| Forum Reply | VAR is shite. at 15:02 10 Jul 2020
The whole point of Var surely is to eradicate some of the awful decisions that have affected football over the years e.g. at international level: Joe Jordan's handball against us (Wales) at Anfield back in 1977 Thierry Henry's double handball against Ireland in the world cup play off final...and Frank Lampard's goal for England against Germany at the world cup. You can't have teams qualifying for world cups or being knocked out of world cups or miss out on the biggest prize's in domestic leagues due to obviously wrong decisions. Football is too fluid compared to other sports to probably overuse VAR but just make sure the key decisions are got right 95% of the time, but even that is beyond those in authority. Since the return of football, the Spurs penalty last night and Sheff Utd's over the line goal against Villa not given......WTF are they doing, it is just unbelievable |
 | Forum Reply | I.T. Question at 16:11 5 Jul 2020
That's usually my solution to all technical things, but thank you. |
 | Forum Thread | I.T. Question at 16:07 5 Jul 2020
Don't know if anyone can help. Working from home at the moment, struggling to get a decent wifi signal in my back bedroom where i've set up my office, it's generally ok but often freezes when on a meeting via 'Teams' I've bought a wifi extender, the only device that i can get to connect with it is a Samsung Tablet, my works laptop recognises the extender in available wifi networks in settings but won't connect with it, it's the same for my personal laptop. So i've connected with the extender via the Samsung tablet and when i plug the extender in my backroom, it's showing that it's connected i.e. wifi light is green, extender light is green and obviously the power button. My question is, are all devices now connected to the extender (as the light indicates that it is 'extending ' the wifi signal )or is it just connected to the Samsung tablet? |
 | Forum Reply | The plane over the Etihad at 19:15 23 Jun 2020
If there were a march next week in a surreal world where lockdown had ended and the point of the march were to march against discrimination of any kind, I'd be there. If there were two gangs facing each other one a bunch of white facists against decent black people, I'd be on the side of the black people or any people's promoting their rights I'd be with them....100% Yet this murder of George Floyd was in another country, similar to ours yes, but the UK , no. Have a read of the book War Doctor, a Welsh speaking doctor who has put his life on the line and worked on the most horrific battlefield's in the world, what he has to say about the abuse of women by the Taliban and other despotic Muslim based groups in Afghanistan and other areas is truly horrific, yet I haven't witnessed marches like we are witnessing now to challenge these horrific crimes. Does the UK need to change.. absolutely! I hope BLM makes a difference and truly changes the quality of life for people in this country and around the world. Since I was a teenager I have witnessed year upon year, Live Aid, Children in Need, Comic Relief and Sports Aid, all the brainchild of fantastic British/Irish white people wanting to make a difference. Have I seen marches by asylum seekers, immigrants thanking Britain for the good things we have done...No. Wrongly go to war against Iraq etc and you can't fuc+ing stop them! And there is consternation at the growing number of right wing vile groups sprouting hatred!!! |
 | Forum Reply | The plane over the Etihad at 14:08 23 Jun 2020
I must be missing something about this WLM banner issue. I haven't been racist towards anyone in my life, when going to Uni most of my friends were black or from other ethnic minority backgrounds. Years ago when in Cardiff, I helped a black woman carry some bags to her car when it was piss+ng down, she turned around and said that it was the kindest thing anyone had done for her the years that she had lived in Cardiff, a lovely comment that I still think about now. Not saying this banner was right but in the week when more white people have been killed by another asylum seeking nut job, don't really get the outpouring of self disgust. |
 | Forum Reply | New Swansea Arena... at 17:40 12 Jun 2020
Cheers, I think that (the video)is a bit outdated now though. |
 | Forum Thread | New Swansea Arena... at 14:41 12 Jun 2020
I'm enjoying driving past and seeing the new arena being built and the development across the road. Don't know if anyone can answer a few questions. Are then any plans to do something with the remaining St David's shopping centre (Where Iceland is) ? Will they be knocking down St David's car park? For the former, can't believe that they haven't knocked it down...it looks hideous. Typical Swansea, brand new development and right next to it a run down, empty practically derelict building! That part of town should now be one of the more attractive areas to own a retail business/cafe once the arena and new shops are finished?! As for the car park, with the car park being built alongside the arena and the new multi storey opposite, seems pointless having a run down cesspit of a car park. I've seen some pictures of the new development, going back a few years and where the car park is , looks like a parkland area? Anyone in the know can shed come light? Thank you |
 | Forum Reply | Should Johnson be forced to stand down? at 15:58 3 Jun 2020
Special times call for special measures. This isn't about the usual party politics of government. Within the Conservative party there must be an elder statesman on the back benches who can form an interim cabinet? Johnson has been a disaster. After the last election he has surrounded himself with a cabinet full of young puppets, whom he can control, he (Johnson) wasn't the right leader for these incredibly challenging times and neither as a result of his choices is the cabinet. Johnson is full of bull shi t and bluster, he has plenty of appeal and charm and under other circumstances, given that we were due a generation of spending and excesses might have become a very good prime minister, however, he has been incredibly unlucky, disastrously so for the country. |
 | Forum Thread | Should Johnson be forced to stand down? at 15:36 3 Jun 2020
