| Forum Reply | Spennymoor at home at 18:07 3 Mar 2025
Lot of noise on X about £1 to get in. This won’t happen as Spennymoor A- have to agree and B - they get half the takings after expenses . So they’ll want a decent pay day out of us. Saturday was £15 so wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same. I’d like to see it brought down to £10 with £5 for concessions. |
 | Forum Reply | Fylde away match thread. at 15:11 27 Dec 2024
Was in hospitality yesterday and heard one of the Directors refer to him as ‘ Basher Barlow’ after his mini bust up in the Tamworth match. Made me chuckle |
 | Forum Reply | Solihull Match Thread at 07:41 16 Sep 2024
My thoughts are that we started well enough but the game changed after about 15 mins. Dale had a corner and were about to recycle the ball when. Surprise surprise their GK went down with a mystery injury forcing the ref to stop the game and our momentum. All the SM players went over to the bench and they then changed their style of play by pressing us quicker and higher up the pitch. This led to their goal and after that whilst we ‘may’ have controlled the ball Solihull controlled the game. We only came back into it in the last 10-15 mins. FWIW. I’d like to see McNulty play a 3-5-2 (or whatever you call it) and start with East, Gilmour and Henry as a central midfield with the 3 defenders and wing backs as they are. Henry and East are both creative leaving Gilmour to play the Gary Jones role of ‘ratting’ and getting in and amongst the opposition midfield. It might even allow us to play through the midfield more effectively. Rodney is wasted in his current role and this formation would allow him to play his more natural role. He’s much more of a threat up top and would give Mitchell much needed support. We have still plenty of options off the bench to change things if necessary. Oh and whilst in theory resting players is a good idea, I’d start with my strongest line up every match. It seems to me that McNulty is rotating for the sake of it. |
 | Forum Reply | Player Salaries at 19:48 2 Apr 2024
Only people I know except HMRC thats got access to everyone’s payslips Im guessing ‘they’re guessing’ |
 | Forum Reply | BOREHAMWOOD MATCH POSTPONED at 22:01 21 Feb 2024
Errm. Well spotted Miss Marple. Bet you hate losing at Cluedo. Just saying it just might put what our groundstaff have to deal with working with a lot less money in to some sort of context |
 | Forum Reply | BOREHAMWOOD MATCH POSTPONED at 21:00 21 Feb 2024
Anyone seen the state of Bradfords pitch tonight might put things in perspective They have a bigger fan base = money and it’s still a shite pitch. So maybe, just maybe, our groundstaff are doing a decent job |
 | Forum Reply | NFR at 20:14 12 Feb 2024
29th is gonna be pretty confusing then |
 | Forum Reply | NFR at 20:06 12 Feb 2024
Not sure how it works but if he is deselected can he still stand ? Or will he withdraw himself from the ballot. If he doesn’t then IMO he’s a fool as it will do Labour more harm than good |
 | Forum Reply | NFR at 19:58 12 Feb 2024
Might in the longer run work out in our favour As Labour will go all out to regain the seat at the General Election. Let’s see if our Labour Council grasp this nettle and do something good for the club |
 | Forum Reply | Buying more shares? at 13:15 6 Jan 2024
Your right re season tickets (imo). I think that they’ve been underpriced for the last 2 to 3 seasons. easy maths but say an extra £50 on a full day price ticket next season would possibly bring in an extra £75k. |
 | Forum Reply | Scunthorpe at 12:29 30 Sep 2023
It’s alright having all of the questions TS. But where’s your answers ? Think it was Richard Knight that said at either the fans forum or EGM That he’d be a lot happier sat asking the questions rather than answering them. The shareholders have every right to oust this board as they did with the last one. If that’s what you want then rally the shareholders and vote them off. There are plenty plenty on here who ‘say’ they can do a better job so perhaps now is the time for them to step forward. Not sure this board would go meekly as they have so much money tied up in shares and now loans |
 | Forum Reply | Halifax Town (H) Match Thread at 17:30 2 Sep 2023
Nevett coming on might have been a better option. Whilst he’s still a little lightweight as a defender He’s more of a ball playing CH who can see a pass. It could have given us more options with him stepping up into midfield with the ball |
 | Forum Thread | No subject at 17:44 25 Aug 2023
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66613444 This is a big part of the problem. How much money of this circa £2billion will be spent on home grown talent and how much is going overseas ? Any money spent on home grown has the potential to trickle down the pyramid If there was a 10% levy on overseas transactions then that would put £200 million into the FA/FL coffers for distribution. 5%=100 etc. (That’s obviously assuming all 2billion was overseas). A sizeable chunk that could be used to put extra funding in to our own academies. Wont happen of course |
 | Forum Reply | Taurus and the Sandy/Wilbutts gate at 22:00 23 Aug 2023
It’s all well and good penning a motion to remove the current Board, But who will put themselves forward to take over ?. As Knight said at the EGM he’d be quite happy to sit and ask questions rather than being asked them. If you or others want to pick up the sh-tty end of a stick then go for it. The no confidence vote removed Botters and Rawlinson so it can remove Gauge and Co From what I’ve heard from Knight he’s done all he can (or wants to) He seems straight talking but unfortunately seems to be Gauges puppet. As for Murray I think he’s in tough position. Expected to represent the fans but hamstrung by being a Director and all that entails Wouldn’t want any of those 3’s positions just now |
 | Forum Reply | If only we could do this.... at 22:54 9 Aug 2023
Pardon me for not knowing the difference there’s some pedantic (is that a word) smart arses on here that are always wanting to put occasional posters down for no reason I’m sure the above doesn’t pass basic English O level but best I can do |
 | Forum Reply | If only we could do this.... at 22:44 9 Aug 2023
What was mentioned to me tonight is that with the exception of Col most of the Trust board voted against the motion. Why ? And why did Col vote for ? Is there a split in what the Trust is thinking |
 | Forum Reply | Dunphy withdraws bid at 12:35 1 May 2023
It would have been nice to know who his associates were and can they along with CD buy £25k worth of shares and be Co-opted on to the Board to help out ? |
 | Forum Reply | Rochdale's Relegation: Mark Hodkinson Q&A at 22:40 28 Apr 2023
Looks like Hodkinson didn’t like the fact he was politely told that he had no more rights than any other fan to expect answers. Then portrays it as a journalist (?) being given a snub. Fair play to Knight for seeing through Hodkinson. Who knows what confidences could have been broken had he gone along and answered any questions |
 | Forum Reply | Spare tickets for Bradford game - will pay at 09:23 15 Apr 2023
Id guess if you turn up at the ticket office very early they will sort you one Don’t leave it any later than 12.00 as that’s when it will start to get busy Or give them a call and see what they say ? Worst they can say is no |
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