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Time To Stop Talking And Start Delivering !
Time To Stop Talking And Start Delivering !
Wednesday, 25th Jan 2012 12:45

A lot of fine words have been spoken in the last couple of months, but fine words dont win you promotion.

Of course after every poor performance from a team, its manager and players will always be upbeat and talk of how its all going to be put right in the next game and how everyone is united and focused, however the points total over the last ten games tells a very different story, for promotion chasing sides a bad run lasts no longer than 3 or 4 games, our one so far has extended to 10 and in that time we have picked up a mere 11 points, to put things in perspective rock bottom Coventry picked up 10 points themselves in the same period.

o the time for excuses is over, we have blown a great chance to surge forward and put ourselves beyond the reach of the chasing pack and if we are not careful we will blow our promotion hopes altogether.

Over that time after every bad result so many times I have heard the excuses " but we are top of the league" or "this is my best ever time as a Saints fan" well Im sure Nicola Cortese doesnt base how he feels the club is doing on how much fun he is having, he is focused on promotion and be certain that nothing will get in his way to achieve it, he wont accept poor displays over an elongonated period and nor should we as supporters.

So crunch time comes on Tuesday evening for the visit of Cardiff, make no bones about it this is a big game, not just for the three points on offer, but for the psycological boost or damge that would be done if we should win or lose.

For Nigel Adkins its another defining moment in his career, this game could well define whether he has what it takes or whether he will start to be regarded as one of those managers who choke when the going gets tough, think of Dave Jones and the number of times his Cardiff side blew promotion from better positions than we sit in now, for Adkins he has to get it right now and restore the team back to the form it was in up to two months ago,

Another defeat will open a can of worms about the way the team is set up, when we were winning every home game but failing to get three points on the road, not many questions were asked about why a side could dominate one week but not finish off their opponents the next, to many it didnt matter after all "we were top of the league" but clearly somewhere along the line the warning signs werent heeded and we now find ourselves in the position we are in ie on the slide and seemingly unable to nothing other than slow it down a little rather than stop it completely.

I dont buy the injury excuses, yes they are heavy at the moment, but for most of this two month run they havent been that bad, nor do i accept the abscence of Richard Chaplow as a reason, yes Chaplow had slotted into a wide role well and been part of the team than had put together a good run in October/November, but in our best form at the start when we won six out of seven games, Chaplow barely played, in total of those seven he made four appearances off the bench, totalling 82 minutes of play out of a possible 630, I like Richard Chaplow, but stats show we won plenty of games without much input from him, so why cant we do that now.

Bluntly I dont think the team spirit is there now that was so evident earlier in the season, so why is that ? I dont know !

So personally I dont want to hear that "we are all on the bus, or that "all the lads are focused" or even "we know where we went wrong" I just want to see the team spirit return, the confidence return and three points in the bag, it wont be the end of our problems but it will be a step in the right direction.

Photo: Action Images

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geezershoong added 13:51 - Jan 25
So, it's the fans who are making the excuses?
When you have the spine of a team doing well (Fonte, Lallana, Lambert) it's going to have a detrimental effect on the starting 11 because in many ways they are our best players in defence, midfield, attack. It's not excuses, it's just a fact.
Have you fallen into the trap of unrealistic expectations for a newly promoted side while managing to be negative at the same time? I prefer to see beyond the stats alone, they are not the be all & end all. You've also got to get over this 'top of the league' business, it sounds like it's keeping you awake at night.

VeloSaint added 14:03 - Jan 25
nothing wrong with the team spirit when the bad run started and hardly surprising its not exactly high now.

Our first iffy run of the season coincided with Lallana's first injury, but we actually came through with an increased lead at the top of the table.

I think injuries have played a part, though without doubt teams have also made sure we have little space to play in and we need to deal with that better. Our best performances at the start of the season came with Guly on the right and Connolly and Lambert up front. Then when Connolly was dropped/injured, Guly moved up front and Chaplow came in. We then had another good run. Since Chaplow's injury, the shape of the side has in the main struggled, the quality of replacements just not good enough.

It was unfortunate that Lambert was sent off, as the shaped looked vastly improved against Brighton with Connolly returning. It has been an unfortunate succession of injuries and suspensions though and you're right it shouldn't be an excuse, but bottom line is, the squad depth to play the way we were early in the season isn't there. Until we address that, then our best hope is for the injuries to clear up.

I would also add though that we've been consistently far too cavalier away from home, which has seen us spank a few sides but probably overall have less points then we could have had we been a little less naive tactically and in player selection. Thats one for Nigel to improve on.

SaintNick added 15:05 - Jan 25
I didnt say it was the fans making excuses I merely quoted a few things, with you geezershong I can do no right, my expectations are merely based on the results we have achieved earlier in the season, not what the predictions where back in the summer nor whether we are a newly promoted side or not, the manager and team set the standards for the season, all i want them to do is live up to them.

