| Forum Reply | Tax code at 14:03 17 Jun 2020
0300 200 3310 It was only this morning that a very nice lady (who incidentally was working from home) sorted out a rebate on overpaid tax. |
 | Forum Reply | Insomnia at 10:16 14 Jun 2020
I have gone in the opposite direction. Pre Covid-19 I was only spending two or three nights per week in my own bed and I was fairly sure then that it was impacting on sleep habits. Fast forward twelve weeks of sleeping at home and I’m regularly getting my seven hours a night. |
 | Forum Reply | Man Arrested For Urinating Beside Memorial at 10:14 14 Jun 2020
My guess is that he’s a little bit twp, has had a few, can’t find a toilet and didn’t notice the memorial. Good to see such swift action from the police in terms of arrest. If proven guilty on whatever charge is levelled then the maximum form of punishment should apply. |
 | Forum Reply | Das Boot at 22:21 9 Jun 2020
My thoughts too. |
 | Forum Reply | How do you like your toast at 22:20 9 Jun 2020
This morning I went with crunchy peanut butter on brown toast. Yesterday it was Lurpak and lemon & lime marmalade on white. Tomorrow I’m thinking marmite on white. |
 | Forum Reply | Has to be charged at 21:39 2 Jun 2020
I wish I'd bought that shirt when I had the chance. |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 21:12 25 May 2020
In other news my wife reckons that I've got Covid toe. |
 | Forum Reply | Cummings at 21:06 24 May 2020
And there’s this... |
 | Forum Reply | Green keepers/professional gardeners any in our midst? at 21:26 19 May 2020
In my limited experience of seeding lawns it is a little bit horses for courses. Do you want something for a shaded area or are you after something hard wearing? Alternatively do you want lush grass or something a little more rustic looking? Do the usual Google search and match a seed to your need (sorry about the rhyming words). Then consider how to sew it; keeping the birds off of it and maintaining a good moisture level throughout germination are two key points. |
 | Forum Reply | Gardening tips at 21:44 18 May 2020
Our gardens are immaculate this year. By mid April I had painted all walls, fences and sheds, got the moss out of the lawns, painted decking, cleaned patio and generally tidied after the winter. It’s unlikely to be like this so soon in the year ever again. |
 | Forum Reply | Shìt Joke thread..... at 21:33 18 May 2020
I was on the phone to Babestation the other night and the young lass said “hey big boy, what can I do fo you” I said “Fuking hide, quick. My Mrs is coming down the stairs and I’ve lost the remote”. |
 | Forum Reply | Shìt Joke thread..... at 15:01 18 May 2020
Paddy & Murphy are sat in the airport ready to go on holiday. Paddy says to Murphy “fuk I wish I’d brought the telly, Murph” “Why, are you bored, Pad?” “No Murph, I left the passports on top of it”. |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 14:56 18 May 2020
It’s a scamdemic. |
 | Forum Reply | Beards at 21:06 17 May 2020
He is CEO so not the latter. |
 | Forum Reply | Beards at 20:56 17 May 2020
You don’t fuk around when h&s is concerned. |
 | Forum Reply | Beards at 20:47 17 May 2020
You’ve tied yourself up in knots there. You clean shave because you have to but then you do what you want? You’re clearly spoiling for an argument but only coming across as a bit silly. |
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