| Forum Reply | Congratulations, President Biden! at 18:35 6 Nov 2020
Don't welcome me back, I only dropped by to wish you all and the new POTUS well. I'm outta here! Adios! |
 | Forum Reply | Congratulations, President Biden! at 18:33 6 Nov 2020
Where are you, mate? Weather here has been fab for weeks, but it's been raining heavily this week from Tuesday night. Stopped now though and clearing up. Still warm here, have only lit log burner twice so far this autumn. |
 | Forum Reply | Congratulations, President Biden! at 15:02 6 Nov 2020
No need to fear for Melania, she's probably briefing her divorce lawyer as we speak. She'll take him for BIG bucks..... |
 | Forum Thread | Congratulations, President Biden! at 14:09 6 Nov 2020
How you doing on the old site, boys? Just thought I'd drop in and congratulate the new president! 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄 |
 | Forum Reply | COOPER OUT at 07:51 16 Jul 2020
He has been.immensley frustrating at times this season, specially his management of the final minutes of a game. One can only hope it's part of his learning process and he'll take it all on board for next season. |
 | Forum Reply | Mount Rushmore (looks like it's going to kick off at 08:38 7 Jul 2020
Fair play, boys, there is more economic history and theory discussed in this thread than I ever managed when I did my economics degree back in 1977. I salute you all. Who says football fans are thick? |
 | Forum Reply | Rebecca Long-Bailey sacked as shadow Education Secretary by Keir Starmer at 10:22 28 Jun 2020
Labour will never merge with the Lib Dems. Their only role now is to keep the Tories out in areas which don't have a historical association or tradition of supporting Labour, like the rural parts of the West County and Scotland. They are also moving left internally, if you look at their current leadership race. |
 | Forum Reply | Rebecca Long-Bailey sacked as shadow Education Secretary by Keir Starmer at 10:08 28 Jun 2020
There are always factions within political parties, Doc. I think Momentum wailing and moaning is only to be expected, but is not significant in the grand scheme of things. They are losers, and will be increasingly seen as such. What's important is how Starmer leads the Labour Party and fights the Tories going forward. |
 | Forum Reply | Rebecca Long-Bailey sacked as shadow Education Secretary by Keir Starmer at 09:32 28 Jun 2020
It has been reported that Starmer gave Wrong-Daily the opportunity to apologise for her mistake and keep her job, but she declined. If this is true, she has demonstrated her lack of brain cells twice in the same incident and thoroughly deserved the sack. PS the Tories are sh1tting themselves that Labour has a leader at long last. [Post edited 28 Jun 2020 9:34]
 | Forum Thread | Adrian Forbes interview at 11:17 27 Jun 2020
If you've received the club e-mail with the electronic matchday programme attached, I recommend you watch the interview with Adrian Forbes. Always one of my favourite players, this interview is lovely. Brought a tear to my eye. |
 | Forum Reply | Limoncello at 21:13 25 Jun 2020
Ha ha, very good, lemoncello for dyslexics! No, but seriously, it was delicious, melon that is. I find the lemon version a bit harsh on the back of the throat, whilst the cream version is like a snotty Baileys. |
 | Forum Reply | Limoncello at 19:37 25 Jun 2020
Went on a street food tour of Naples last year which included a visit to a small limoncello factory in the backstreets. They did several versions, we bought a bottle of meloncello. Cowin' lush. [Post edited 25 Jun 2020 21:05]
 | Forum Reply | Favourite Bond film at 13:35 24 Jun 2020
I think all the Bond films have been 'of their time' and none the worse for that. All the leading men have entertained me, with the exception of Roger Moore, who I found wooden and lightweight at the same time - quite an achievement! My favourite film would be Daniel Craig's first, "Casino Royale", but I'm also fond of Golden Eye, thanks to the delightful Russian young lady in it as Bond's ally, and the classic sequence where he drives his getaway tank through the streets of St Petersburg. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump rally at 20:04 21 Jun 2020
Nothing he says surprises me, Loh. |
 | Forum Reply | Trump rally at 17:47 21 Jun 2020
Steady on,Dwight, you Marxist b*stard. |
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