| News Comment | Hull still weighed down by Allam millstone — Opposition profile at 09:39:54
Davidht - sorry mate but the article slagging our owners was written on your website. Where else would I comment on it? And the 'dubious veracity' was in the original article I'm afraid. Just correcting errors and giving another point of view. Happy to sign off your site though. |
 | News Comment | Hull still weighed down by Allam millstone — Opposition profile at 09:10:36
BromleyHoop - I do not and have never worked for the club. I'm just a fan who disagrees with those, especially CTID, who work against the club. tigerfanian - I honestly believe that the name change was turned into a circus when it wouldn't have made a shred of difference to anything. Changing a name changes nothing. You lose nothing. Change is part of all walks of life. We could have embraced it and celebrated the success we were having. Instead we are mired in protests about ridiculous things - some of which are based in racism (let's tell it like it is at least). And I am definitely not suggesting that it applies to you so please don't take offence. I genuinely dislike resistance to change for resistances sake or from jealousy or spike or any other negative emotions or traits. As for having City at the KCOM, I don't mind. I'm there to watch the football and shout at the ref when he gets things wrong like the best of them. The wording of the ballot simply said 'back us to run the club'. It wasn't unreasonable to ask the fans to do it. And the majority did. Yet they were overruled and new rules invented after the fact. That's not democracy, it's authoritarianism. HCAFC Chris - I get that I am a lone voice on here. And I like a good debate. But I don't. Relieve the authorities got it right. Or that it would have ended the animosity either way. Let's all just get behind the players. The politics of running a club should be left to those who are mad enough to want to own one and open themselves to the kind of abuse that fans are capable of. I love Hull City. But even if I won a very big lottery, I wouldn't buy them or any club. I'd take a peaceful life over that any day. |
 | News Comment | Hull still weighed down by Allam millstone — Opposition profile at 23:35:18
So, just to clarify. 1) If I refute the innacuracies then I must work for Hull City - Bromleyhoop. 2) The ballot threatened broken kneecaps / we won't mention that the judge ticked off the Council for having NO CASE / the Allams must tell us what they do with their money because we say so / they must talk to us despite all the abuse we give them daily / they should write off £75M+ and give the club away - because I say so. - AllamOutCityFan 3) You can't make any decisions I don't agree with / the action breached the lease (despite the court clearly saying it didn't and telling the Council off) / the most successful period in our history is incidental because the motivation was a land grab and giving money to Hull KR was just to piss Hull FC off - despite everything put into sport, education, hospitals..... / they should reward the HDM for abusing them at every turn with special access - Northernr Seriously guys, get over yourselves. I have supported Hull City since I was a lad and paid to watch games since my dad stopped having to do it for me. Yet I don't believe that this gives me the right to tell owners how to run the club. I pay to watch football and love the team. And that's why I refute the nonsense spouted here. You don't have a right to berate and demand. You have a right to turn up or don't. Or if you have £50M quid to spare, pony up and run it however you like. They'd probably take it now if you ask nicely. |
 | News Comment | Hull still weighed down by Allam millstone — Opposition profile at 19:40:25
Nice article which covered most of the events. Unfortunately it is riddled with factual errors and omissions. I really don't have time to name them all however, I will correct a few. 1) The name change was opposed by a vociferous minority who took it to the football authorities. As there was no prescedent new rules were created to oppose it. It was like breaking a law that didn't exist. All season pass holders were balloted before the last hearing. Despite the majority voting in favour of the change, the decision went in favour of the minority. 2) The Airco arena. I could write a tome on this debacle. However the judge said it all when he berated the Council for wasting £120,000 of taxpayers money on a frivolous suit. The Council lost huge and got ticked off in court for it 3) The Allam's saved Hull City from administration. Put £75M+ into it and gave Hull City its most successful ever period since it's foundation. Dr Allam puts more into philanthropic endeavours for the City, it's hospitals, sports clubs and many other things. Yet his PR company need shooting in my opinion. Do the research, it's all there. And when they choose to repay the massive loans, apparently it's wrong!!! 4) Radio Humberside and the Hull Daily Mail may well be out of favour. But why would owners give contracts to those that abuse them, those that steal from them and those that give nothing back? 5) The club would have been sold but for the failure of the PL fit and proper test. The FA found Readings Chinese owners to be acceptable. It will be interesting to see if the PL allow Reading in now with the same people they failed when Hull City had agreed the sale. If the fans really want the owners out then support the team, help them win and the buyers will return. But the way things are who would buy a club with fans who oppose every change? Not me. There are two sides to every bit of the article. Shame only one got told. Yet despite all the good the family has done, those that give little outside of abuse get heard time and again because it sells papers. |
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