The spine of a team is down the centre and to my knowledge Lallana plays out wide, so I dont see him as the spine, Lambert has missed three games one of which we won, he was present for most of the other seven as was lallana

as for top of the league, you use it against me anmd say its my obsession despite the fact that I have never sang it at a the people with the realistic expectations are perhaps those who have used it as the catch all excuse for everything

TML added 15:20 - Jan 25
Having thought on your comments over the last few posts I have to give you your dues! A while back you were banging the drum of how Leicester were one to watch and should not be discount as a threat!

So it is a shame to see you do yourself such a dis-serves by then turning on your heels and claiming them to be a mediocre team languishing in mid-table.

negative spin if ever i saw it!

tell101 added 15:48 - Jan 25
I think for spine read core. Its the same for every team I know but the facts are that we havent played well without these "core players". Whether we have money or not, which is unclear given the untimely demise of our benefactor and lets face it we have no idea about the rest of the families true intentions, we are having trouble strengthening the squad. Its obviously not as easy as going out there and waving money about and selling ourselves as a sure fire premiership side. This is a tough league with many big names in it, all fighting for the big honey pot. I think our fustration at not being able to get the players we need to build a stronger squad is partly behind the JP reconcillation.
I think that we will pretty much carry on with what we have now and hope the spirit and desire returns as the injuries clear up. Not great but thats were we are. I just hope thats enough.
One last point is that on the whole I think NA has performed wonders for us, particularily with early season preparation and fitness, which is why we came out the blocks running but I have had a few occasions where I have questioned the tactics and formation, leicester game being one of them. Obviously we will never know the reasons why and the little injuries that may be contributing to the decisions but on the face of it it was not a good choice for me.

iwtwms added 22:11 - Jan 25
Nick - Hooiveld will be missed if his injury is long term ADMIT IT! Injuries have caused a problem but other squad players should have been given more of a chance.

iwtwms added 22:12 - Jan 25
As for the team selection against Leicester, I believe tha NA didn't thing Richardson was up for 90 minutes and that Falque was Cortese's selection!

ExiledSupporter added 23:59 - Jan 25
Nick, unlike some of your correspondents I find it difficult to disagree with most of the points you have been making over the last few months and I think you have not had sufficient credit for recognising the fault lines that are now fracturing the team's prospects. So please keep up the insightful commentary.

If I was going to be critical of your performance it would be that you have perhaps been a little too generous to Mr Adkins in respect of some of his transfers and selections and tactics which seem inexplicable (perhaps he should pay the fans the respect of explaining some of them himself)

The most recent foolishness of playing Harding out of position and leaving more reliable full backs on the bench or out of the match day squad altogether needs some public justification or explanation. But there are others.

Why is Holmes, clearly one of our most accomplished players at crossing the ball into the area, not given an extended run out on the left wing (rather than just the 10mins at the end of the match) and Lallana's skills exploited in the hole and why was he not selected before Falque.

Why have we got a cramped midfield with three central midfielders selected and only Lallana effective at using the wide spaces on the wing. Why do we persevere with Guly as a striker (where he has done reasonably well in difficult circumstances) but he is far more effective running at the goal with the ball at his feat than receiving the ball with his back to goal. His best matches have been cutting in from the right of midfield.

Why can't we get more out of De Ridder, great pace, good control, lousy final ball into the area...why is that, are we not able to get him to play with his head up a bit more, didn't NA know that aspect of his play? By the way why did we buy Forte in the first place, what sort of quality judgement was that?

Nick you have quite rightly expressed concern about how we would cope without Lambert in the event of injury, loss of form or suspension...why had we not made plans to swoop for one of the several strikers we have been linked to at the start of the transfer window rather than this late scrambling around, goodness we have had no use from Barnard this season for various not all that clearly explained reasons...are NA's hands tied by a lack of money and he is understandably tightlipped about this constriction on cash?

Why do we persevere with Davis, great shot stopper (most of the time), lousy judgement about dealing with crosses (most of the time), sad to see the decline of Bialkowski against Blackpool (don't understand what he thought he was doing, looked like a rookie keeper), but two erratic goalkeepers is a hopeless situation.

Don't know about Mr Lee, without prejudging the lad unfairly, surely we feel a little wary of why we have signed this player (unless he was quite cheap) instead of a proven Championship player

Can't agree that we have a good spine, because we don't have a commanding midfield presence - perhaps that would be an argument for playing Lallana in a more central role behind the strikers - but we don't so we have players who are perhaps a little pedestrian and lack an inspired pass moving the ball attractively, but often not decisively.

