| Forum Reply | New Site - Security Certificate Added at 09:18 15 Jul 2020
I've had an absolute 'mare logging into new site. It's embarrassing. Having been merrily using the new sitefor a few days, yesterday my login details weren't recognised. To cut a long story short Phil kindly reset my password, I logged in just now, changed my password to one of the super-long iPhone passwords but my phone did not prompt me to save it, so I am shut out again, and have just started another infinite loop of requesting but never receiving a password reset email. Head in hands. You wouldn't think I worked in IT.... |
 | Forum Reply | New cases at 15:04 29 Jun 2020
It's their contracts of employment. Work or starve, basically. Then there's the high concentration of people, cold air, high humidity. Presumably that aids transmission. [Post edited 29 Jun 2020 15:06]
 | Forum Reply | Travel to Wales at 09:15 24 Jun 2020
Putting to one side that we don't have a very effective tracing system, I disagree. The UK are purportedly identifying over 4000 new cases a day. And that's with a lot of lockdown still going on. Imagine what will happen to that figure when the dafties (God bless 'em) are sitting in cinemas etc. |
 | Forum Reply | Anyone been to Egypt? at 13:31 19 Jun 2020
Ahh, you should've paid him. You photographed him, so it's a fair shout for baksheesh. |
 | Forum Reply | Anyone been to Egypt? at 09:43 19 Jun 2020
It's been a while since my trip to Luxor. What struck me was how poor nearly everyone seemed. Lots of old stones; impressive stuff. Lots of crowds. Oh, so many crowds. Things I'd do differently: Set the alarm and get up at stupid o'clock to avoid the crowds Hire a guide (maybe a taxi). Stick with him all week. Take warm clothes if you have a day on the Nile. It's mighty chilly first thing. Towards the end of my week I'd begun to develop a bit of "looking at old stone fatigue" but then we arrived at the Temple of Hatshepsut. Bugger me, that was stunning. The shine went off it years later, mind, as a result of the massacre of tourists there. And that's my problem with Moslem countries in general. I'd love to see Iran, the Lebanon, I nearly had a work trip to Pakistan once (called off by the Pakistani organiser due to concerns we might get killed). There's beautiful stuff to see and experience, but if these things worry you/whoever you're with so you're on high alert then it really detracts from the experience. It's silly. I used to have that same feeling of nerves when I first moved to the USA, but never had any bother. [Post edited 19 Jun 2020 9:44]
 | Forum Reply | Curb Your Enthusiasm at 06:48 18 Jun 2020
As much as I like the show I found I could only bear to watch one per sitting. I couldn't binge watch it as it started to irritate. Great in small doses. |
 | Forum Reply | What words would under 30s not understand? at 13:00 16 Jun 2020
Here's a word I've not heard in decades. Dunno if it's still in use. Putsy. It used to mean "easy" as in: "I bet you can't throw this pebble through that old lady's window from here." "Sure I can. That's putsy". According to urban dictionary putsy now means someone stupid. |
 | Forum Reply | Don’t mention the war at 07:17 13 Jun 2020
After a review "The Germans" is to be reinstated on UKTV following its removal a couple of days ago. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/jun/12/john-cleese-attacks-stupid-remov As ECB predicted "Guidance and warnings highlighting “potentially offensive content and language” will feature alongside the episode". This is the correct decision in my view. It had felt a knee jerk reaction to remove the episode, and it was an unnecessary distraction from the matter at hand. [Post edited 13 Jun 2020 7:21]
 | Forum Reply | Don’t mention the war at 06:52 12 Jun 2020
Oh FFS. This strikes me as lunacy. Basil Fawlty got himself into ridiculous situations. The joke In every episode was ON HIM. Presumably this purge will hit 'Allo 'Allo next. |
 | Forum Reply | Leaving Planet Swans Now Ta-ra All at 08:52 8 Jun 2020
As Thornaby pointed out upthread, expecting lots of vibrant debate at a time like this is somewhat unrealistic. It makes sense that posters simply drift to other pursuits until things get a bit less weird. I can't decide whether making a statement about why you're not going to post any longer is a good thing. On the one hand it's a bit narcissistic but by the same token it could be taken as constructive criticism, a little "pull your socks up". |
 | Forum Reply | What newspapers / news sites do you subscribe to at 21:52 3 Jun 2020
Last time I bought a physical copy of The Guardian it was three quid-odd. Outrageous, I felt, though I guess their costs aren't insignificant. I read their online copy "cover-to-cover" daily and donate a laughable £50 per annum for the privilege. I've enjoyed some recent Independent stuff so may soon subscribe to that too. |
 | Forum Reply | Protests in Trafalgar Square at 10:09 3 Jun 2020
Edit. Was meant for a previous post. Thread moved on. Deleted. [Post edited 3 Jun 2020 10:10]
 | Forum Thread | "Move On" at 07:38 29 May 2020
It's a BS expression, isn't it? It says "I'm still pleading not guilty, despite evidence to the contrary, that I am not prepared to discuss". And it's such a loaded phrase. Packed up inside those two short words is an eye roll, a sigh, as well as the suggestion "Are you STILL babbling on about that? Really? No one else on this planet even cares. Just shut up, you loser". "Take Back Control" "Let's Get Brexit Done" "Move On" I hear and read people repeating these mantras, parrot-fashion. They're brilliant slogans, aren't they? Because even though they're persuasive and catchy, when you pick the meat from them there's really very little substance. Yet people in their millions can relate to them (in a cap-doffing, we-don't-understand-the-details" kind of way). I can certainly appreciate why Boris wants to keep the author of these slogans on his team, no matter the cost. Picture the scene. Following a hellish day in the House of Commons Boris returns to number 10 to find Carrie fellating special visitor Donald Trump. I've already thought of a catchy two word retort Donald should employ in lieu of an excuse. [Post edited 29 May 2020 7:39]
 | Forum Reply | Corona Virus at 06:57 29 May 2020
Shee-it. How upsetting. I'm awfully sorry to hear that, man. Presumably the impending easing of lockdown is going to increase her anxiety, but hopefully in time she'll adjust. At least until the next spike. Best wishes. |
 | Forum Reply | Any chess players on here at 17:45 25 May 2020
I'm currently on chess.com getting my ass handed to me by Master Bear. I struggle with the fragmentation of games on the Internet. If my opponent doesn't make a move for ten hours / two days I've forgotten any strategy I had in place. Edit: it ended in a draw. I was in a slight jam, tried a series of moves, we ended in the same place, I repeated my moveS and chess.com simply ended the game - drawn. A bit frustrating. [Post edited 25 May 2020 18:44]
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