| News Comment | Cav loses appeal at 22:15:35
The Football League are almost as impotent as the Football Association. This was never a sending off. Cav is receiving and attempting to control a ball coming from behind when the Burton player charges in. I think that this decision is merely in support of the rookie ref. |
 | News Comment | New Trust website lauched at 13:01:15
Really good web site. I suggest that you send a note to the Cheltenham folks so that they can join in the fun too. |
 | News Comment | Fans to decide next season's kits at 16:19:26
Yes, it's all about removing more cash from your pockets. I liked the days when the away team changed colours only when there was a clash. Nowadyas it's difficylt to remember what the true team colours are. I will go for option 2 if only because Dale seem to win more games playing in yellow. But I will not be buying one. I buy a programme every home game I attend so that is my "ex gratia" contribution. |
 | News Comment | Coleman: No to Dale at 15:24:05
Just to put this story to bed once and for all, here is a quote from the Accrington Stanley web site at .......... http://www.accringtonstanley.co.uk/index.php/newsy/4550 "Accrington Stanley have received no approach from any club for manager John Coleman. John and his assistant Jimmy Bell signed new contracts taking them through to at least 2015 only just over 12 months ago. Accrington Stanley will make no further comment on this matter at this time." So let Sky Sports stop all this scaremongering. |
 | News Comment | Coleman: No to Dale at 09:24:44
It became clear to me after seeing the pre-season friendlies that I had made a mistake in renewing my season ticket so early. I believed then that 20th place in the league would be a success. Now Dale need promotion form to just keep out of the bottom 6 or 7. Maybe I'm a pessimist but let's resign ourselves to next season in the 4th Division again. At least the crowds were a bit better and morale was higher when we were going strong in 07-08, 08-09 and 09-10. It could be a lot worse - look at Plymouth, Stockport & Darlington to quote just a few. And remember too that all these were in the 3rd Division not too long ago. |
 | News Comment | Dale go for Coleman at 10:47:10
Dale Fanzine understands........................ that there is someone winding up Sky Sports and the boffins there are gullible enough to swallow it. |
 | News Comment | Eyre and Bunn sacked at 13:52:00
Now all Dale supporters can enjoy Christmas (although I thought that it was usual for managers to get a vote of confidence first!) And hopefully a Happy New Year to all and for all our Supporters. Chris Beech - we all wish you the very best of luck! Ohhhhhhhhhhh I really do believe that Christmas 2011 arrived on 19th December. |
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