Can someone remind me who is captain out there, simple calling heads or tails at the kick off doesn't qualify as the only quality required...where is the player with resolve, determination and the obsession with winning who leads from the front?

Finally why do we seem to always concede so many soft goals - why are we unable to concentrate consistently in the centre of defence irrespective of whoever is playing; why is our shooting so poor; why are we so lacking in solidity away from home and why have we allowed this to continue for so long.

All of these things you have referred to at different times nick and not been given the credit you deserve, but perhaps NA has been given a little too much credit and should now front up and explain a little more of his thinking so that we can better judge what he is trying to do on the pitch...because it is lost on me and I suspect a good many other supporters too

saintBob added 11:52 - Jan 26
Exiled supporter - what an ideal world you live in and with a slight touch of ignorance too. Everything is either black or white isn't it? Mr Cortese keeps NA under a tight reign, keeps everything close to hs chest, and will not talk to anyone. Lallana has a groin strain which is why Falque was thrown in against Leicester, something I wasn't entirely happy with. It's all very well knowing what player are good at and knowing what they can do but it's another thing getting them to do it week in week out. Other teams know we have money and as soon as they know we have an interest in a player, then the price goes up and what is there to attract a player to Southampton rather than any other club? Tadanari Lee has come on a free transfer so there's no gamble there. Our shooting may have been poor against Leicester but how can you say it is poor in general? Remind me - how many goals have we scored this season? I'm sure NA is learning a lot about his players at this moment, many of them have taken a step up from league one. I believe there is tiredness in the squad as many players have been used consistently with not enough rotation and tiredness brings on a lack of concentration. Look how much money Leicester have spent but it's not going to guarantee them anything and they won't turn in a performance like that every week. NA regularly answers questions from the supporters so we all have a chance to query his decisions. Finally, we have come a long way in a short space of time and we are only half way through a 5 year plan so why has everyone become suddenly so negative? Give us a break and try to enjoy the football because they've entertained us this last few seasons for longer than I can remember!

bstokesaint added 12:20 - Jan 26
Here here Bob. Exiled Supporter although you raise a few valid points NA is paid to be the manager and that's what he's doing. He doesn't owe anything to the fans, but should be assessed by the team's performance, which currently is 2nd in the Championship. Okay, so our current form is poor, but that doesn't mean he has to openly justify himself the first time things go wrong. Lallana's injury was well documented and Richardson is returning from injury and I suspect would otherwise have been an automatic first team choice, eliminating the need for Harding and Fox. Kelvin is not "erratic". It never ceases to amaze me how often he takes stick when doing so little wrong. Bart as a back-up would be my only concern. All that aside I suspect NA is very aware on who can do what as he sees it daily. I suspect from his post Leicester comments he believes that some of these players choked on their chances. I'm sure he and NC will sit down and discuss this and what can be done.

tiptop added 12:52 - Jan 26
I agree with Nick's points apart from the spine/core thing. We all know who the most important players are.
Chaplow played himself into form after a run in the team and was virtually undropable then.
Seeing the team pressed as they were by Leicester and not being able to relieve the pressure with an out ball (the *'replacement for Lambert' argument) or pass was frustrating. It was a classic case of 'not earning the right to play'.
*The management clearly feel that Lee is the best option for a Lambert backup compared to the Coventry lad or any of the others. Remember we cant expect the club to just strut in anywhere and buy who ever they what ever time we like.

Exiled. Some valid points.
*Agree about a midfield general. Needed Mon for sure. The players needed a kick in the arse.
*I believe if Fraser or Butterfield were fully fit one would have started.
*Lallana has a calf injury.
*Playing Lallana in the hole means the 'diamond'. Narrow midfield,relying on full backs for width. Fans were bemoaning lack of width from midfield only recently. It is a dilema and one I think NA is trying to work around.

Agree with tell101 points too, especially reg JP which is a timely boost that will hopefully pay off. He fell out with the chairman who has taught him a lesson, forgiven him. Now its time to put the club first and that's it.

In defense of NA he has answered questions on formation when asked post match. He like to keep his cards close to his chest and you have to trust him with that..even if its puzzling. We might yet see a big money signing in the next few days?

We have to be realistic too in that teams with better more expensively assembled squads are coming into form to. It was never goingto be a stroll to the title. The mental battle is the biggest one and we're facing that now with challengers building up a head of steam, as we did at the start. Its game on and part two of the season. We need to step up a gear mentally.

Hopefully Hooiveld isnt out too long.


bstokesaint added 13:00 - Jan 26
Good point about the "mental battle" Tiptop. It is very obvious we have lost our arrogance/ swagger on the pitch and that given right to win. We still have those same players, they just need to believe West Ham and Cardiff et al aren't entitled to anything. They have their weaknesses too.

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