| Forum Reply | !!!!!!!!!! Russell Martin out !!!!!!!!!!! at 10:45 1 Sep 2024
I’m confused by what you are saying - you say he wants to be best mates with everyone - yet he then pisses off the fans - that does not sound like someone wanting to be best mates at all. He does keep the respect of the team - that’s not being best mates - that’s a qualification for being an effective manager |
 | Forum Reply | !!!!!!!!!! Russell Martin out !!!!!!!!!!! at 10:40 1 Sep 2024
Constantly wishing to sack a Manager every time we see results we don’t like is clearly utterly Bonkers. We would end up with 4 or 5 new managers every season. Yes - as fans we hate losing - we get frustrated - yes Saints results are important to us - but surely we can’t really believe that changing your manager every time you are unhappy makes any sense. Yet over 50% of us feel he should be sacked. This is with 10 brand new players + £100m + invested + with few players with Premier League experience + many young players. What are Realistic Expectations - Magical Management ??? - short term defensive set ups ??? - hoofing the ball long ?????? High Hassenhutl Pressing/running around very fast ????? ( we sacked him too) Last season - it took a lot of games for the full squad of players to get into the pattern of play - which is hard. When they did - this manager had the LONGEST EVER successful set of results The player errors are clear - the method of play is hard to get. They NEED support and time from all of us to get this right. He is protecting the players by taking the flak from us fans by saying he will stick to the system. Last season - as he and the squad evolved - he adjusted - but that takes time. Short term approaches to playing the game - will get short term results - we have managers who will do that - Dyche et al. I would rather watch the process of the team building and then see that success- It worked last season. It will be harder this season. But the option just to Sack The Manager is not a solution - no matter how angry we all are |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 17:57 7 Aug 2024
If we need more facilities for holding people who been convicted of violence - based on evidence - then perhaps we should get the Bibby Stockholm Barge to help out :) |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 12:19 4 Aug 2024
...more to that list........ MP's and members of the UK Establishment that established a paedophile ring - that was exposed by (label) Right Wing politician Geoffrey Dickens - then covered up - So Yes- there are muslims who are paedophiles ( Rochdale example ) - yet far more dangerous examples are in UK Media, UK Political establishment and The Royal Family - maybe we will see violent demonstrations against that lot ...somehow I doubt it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_paedophile_dossier |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 11:02 4 Aug 2024
Indeed.....point well made.....I would also add The Royal Family unofficial Visit to Woking Pizza Hut ...to that excellent list |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 09:28 4 Aug 2024
This topic is attracting some great and genuine debate about most of the real issues around immigration - and how much we need and why ( most of the time ) - Congratulations to all I say - this thread says a lot of positive things about Saints football fans in general - in contrast to what some folks think about football fans. My comments ? - Enjoyed reading the feedback on crime rates in different areas - Loved the meme - very amusing - Comments on what type of economy we want are hitting the nail on the head. There has to be a balance of growth v wealth v population v tax v jobs - I have no idea how to work that out - but that is the issue that stands out when you look at all these feedback. - Labelling is not a good thing to help mutual understanding - whether we label each other as " Far Right " or " Leftie Luvvies " etc etc etc. When we label we are being played in some manner - and avoiding looking at the genuine problems of what to do - Abusing each other is also not ideal way to understand our differences. Football fans are better than that. We love Our Tribe - but we respect other Tribes - because we are all destined to "suffer" as a Football Fan - Starmer career was as an excellent Human Rights Lawyer - it was his job to defend all types of people - some good some bad - like many lawyers. It is unfair to say he is a bad person because he defended a sex offender in the course of his ethical work - in the same way - it is unfair to equate Margaret Thatcher with Jimmy Saville. Neither Starmer nor Thatcher would justify sex offenses for sure. FYI - my own " labels " - I'm an old fart - Male - born 1950 - more on the right in many respects yet I favour immigration on a managed and ethical basis - provided it is good for our country - which has been shown in many situations and not bad for our country - which has also been shown clearly in some situations |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 15:03 2 Aug 2024
