| Blog Comment | Dream Stealers. at 14:36:46
Love your blogs Curryman - keep them coming - shame you're not a ST holder as the Fans Parliament could do with someone like you! |
 | News Comment | Democracy at the Seaside? by BasilRobbieReborn at 20:21:18
Good to see that the asylum hasn't quite been taken over and I say that with no disrespect or distain for anyone who has their rightful means to protest. However, as the Twitter reaction thread on here suggests there are many now who have written off the Oystons and with it the club and they are deluding themselves if they think they are just going to walk away. Flogging a few shirts won't result in fans being able to buy the club. We have to, as fans, make the most of our the dire position we're in and grasp opportunities like this and show the O's we are not just a commodity, we are the club. Agree that groups should be represented as ST holders should be. There'll never be a clean slate but disrupting a Neil Diamond concert will not lead to us having a say in what happens at our club - this might! |
 | News Comment | 10 Pictures for PNE fans at 13:36:57
I think it's a bit of a win/win for Blackpool fans this weekend. If PNE win we don't have to face them and inevitably have the double done over us next season, if they lose then it alleviates some of our misery for a few days. In truth and on balance I think I'd sooner they went up to avoid us the embarrassment next season (plus I do still like Larry!). |
 | News Comment | Looks like Cubero has gone as well at 05:27:09
Sounds to me like he just wants away and they probably have a clause - like Orlandi - that if the side are relegated then then contract extension can be negotiated. |
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