| Forum Reply | London Mayor Sadiq Khan at 05:15 20 Jun 2020
Hitler didn't only murder six million Jews , he also killed a further four million people including homosexuals, mentally ill people , political opponents and Slavs. |
 | Forum Reply | Biden trumps Hilary at 22:14 25 May 2020
But so far nothing has come out here about Trump! If anything surfaced MSNBC,CNN and the New York Times would be on it like a rash, such is their hatred of the Orangeman! |
 | Forum Reply | Biden trumps Hilary at 18:39 25 May 2020
Absolutely, his supporters don't give a shit as Trump himself said he could walk down Fifth Ave shoot someone and he would still be elected. but as I said before these are accusations , what Biden has been accused of has been caught on video and his sexual assault accusation by Tara Reade is very credible. The ideal ticket for the Democrats would have been Bernie Sanders with Tulsi Gabbard, but the DNC didn't allow that and ensured that Biden would be the preferred candidate and effectively he would be Hillary 2.0 , but without her brains. Biden has declared that he wants a female Vice President who would succeed him as President when he steps down, the trouble is that his list is very unimpressive. Karmala Harris , US Senator and former California Attorney General who was accused of various malpractices including using prison labor for her own use plus she was destroyed by Tulsi Gabbard in the Democratic presidential debate. Amy Klobuchar , US Senator and a steady , but boring Politician Elizabeth Warren, US Senator a former progressive and is well known for lying of her Native American Heritage and her employment record,plus the Wall St backers of the Democratic party wouldn't allow Warren within one inch of the Vice Presidency. Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, who pissed off the residents of that state by doubling down of the lock down rules of that state. Stacey Abrams, former Georgia State Representative who is the least experienced and is the outsider in the race. Then there is the Elephant in the room and that is a certain Hillary Rodham Clinton who is hated with a passion by the majority of the American people. The Democratic establishment would love to see her as President , but are realistic enough to know she would never be accepted by the people. [Post edited 25 May 2020 18:43]
 | Forum Reply | Biden trumps Hilary at 15:20 25 May 2020
Trump has been accused of many things, some may be true some may not, but they are all accusations , there is video footage of Biden sniffing women's hair and touching young girls inappropiately also there is the accusation of sexual assault of Tara Reade who is not a Trump supporter , but a Bernie supporter. Also Bidens son who is a well known drug addict was put onto the board of a Ukrainian gas company with no experience of that industry just because of his fathers name and Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired so that he wouldn't investigate Hunter Bidens involvement in the firm, btw Joe Biden bragged on video that he got the prosecutor fired. To be honest with you Bernie Sanders would have been a better and more credible opponent than Biden and probably would have beaten Trump. But Biden is the choice of a very corrupt DNC that would rather suck up to big business and the military industrial complex than see a progressive like Sanders win. If Biden won he would be a one term president at the most and at the least he would be replaced by his Vice President. |
 | Forum Reply | Biden trumps Hilary at 14:42 25 May 2020
The problem is the Democrats didn't want a Corbyn or they would have chosen Bernie Sanders ! The DNC did all their power to ensure Sanders didn't get the nomination and they went all in for Biden , but problem with that is the fact that Biden has a shit load of baggage to contend with. He has been accused of a serious sexual assault to an intern in the 90's , inappropriate touching ,sniffing of women and young girls, his son being on the board of a Ukrainian energy firm and the subsequent firing of the chief Ukrainian anti corruption official on Bidens behest and lastly the former Vice-Presidents obvious decline into senility. The DNC quietly are now having second thought of having a Uncle Joe on the ticket because of his controversial past and his gaffes. But the left leaning media here in the States seems to ignore that as long as he is not Trump, so who do you have a boorish narcissistic ogre who transformed the economy before the virus screwed everything or a senile old duffer who is creepy and corrupt with an accusation of a serious sexual assault and fomdeling of young girls and women ? |
 | Forum Reply | Goodbye my friends at 03:17 19 May 2020
I lost a Mother and Grandfather to this disease as many on this board have been touched by the scourge of cancer. Your bravery is an inspiration to everyone reading your post. May your remaining time be as painless and peaceful as possible. YJB |
 | Forum Reply | Trump cleared. at 01:48 7 Feb 2020
Bannon was to Trump, what Dominic Cummings is to Boris Johnson. At the moment there is no one on the Democrat side who can challenge Trump. Bernie Sanders is too left wing for America, Joe Biden is too old , confused and has the scandel of his son being appointed on the board of an energy company in the Ukraine, Elizabeth Warren has lied on numerous times that the voters hardly believe anything she says. Mayor Pete is too young and unfortunately his sexuality will put off many older voters. Bloomberg has only entered the race as a vanity project, he hates Trump and that is why he's running ! The only two candidates with any respect are Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard and they both have a cat in hells chance of winning which is unfortunate as they talk about policies and solutions and not carry on about 'Orange man bad!' The American people are pissed off with this impeachment crap. The most fascinating election will not be this one ,but the election in 2024. |
 | Forum Reply | It’s all kicking off in Iraq right now at 13:55 10 Jan 2020
My mistake , it had been negotiating for the purchase of the S-400 , nevertheless if it does have the S-300 they must have Russian advisors training the operators and as I said before the Russians don't have the best reputation when it comes to downing civilian aircraft! |
 | Forum Reply | It’s all kicking off in Iraq right now at 12:20 10 Jan 2020
Iran has bought the S-400 missile system from Russia and more than likely that the surface to air system is manned by Russian advisors, as we all know Russia has a nice history of shooting down civilian airliners the Korean 747 over Sakalin island in the 80's to the Malaysian airliner over the Ukraine more recently! When it comes to identifying military and civilian aircraft, your average Russian missile and radar operators couldn't differentiate between a Moose and a 737 ! |
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