Sorry to disappoint you - No lefties here - I voted for Thatcher. She tried to be a factual person - facing the issues - whether or not we liked how she made decisions based on her view of the facts. Does labelling different opinions - help understand factual discussion I wonder ? Guess labelling others might help us avoid having to understand the basis of immigration in this country - we are a country built on immigration. I also wonder if Thatcher would have left the Single Market - unlikely - given that she created it. She would have had nothing to with Brexit - and would have stood up to Farage |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 10:07 2 Aug 2024
685,000 peak net Immigration represents 0.9% of UK population - again - we are not swamped - nowhere near. Tory Government needed to help this small number folks enter UK - in order to keep vital services operational and to help UK businesses. We have a shortage of labour because 2023 unemployment is dropping and low at 4.3%. In 1970's this was c. 7% - in 1984 UK unemployment peaked at 11.9 %. So Immigrants are not taking all our jobs either - contrary to what populist politicians and media might imply |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 09:55 2 Aug 2024
Good Point - Did not have that number on stats I looked at - so 2023 net immigration was 685,000 - big increase and well above the pre-Brexit levels of c. 200,000 to 300,000. What does that mean ? That Tory policies on Brexit and immigration did not work. We ended up with more immigration. So, our Government increased visas for Health and Social Care workers to keep NHS and Social Services operational. Also visas for International Students to keep our University business operational. All designed to cope with reduction in EU folks as those people left UK after Brexit. These Non Eu increases were Indian (250,000), Nigerian (141,000), Chinese (90,000), Pakistani (83,000) and Zimbabwean (36,000). I cannot recall Farage mentioning that he wanted to stop EU immigration so that more would need to come from other countries. I wonder if that might have affected the Brexit vote. |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 19:38 1 Aug 2024
Factually 15 to 20 years ago : Net Migration Rates as follows: 2019 = 206,000 - Post Brexit 2020 = 313,000. Then in earlier Times : 2004 = 268,000 : 2007 = 273,000 : 2011 = 283,000 : 2012 = 161,000 : 2015 = 331,000. Population of UK is 67,980,730. The highest total of 2015 equates to 0.48 % of the population. Hardly being swamped are we - contrary to deliberately inflammatory comments by Farage- Reform - EDL - Thugs in Stockport. Total immigrant population in UK from 1991 to 2000 was 11% . We have recently increased to 13% during the last 14 years of right wing Tory Governments. They constantly used anti - foreigner rants around immigration to drive Brexit and constantly worked to demonise immigrants. That worked out well |
 | Forum Reply | Serious Disorder in Southport at 12:57 31 Jul 2024
Defining this as " Islamic " terrorism is also jumping on the band wagon. That is simply untrue - and why does this get peddled automatically - and what is the peddler of this untrue information seeking to do ? If an Irish person kills people do we say Irish Terrorism. This is what the thugs who attacked police in Southport do - they justify their ignorance by spouting such distortion. |
 | Forum Reply | Che Adams has gone at 12:00 19 Jul 2024
Correct - he did a good job for us - at that time. We would not have got into PL without his on the field contribution - plus his positive team impact and his effort |
 | Forum Reply | I wonder what J W P honestly thought at 17.00 yesterday. at 11:55 28 May 2024
Would be suprised if West Ham wanted him out - we should 120% get him back if they did. He may not have had the set piece goals but look at his other stats: ( BBC Sport) Assists 11- More than any other WH Player Chances Created 83 - More than twice as many as any other WH Player Passes - 2000 + - More than any other WH player Pass accuracy - 90% - More than any other WH player and 7 Goals as well Not too shabby |
 | Forum Reply | So Russel did it at 14:51 27 May 2024
Yesterday's win was certainly worth a lot more in revenue terms |
 | Forum Reply | Push me- pull you at 13:33 25 May 2024
It takes time to rebuild. One season is simply not enough- no matter how many good players you - regardless of how much money you spend. ( Check out Everton, Chelsea, Nottingham Forest, Man Utd and others ) It is very frustrating to experience the ups and downs - of any group of players who are learning - and a manager who is learning. I certainly had doubts. Saints have given managers enough time - if they show enough progress. My feeling is he has done enough - both with the team and ( apparently ) in the atmosphere within the club - which was in disarray when he arrived. He has made plenty of mistakes - however the team has evolved and he has adjusted. Hopefully - we go up - either way - let him keep the upward curve going IMO Also - Is there really someone else who would do better |
 | Forum Reply | "Two thirds of the squad wanted to leave in the summer" at 12:13 6 May 2024
He will have no trouble getting another job - his performance has had plenty of mistakes - yet his team has stayed with him - put in the extra effort required - and got a result. It takes time. To build a team. To learn to be a Manager at this level and at Premier League level. Its not just about the level of the squad nor how much money is spent. Look at Everton, Chelsea etc etc. The best clubs give their managers time to evolve. |
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