| Forum Reply | Theo at 12:56 2 Mar 2023
No issue with it - for some of the Grimsby players sharing a pitch with Walcott will be a big thing and he's a nice guy so why shouldn't he? A good friend of mine played for Yeovil against Arsenal in the FACup thirty years ago and we still talk about him putting Lee Dixon into the stand... l |
 | Forum Reply | New division at 23:13 11 Feb 2023
I used to have a Joy Division oven gloves mug. Think one of the kids broke it and never told me sadly… |
 | Forum Reply | Jones Early Days at 11:29 14 Nov 2022
Google "Nathan Jones tattoos".... |
 | Forum Reply | Nathan Jones at 14:23 7 Nov 2022
My good friend who is a long-time Luton STH seems to think Jones is coming here and will be completely out of his depth, sadly. Apparently has a big work ethic and won't play anyone that doesn't buy in. He would have played alongside Alex McCarthy at Yeovil, and possibly played for them against us. Also has a big tattoo of Jesus. Not the Arsenal one. |
 | Forum Thread | The Manchester City connection at 13:48 2 Sep 2022
Maybe a conspiracy theory but it's interesting (to me at least) how much recruitment we've done from Manchester on terms that allow players to return north if they're good enough, almost a supercharged loan structure. Then there's Romeu's transfer to Girona, part of the City Football Group. Is this all down to Joe Shield's contacts or maybe part of a wider discreet tie-up? It wouldn't surprise me if CFG wanted a relationship with another PL club as part of their feeder network, especially if the ESL comes to fruition. |
 | Forum Reply | All of Southampton’s Signings and Departures have now been officially announce at 13:41 2 Sep 2022
Looking through the list of young (first team) players in and the large numbers of young players out on loan 'for development', I wonder how many, if any, will ever return and make the first team? I wonder whether this is part of a process of admitting our youth development in recent years has been below par and this is the club stepping up? |
 | Forum Reply | Carlton Palmer at 12:30 11 Aug 2021
Paul Allen, Kerry Dixon, David Speedie.... |
 | Forum Reply | One Club players article on the BBC at 09:01 6 Aug 2021
Crikey, I knew this was a tough city, but... What if I said I don't eat biscuits? I'd probably struggle to think of one beyond Bourbons... |
 | Forum Reply | One Club players article on the BBC at 22:05 5 Aug 2021
I see Stevie G and Xavi were discounted for having final flings at other lesser clubs - surely MLT should be discounted for his single appearances for both Eastleigh and Guernsey? |
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