| Forum Reply | 🔴 Likely candidates for the Swans job at 07:11 18 Feb 2025
this next appointment will give us an idea of where the new owners/board want to go,will they just be plodding along or like brum go for it? whoever they decide on will need money to spend and if they want to be contenders and stay in this div( as a first priority) they need to go for a top draw experianced guy (who will cost a few bob) he will want a budget to bring in guys in the summer and might even convince Mr Darlling to stay to help take the club upwards maybe?, again more money, its not going to be done on the cheap sorry to say, can it be done within the fair play rules ? not sure as they are hoping to change, but for me this next appointment with our new D O F now in place will show what the new owners are aiming for got everything crossed that is going to put Swansea back in a competative spin upwards and not the other way |
 | Forum Reply | Luke Williams at 12:32 17 Feb 2025
think i read somewhere he is here for the "forseable future" If the board (the new one) know whats going on and its their money, we have years of supporting the club since we were all in school( a very long time ago in my case lol) and its in our d n a I was hoping for an improvement when Mr Coalman and his contacts took over but its worse than before, if its down to money for not making changes and positive ones at that why did they agree to buy us? they must have know what the problems are, Mr Chairman and board, dont fanny about get someone who knows what the correct way to sort this utter carnage out or your investment like the club will go down the tubes, fans leaving sponcers leaving an utter embarisment |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City : Luke puts his foot in it again ! at 11:05 15 Feb 2025
well the proof will be in the pudding, i for one wish him well and hope he can stop this slide down the table, It is IMPERATIVE we stay in this div and not fall through the trap door, For whatever reason not enough new faces came into the club last window i am hoping that , whilst not ideal the chap can unearth 1 or 2 free guys that will lessen the load on what we have input some more drive and pride Best of luck today lads you CAN bring home 3 points going to be hard but you can do it SAFE travel to all that are there backing the lads in person |
 | Forum Reply | Which teams will go down? at 14:06 13 Feb 2025
Plymouth have brought in a new manager and new players in the last window something we have not done |
 | Forum Reply | Is this guy really off the menu at 08:36 8 Feb 2025
those are the type of people who could do the job but wont get either, so why not , cap in hand mr Chairman go to Mr Birch for one and ask for some guidanceon what to do and who would be a good fit? |
 | Forum Reply | Potential Manager Candidates to Replace Williams at 19:12 6 Feb 2025
well the window has slammed shut and we have what we have, the manager in not going to be moved out in the short term and wether we agree with it or disagree with it the board have made the decison and we have nosay in the matter, so its their money and in my opinion unless changes are not made BOTH on and off thefield we are going to struggle, the players we have are the ones who will either keep us in this div or the ones to take us down, we all have opinions which i for one respect but NOW the lads pulling on the shirt NEED us with them, the coaches, all of them need to look at what we have and set up the players to at least not lose and be competative, the manager and the chairman have to sort the mess we are in or the pair of them could be moving on if the board cannot see a plan and improvement Now i know many will disagree with me but as i said we have what we have |
 | Forum Reply | Bristol City v Swansea City : Match day thread at 11:57 5 Feb 2025
so do i BUT we never play well on t v never this season just hope like you the team turns up and EVERYONE puts 100% effort desire and concentration in untill the final whistle'. This is the game that every player pulling on the white shirt of Swansea shows pride in their performance and total commitment to the cause, and for the full game . |
 | Forum Reply | January Transfer Thread at 10:01 4 Feb 2025
dobjac that is correct. Now if the board have any intrest in saving the season the chairman should be calling a board meeting via skipe or in person to get things moving forwards today, the chairman has tried and to be honest has been found wanting as he has no real idea about transfers etc, so we are told a d o f will be with us in March in the meantime where can improvements be made on the field as if this spiral continues we slide through the trap door and bigger problems, do we change the manager? if so who is available ? do we bring in a consultant to re vamp things untill the d o f arrives ? these are just a few of the things this new board should be looking at along with the actual running of the club which again seems in decline after this window us fans will walk as have thousands already and as i write can only see it getting worse unless changes are implimented an quickly |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City in absolute joke mode after deadline day at 09:22 4 Feb 2025
Agree with you Dave, but the whole board has to have some resposability for this totaly inept window the clubs below us will be rubbing their hands thinking theres 3 points and the ones above laughing at the poor way things are going on here, deplorable but lets be honest whilst every swans supporter was hoping for a positive window i think we all knew what was coming Chairman you said judge me on my actions well for me you are done!!!!! |
 | Forum Reply | January Transfer Thread at 21:32 3 Feb 2025
with just mins to go we are no better off for all the planning and securing guys to come in and improve the squad,the board have had months or even weeks to sort things, but since these U S A owners have taken over the bis has been abismal and the new board have not improved an iota same old promise after promise transfers sorted when window opens and here we are desperate for at least 3 or 4 but same every window, how the loyal fans of Swansea a f c have been led up the garden path by these owners yet again deplorable what is the point ????? |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City on deadline day : Afternoon update at 17:58 3 Feb 2025
are we being led up the garden path again but whats new? the lad from man city here yesterday, on off on now off? O brian off on off again now on either its all just rumour or the people sorting things just do not have a clue |
 | Forum Reply | Jacob Wright - Man City ... at 16:12 3 Feb 2025
approx 10 hours 30 mis plus to go and still nothing confirmed, so be lucky to get 2 and we need at least 4 even if no one else leaves,but way things are be lucky to get one |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City : Transfer Deadline Day at 14:30 3 Feb 2025
with the squad still very paper thin not looking like we will be getting the 4 or5 we need in a let aloneif Darling or Fulton also leave but still a bit of time, tick tock |
 | Forum Reply | January Transfer Thread at 07:34 3 Feb 2025
being reported elsewhere he wont be here a family matter tick tock 11 pm looming |
 | Forum Reply | Swansea City in another shocking display at 13:18 2 Feb 2025
unless the chairman brings in at LEAST 4 new guys to improve the first team no matter who is in charge the spiral down will continue till we fall through the trap door as a chairman he asked to be judged on his actions, well he has untill 11 p m tomorrow to sort the mess ON the field with good signings then from tuesday on start to sort the mess he is in charge of off the field or completly fail on both counts |
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