| Forum Reply | Fernando Llorente? at 07:47 25 Feb 2024
Hang on, didn’t you keep calling him a wardrobe at the time? |
 | Forum Reply | Luke Williams on drawing 2-2 with Birmingham City at 12:44 14 Jan 2024
Apparently he also said that we didn’t deserve our goals, the bloke’s a bitter nob. Would’ve loved to have beaten them yesterday but we still have this weak mentality. Been a problem for a while. We need to get nastier. Also, playing out from the back is fine if the players are coached properly and have the skills to do it. We did it under Potter, no reason why we can’t do it effectively again. |
 | Forum Reply | Has he been sacked yet? at 10:23 24 Sep 2023
I want him out of my football club. I won’t change my mind based on 1 win ffs. And no, that doesn’t mean I want us to keep playing like shite because that’s why I want him out in the first place. It’s not hard. |
 | Forum Reply | My view on today's game at 08:09 24 Sep 2023
Cooperball was pig awful but got results. Until it didn’t, because we’re still in the Championship. People said “the end justifies the means” to excuse the awful style of play, but we ended up failing anyway and I was glad to see him gone. If Duff fails, it won’t be through injuries. On evidence thus far, it’ll be because he’s a poor fit for this club, his football is shite, and he talks a load of bollocks (judging from his press interviews, so Lord only knows what he’s saying to them in training). I don’t call that “abrasive”, I call it being a d*ck. I’m one of his biggest critics and had no love for Martin long before he left. He couldn’t coach a defence to save his life, still can’t it seems, and was too stubborn for his own good. This obsession our fans have with Martin, both positive and negative, is so weird. The bloke’s gone, get the f*ck over it. |
 | Forum Reply | My view on today's game at 07:52 24 Sep 2023
The biggest problem we have this season is Michael Duff as manager and Paul Watson’s wet dream of turning us into Luton. That’s not because it’s “hoofball”, it’s because the football is simply shite to watch. But we beat the worst team in the league, so he’s bought some time with our fickle fans until he inevitably loses again, and the cycle continues. Get them out. Now. |
 | Forum Reply | xG against at 08:19 20 Sep 2023
“I know some will say I’m talking nonsense.” Too right! Get him out. |
 | Forum Reply | What do we do about Michael Duff ? at 22:15 19 Sep 2023
Sack him. Admit we got it wrong this summer before any more damage is done. Get Toshack Jr in, someone who knows what this club is about, even if it’s for the interim. If Watson won’t admit he got it wrong, even after signing 13 players to fit this so-called “style”, then he needs to go too. It all starts with the ownership and these new investors however, and it’s not as if they’re going to change. |
 | Forum Reply | Has he been sacked yet? at 16:24 17 Sep 2023
Watson was responsible for Duff. He’d have Nathan Jones here if he could, no doubt about it. He’s signed 13 players to fit a style of play that is the antithesis of what has brought us success in recent years. He needs to own his mistake or leave. Coleman needs to do the same for the ownership group. They’ve made a huge mistake with their approach this summer. |
 | Forum Reply | Has he been sacked yet? at 12:14 17 Sep 2023
The sooner he goes, the better. But are the investors humble enough to admit their mistake? Replace Watson with Osian, and replace Duff with Toshack Jr. Save the ship while we still can. |
 | Forum Reply | Michael Duff : The loneliness of the long distance manager at 08:14 17 Sep 2023
He was the wrong choice for this club. Watson too, who was meeting with Nathan Jones on the eve of the derby if rumour is to be believed. They’re the complete antithesis of what this club should stand for. We were at our most successful when we had an identity, pass and move football. Not whatever this is. Nothing will change until the decision makers change. |
 | Forum Reply | All cooperball you know nothing. at 08:40 21 Aug 2022
I feel the same. We were mostly awful to watch under Cooper but at least we won games. We are mostly awful to watch under Martin but we hardly win. We need a change but it starts at the top. |
 | Forum Reply | Should we sack Russ at 07:11 8 Aug 2022
I've given him time and the benefit of the doubt, but that performance was disgusting. He's had his preseason. He's had his season of transition. Yet still the same excuses. We were told last season that the players weren't conditioned to play his way. What a joke. Not sure what managers are realistically available. Try and get Toshack from Leeds? At least he's had some level of success. Then again, would cost money. Just sick of it all. |
 | Forum Reply | Russell Martin : The Poll at 17:35 19 Mar 2022
No thank you. I've seen enough now. Try for Diego Martinez or someone who plays possession with a purpose. And someone who can actually coach a defence. There must be better out there. |
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