've ended up being a 1-0 away win ground out against a physical side who are one of the favourites for automatic promotion. It didn't turn out that way but if we keep playing the way we can, the wins will come.
On Friday night some tired legs, players going off with injuries late on and a bit of inexperience didn't help our cause but even so we have looked at least as good as the opposition in every match this season, we've not looked out of our depth once.
Keep the faith Rs fans.

The end of the beginning — Report
at 23:03:15

Great stuff.
Just because it didn't seem to get much of a mention on the livestream and I haven't seen it noted in your report or on the messageboard, some credit should go to Macauley Bonne for holding on to possession and an intelligent pass to Adomah for the 3rd goal.
Like you've said above about Dykes, Willock etc needing time to start finding some form, I see potential in Bonne too and I think he could be a more regular starter next season.
Paul Parker's QPR goal - History
at 09:50:34

What a great day that 6-1 was, one of my favourite games from my teenage years.
I thought the announcer / scoreboard erroneously credited Parker's goal to Maddix not Wilson, but hey it was more than 30 years ago so I could be wrong!
And then a hero comes along — Report
at 00:24:13

That parallel universe paragraph is brilliant, well done Clive.
One day we will all be back watching a late winner away from home and going mental.
And then a hero comes along? Preview
at 15:21:54

Bloody hell, Martin Cranie I'd forgotten about him. He must be ancient.
In his brief loan spell with us, he was the only bright spot in a pretty awful team.
Who was manager when he was here on? Waddock? Seems like a lifetime ago!
QPR recovery continues with rare away win - Report
at 23:01:51

Agree that we played some nice passing football at times. Amazing what a bit of pace and confidence up front can do. We repeatedly played good through balls inside the full back for a striker to run on to. Haven't seen us doing that since Burton away last season.
Easily the best I've seen us play this season but then again the other matches I've been to were Preston, West Brom and Bristol City!

re: Bolton's goal, yes the keeper should've had it. But the wall was preposterous. The player on the far left of the wall (from our view behind) left a huge gap in the wall for the Bolton player to aim through. All of the wall jumped up when the kick was taken. Another player deliberately lay down on the floor to stop the low shot but still somehow failed to stop the low shot! It was some serious next level Keystone Cops shit.

re: the chants, I'm all for a bit of gallows humour and as a fan based 200 miles from W12 who mainly only goes to away games I understand the frustration. But "how sh1t must you be, we're drawing away" before we've even kicked off?!? Come on now, that's not what I call "support"
15 minutes in we got "stand up if you love Rangers" followed inevitably by "sit down if you're a boring cvnt" directed at our own fans. This was followed by the far more insulting "sit down if you're a Chelsea fan"
We can do better than that.
Terry exposed on QPR’s Free and Eze night — Report
at 22:25:17

What a fantastic report, especially all the stuff about that racist tw@t.
re: Freeman not playing, I don't think him being dropped to the bench had anything to do with his recent form or some random tinkering that people like to accuse Holloway of.
He was on 10 bookings, and if he'd got 1 more he would've faced a 2 game suspension.
QPR lose narrow contest at Hillsborough - Report
at 11:03:01

Both teams looked liked mid-table Championship teams.
The difference was that we kept possession and passed the ball around well without really threatening them that often. When they had possession they had a bit more of a cutting edge. That was because they had Bannan who has the ability to play a telling pass and also because their wide players were more effective than ours.
As usual a proportion of the away support more interested in trying to provoke stewards and have a moan at various QPR players.
The usual defence for this is that a lot of those blokes are our most loyal supporters who go to every match home and away (true) so therefore they can say/sing what they like (also true unfortunately).
I don't really understand this. Why do they think the current team / manager are so awful? We've had many many far worse squads than the current lot.

Magilton's QPR score 12 in a week - History
at 15:58:17

That little spell in 2009 was exciting and we looked quote good under Magilton before the headbutts started flying.
There were little hints of our attacking threat a few months before that too under Sousa. I remember a midweek away match in the freezing pissingdown rain at Blackpool where we won 3-0. Routledge, Ephraim, Cook and Helguson all looked very dangerous. I think we still had Blackstock at that time as well. I remember coming out of that match and thinking we were going to storm up the table but it didn't really pan out that way!
Rowan Vine from the halfway line - History
at 17:10:08

loved that Vine goal so much. It was one of those games where our 1-0 lead looked very dodgy and you felt like it was only a matter of time until they equalised (see also away at Wrexham when McLeod got sent off a few years earlier)
For some reason I've always found it a bit annoying when the opposition keeper goes up for a corner and it was so wonderful to see a keeper being punished for it.
But even though Vine was, as you say, an excellent Championship player before his injury, as he was running towards us I remember thinking "he's gonna f**k it up, he's gonna f**k it up, he's definitely gonna f**k it up"
The joy when he scored and secured the win is one of those precious memories that keep us going to games like midweek away at Burnley.
The People vs Gianni Paladini
at 11:29:09

Guilty - divided the fanbase, connived and plotted, stitched up Ian Holloway, nearly cost us promotion with his underhand dealing and then his utter ineptitude in trying to cover his tracks about said underhand dealing.

Having said that, I think he did mean well at times and it would be wrong to say that he didn't care at all about QPR. and it's notable that most people, ex-players, ex-managers seem to be fairly kind in their words about him.

But on the many times I saw him in various Shepherds Bush boozers, I argued with him a few times but I never once shook his hand and I still would refuse to do so today. All round dodgy geezer, above all the Faurlin transfer and how it nearly (and in all fairness probably should have!) cost us promotion.
Life through the serving hatch — LFW Awaydays
at 11:22:25

When I go shopping I usually have my ipod on and I take the earphones off whenever I'm buying anything because that's the polite thing to do. But I make an exception for WH Smiths, keep the headphones on and just shake my head a lot in response to whatever silly questions they're asking me that I can't hear.
The Francis v Allen baby spat — history
at 21:21:55

great report as always.
that picture of Derry at the top looks like he's dancing Gangnam style.
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