I have no idea what the legalities are, however, should Johnson be forced to stand down? My own opinion is that he/the government have managed our response badly, on such a massive scale that it has led to the catastrophic numbers that we are now witnessing. France, Italy and Spain have poor figures, however we are an island! As things go we were perfectly placed to so to speak to control it's impact. I've given my opinions on another thread as to Johnson not attending Cobra meetings, speculating that he was being advised by Cummings, which is fine when it comes to being a strategist for an election or a campaign like Brexit (indeed brilliant) but not when it comes to dealing with what is the greatest challenge since the end of the 2nd world war. Given the nature of this pandemic and the world's difficulty in dealing with it, I would never usually single someone out for blame, however in my opinion we have got it so badly wrong that i'm amazed that the question hasn't been asked or a movement hasn't been formed to get him out....he has been a fuc king disaster and still it continues!? |
 | Forum Reply | Cummings at 10:30 29 May 2020
Ditto |
 | Forum Reply | Cummings at 12:34 27 May 2020
I've never hated a person/politician as I now hate Johnson. Never used to, in fact quite liked him. I voted Brexit, partly based on the lies orchestrated by the 'Axis of Evil' of him and Cummings. And now again he has been the wrong person in the wrong position, in the wrong place at the wrong time. Posh voice....tick, Eton ...tick...Oxford...tick..Part of a posh private members club at Oxford (who are slated by other Oxford students, as being a rule unto themselves) tick. Usually i couldn't care less, it's how the world goes around, certainly in the UK. At least with most of them there is a semblance of being a capable politician , leader and Prime minister, with Boris though it is all bluster and very little substance. His attitude and inability at the beginning of this virus/pandemic stunk of arrogance. The axis of evil again had other matters that they deemed to be more important and for an island nation our figures are heart breaking. Those Cobra meetings missed, displays the arrogance and attitude from the start. I'd even forgive that though as this virus has caught the world out (well some of it) and playing a political game seems almost unfair. But along came this latest debacle and well...I don't think I have ever been so incensed with politics, politicians and as I said at the beginning of my reply hatred. I can't believe what I'm hearing, reading and watching from Johnson, Cummings and the cabinet in general. At every level it is wrong on a massive scale and worst of all they are too fuc*ing arrogant to feel the frustration, pain and now understandable hatred that people feel towards them. |
 | Forum Reply | What’s the most damage you have ever done to your penis / vagina (n/t) at 20:08 22 Mar 2020
A story not really relevant. Came back after a 5 nations trip to Dublin to watch Wales, Having a typically 'blockish' conversation with a womanising colleague in work ( I am by no means a 'mans man', I would like to highlight, just going along with it), about his alleged conquests during the weekend, He then talked about a mate of his who (in his terminiology) was shagging an Irish bird when he broke his 'banjo' string! I replied and never lived it down...'Why the fu ck was he playing a banjo'? |
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 18:25 19 Mar 2020
Incredibly difficult challenge facing government's around the world. I find it very alarming though the lack of consistency in different countries approaches. Was in the States with work in January. Went to a shopping mall just outside Albany NY state, must have used their open WiFi. Had an email from them today saying that in adherence to the governor of New York's guidelines the shopping mall as of this evening will be closing indefinitely. Yet we, seem to be brazenly carrying on as per normal. |
 | Forum Reply | Wilder vs Fury 2 at 16:04 23 Feb 2020
Best TV/Entertainment I've seen I years. Went tee total a few years back and last night this morning is one of those moments that I'm so glad I've given up drinking. Used to get mangled on Vegas fight nights, prob miss the fight and feel like sh+t the next day. That fight had it all, glitz, glamour, a brilliant performance from Tyson and then singing at the end..... brilliant. Only thing that made me uncomfortable was Wilders walk in....what if Tyson had walked into a celebration of being white etc?! |
 | Forum Reply | Cooper is now worrying me at 13:39 9 Feb 2020
Quite simply Cooper isn't up to it. Whether that is recognised now, the end of the season or probably during one of the international weekend breaks in Oct/Nov when he will be moved on. In all fairness it would probably be unfair on him now but when would be the right time? The whole transfer window situation will mean that he will have another opportunity to make signings that may set us back a season or two...as have the signings we made a season or two back have crippled us. So basically you either believe in his ability or you don't. I don't , therefore get rid at the end of the season. Worst case scenario is that we just finish outside of the top 6 and we (probably in fairness) stick with him. This season's positive's and negatives will then be repeated and another season gone and more parachute payments! I just hope that the next appointment isn't based on how good a PowerPoint presentation he makes! |
 | Forum Thread | Eminem at 13:25 17 Jan 2020
Always liked his music, clever bloke. Don't know if he has been that controversial in the past, however this latest 'song' referring to the Manchester, concert bombings, what a vile individual! |
 | Forum Reply | Anus forum tonight at 13:06 17 Jan 2020
How any self respecting Welshman can fly the Union Jack is beyond me. Personally, I don't see myself as British but Welsh. I completely get though, those who are proud to be British and see themselves British rather than Welsh..your choice and respect to it. The UJ however has no Welsh representation on it and symbolises Wales being 'annexed' by England as we are represented on the flag by the George Cross. As I say how any Welshman can therefore fly that flag is beyond me! |
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